Nihonbashi Kadokichi - Chuo City

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nihonbashi Kadokichi

住所 :

9-7 Nihonbashikabutocho, Chuo City, Tokyo 103-0026, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Postal code : 103-0026
Webサイト :

9-7 Nihonbashikabutocho, Chuo City, Tokyo 103-0026, Japan
小林誠 on Google

ランチタイムと夕方以降のどちらも利用したことがあります。ランチは場所柄を考えたらリーズナブル?かと。 夜の方は複数人数で行くので、たくさん飲み食いしても5000円を越えたことは、これまではありません。 店内少し狭いですが、なぜか落ち着いて過ごすことが出来ます。
I have used it both at lunch time and after the evening. Is lunch reasonable considering the location? Kato. Since we go with multiple people at night, we have never exceeded 5,000 yen even if we eat and drink a lot. The inside of the store is a little small, but for some reason you can spend your time calmly.
にゃんこ on Google

I ate a fried chicken set meal, but it was fried chicken. It's a shame because it's passa passa. There is no amount and quality!
ゆっくりちゃん on Google

安いから2軒目利用したー! ハムカツ美味しかった!
I used the second one because it's cheap! The hamukatsu was delicious!
koji August on Google

You can eat delicious skewered dishes. Lunch is a great deal with a large serving service. The taste is reasonable. Katsudon is a gentle seasoning that is not relatively strong.
Kensuke Komatsu on Google

昼ごはんのホルモン丼がオススメ。 モツがかなりたくさん乗っかっている。モツ煮の小鉢に入っているような、ニンジンやゴボウはホルモン丼にはのっていない。 ご飯とモツ、これをしっかり味わうことができる。
We recommend the hormone bowl for lunch. There are quite a lot of offal on board. Carrots and burdock, which are in small bowls of motsuni, are not included in the hormone bowl. You can taste rice and offal.
tony's factory on Google

もつ焼のお店。ランチは比較的安価なメニューを提供。 もつ鍋が食べたかった私としてはもつ煮丼も気になるので暖簾をくぐる。 ご飯も大盛無料とのことで、定食と異なり丼物はここで決めないとご飯が追加できないため、考える間もなく大盛を注文。 お出ましたのは、シンプルにもつ煮がご飯にかけられたもの。もつ煮は蒟蒻や野菜の少なく臓物がふんだんに乗せられたボリュームを感じるもの。味付けはもちろん味噌であるが、甘さが丁度良い。 味噌汁も若布のオーソドックスながら美味しいもの。 向こうでは威勢の良い女性が卓を往ったり来たりしている。気兼ねの無いお店である。 食べ終わって思う所。モツカレーも気になる。
Offal grill shop. Lunch offers a relatively inexpensive menu. As I wanted to eat motsunabe, I was also worried about the motsuni bowl, so I went through the noren. It is said that rice is also free of charge, and unlike set meals, rice cannot be added unless the bowl is decided here, so I ordered a large serving without thinking. The one that came out was simply boiled motsuni on rice. The motsuni has a small amount of konjac and vegetables, and you can feel the volume with plenty of guts. Of course, the seasoning is miso, but the sweetness is just right. Miso soup is also delicious while being orthodox of wakame seaweed. Over there, a dashing woman is coming and going from the table. It's a shop without hesitation. Where I think I've finished eating. I'm also worried about motsu curry.
なかのり(にゃの) on Google

You can get cheap and very good fat products.
わか on Google

ランチタイムに利用しました。通りがけで見つけたのですが、モツ煮丼に惹かれて入ってみました。平日12時前でしたが、8割程度の混雑、回転が早そうなのがいいと思います。 ランチは大盛無料でしたが、小盛りを選択。頼むと2〜3分で提供されました。 柔らかく煮込まれたモツで好みの味です。このボリューム、味でこの辺りで700円はいいのでは。和牛ホルモン焼きを次回は頼んでみたい。 機会があれば夜も行ってみたいです。 2022.3月
I used it for lunch. I found it on the street, but I was attracted to the motsu-boiled rice bowl and tried it. It was before 12:00 on weekdays, but I think it's good that it's about 80% crowded and the rotation seems to be fast. Lunch was free for a large serving, but I chose a small serving. When asked, it was provided in a few minutes. The softly stewed offal is a favorite taste. With this volume and taste, 700 yen is good around here. I would like to order Wagyu horumonyaki next time. I would like to go there at night if I have a chance. 2022.3 March

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