
4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 茅場町整骨院

住所 :

Nihonbashi, Chuo City, 〒103-0025 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.kayahone.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 7:30AM–1:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 7:30AM–7:30PM
Tuesday 7:30AM–5PM
Wednesday 7:30AM–7:30PM
Thursday 7:30AM–5PM
Friday 7:30AM–7:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Nihonbashi, Chuo City, 〒103-0025 Tokyo,Japan
うし on Google

膝を痛めたので受診しました。 初めに、健康保険について、初診料、次回診療料を丁寧に説明して頂けました。 治療も適切で、すぐ良くなることができました。 とにかく分かりやすく説明してもらえて、不安解消です。 他の方のレビューの通り信頼置ける整骨院だと思います。
I had a medical examination because I hurt my knee. At the beginning, about health insurance, I was able to explain the first medical examination fee and the next medical treatment fee carefully. The treatment was appropriate and I was able to get better soon. Anyway, you can explain in an easy-to-understand manner, and it is anxious cancellation. I think it is a reliable osteopathic clinic according to other people's review.
Ren Ren on Google

He gave me a convincing explanation for the pain in my leg, and the treatment was polite.
naoki on Google

首、肩が重くて来院しました。 診察〜施術までテキパキ行ってくださり、とても心地よかったです。 施術後、ベットから起き上がった時に、首がとても軽くなっており、びっくりしました。 近いので、また辛くなったら行こうと思います。
My neck and shoulders were heavy and I visited the hospital. It was very comfortable to go from examination to treatment. After treatment, when I got up from the bed, my neck was very light and I was surprised. It ’s close, so I ’ll go if it ’s hard again.
hanako nanashi on Google

一言。ゴッドハンドでした。 腰痛、肩こり、足のだるさが1回でまるっと治ってしまっていいのか? と逆にこちらが心配になるくらいでした。 受付をした時と、処置後に整骨院を出る時の体の軽さがあまりにも違いすぎて、驚愕しました。
A word. It was a god hand. Is it all right to completely cure back pain, stiff shoulders, and dull legs? On the contrary, I was worried about this. I was amazed at how light the body was when I received it and when I left the osteopathic clinic after the procedure.
ももちゃん on Google

久々の2度目の利用です。 すぐ近くのもう少し口コミが高い整骨院に1度浮気をしましたが、そこも悪くはないですが料金がなかなかの割高で儲けを重視してるように感じたので、 茅場町整骨院さんに戻りました。 こちらはまず料金が安心ですし、痛みの元や原因などを写真などで丁寧に説明してくれます。もちろん接客も迅速丁寧で満足です。 どちらか迷われているならぜひお勧めです。
It is the second use after a long time. I had an affair at an osteopathic clinic with a little more reviews in the immediate vicinity, but it's not bad, but I felt that the price was quite expensive and I emphasized profit, so I returned to Mr. Kayabacho. First of all, the price is safe, and the cause and cause of the pain are explained carefully with photos. Of course, customer service is quick and polite, and I'm satisfied. If you are in doubt, I highly recommend it.
鳥井隆 on Google

I had a pain in my neck and was treated, but one treatment improved it considerably.
犬山猫吉 on Google

I visited for the first time because of severe pain that seems to be 50 shoulders. After the treatment, the range of motion of the shoulders expanded surprisingly. To be honest, I didn't expect much. (Excuse me!) It's the first time I've felt such a change at a manipulative or osteopathic clinic. I also recommend it to my colleagues at work. You can rest assured that the explanation is easy to understand and the accounting is clear.
名無ししんのすけ on Google

I was introduced by an acquaintance, but the response and technology are ◎. My physical condition after treatment is good and there is no problem so far.

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