Nextage Oyama - Oyama

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nextage Oyama

住所 :

752-1 Kizawa, Oyama, Tochigi 323-0014, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Postal code : 323-0014
Webサイト :

752-1 Kizawa, Oyama, Tochigi 323-0014, Japan
R on Google

I was able to get a satisfactory purchase price from another company. Mr. Oki, who is in charge, is glad to ask for a sense of intimacy because he is the same age. Thank you for your response! !!
阿部和彦 on Google

この前キックスを見に行きましたわざわざ足利から来たのに最低の接客でした。白◯という男に対応されましたが酷い。酷すぎる。 下取り査定お願いしたのに見もせずに帰されました。接客の作法なんて1ミリも教えない会社なんでしょうね! 新古車などを考えの方は少し高いかも知れませんがディーラーで新車を購入することをおすすめします!
I went to see Kicks the other day, but it was the worst customer service even though I came all the way from Ashikaga. It was dealt with by a man named White ◯, but it was terrible. It's too cruel. I asked for a trade-in assessment, but I was returned without seeing it. It's a company that doesn't teach you how to serve customers even a millimeter! If you are thinking of a new old car, it may be a little expensive, but we recommend that you buy a new car at a dealer!
T KI on Google

初めて車を売り、初めて中古車を買うとういうことで何も分からなく不安でいっぱいだったが担当者の辻さんという方は時間かけて丁寧かつ親身になって相談を受けてくださって最高でした! ホントにありがとうございます!!
I was full of anxiety because I didn't know anything about selling a car for the first time and buying a used car for the first time. !! Thank you so much! !!
まりボーン on Google

一年前くらいですが彼女が車を買い、車が用意出来たとのことで同行しました。 傷が無く、状態が良い車と説明があり、その後車を見に行きました、たしかに無駄なコーティングなどをつけているので見た目は綺麗です。 しかし、フロントバンパーの下に擦った跡が広範囲にあり、あれ?と思いました。彼女は車の知識ないのでやられたな。と思いました 買った後なのでなにも言えず泣き寝入りです。 傷が無く?腹下ならまだしも下とはいえ外装の一部に入るので、騙す気満々でしたね。 色々と突っ込むと彼氏さん車に詳しいと思うので彼氏さんに聞いてみてくださいといい、話を終わらせようとしていました。 後、コーティングの時に付いた明らかな傷です。 こっちは見れば分かるので少しは直す努力をしましょう。 あと、これはかなりやばい話ですがローン審査で正直に年収、その他諸々の金額を書き、ローンが通らなそうだと年収を高く書いてと言われます。普通に詐欺罪に該当するので直ちにやめた方がいいですよ
About a year ago, she bought a car and accompanied her because the car was ready. There was an explanation that the car was in good condition with no scratches, and then I went to see the car. It looks beautiful because it has a useless coating. However, there are extensive rubbing marks under the front bumper, is that? I thought. She didn't know about cars, so she was killed. I thought After I bought it, I couldn't say anything and fell asleep. No scratches? If it's under the belly, it's still part of the exterior, even if it's underneath, so I was full of deception. I think that I am familiar with my boyfriend's car when I dig in various things, so I asked my boyfriend to ask, and I was trying to end the story. Later, it is an obvious scratch on the coating. You can see this by looking at it, so let's try to fix it a little. Also, this is a pretty bad story, but it is said that you honestly write the annual income and other various amounts in the loan examination, and if the loan does not go through, write the annual income high. It's usually a fraudulent crime, so you should stop immediately.
清野智導 on Google

電話で査定をお願いしてから、すぐにアポを取り、その日のうちに現車査定までしていただきました。 対応は山口様にしていただきましたが、テキパキと説明も明確にしていただき、最終的には希望額で契約までする事ができました。 非常に満足いく内容でした。 ありがとうございました。
After asking for an assessment over the phone, I immediately made an appointment and had the current car assessed on the same day. Mr. Yamaguchi responded, but I was able to make a contract with the desired amount in the end by clarifying the explanation and explanation. It was a very satisfying content. Thank you very much.
さささ on Google

We asked for advice on car assessment and transfer. Anyway, the story that had nothing to do with the sales person in charge was long. I wanted to rush in because I wasn't interested in your personality. Besides, I was worried whether I could leave it to this person because I had no knowledge of cars. I wondered if I should have knowledge of cars even if I didn't like it if I worked for many years, but I didn't have it at all. It was too late to get a quote or anything. However, the greetings when I entered the store were perfect.
さとう on Google

車本体と価格は他の店よりも良いと思いますが、サービスは最悪です。 契約される方は商談の際に、ボイスレコーダーで商談内容を録音し、自分の理解に間違いがないか、相手に内容を復唱させたり、契約書案などはカメラで毎回保存することをオススメします。 以下低評価理由(長文になります) ①保険の契約を断ったにも関わらず、後日、契約の際に保険の契約に同意したと言われました。 ②商談の最後に無料でこのサービスをお付けしますと言われて契約したのにサービスが有料になっていたため、再度連絡したら、サービス料金分下取りを上げていますと回答がありましたが、下取り料金は変化なしでした(契約直前の書類は処分しますと言われていたため原本は処分されており、カメラで撮っていた写真を見せることで事なきを得ました)。 ③有料のサービスサポートの内容においても、一番最初はオイル交換などはネクステージだけでなく、ディーラーでも無料で交換可能と説明を受けましたが、最後に確認したところネクステージでしか無料交換出来ないと言われた上に、自分は最初からそう説明したと言われました。 長くなりましたが、車の状態と本体価格は良いため、契約される場合はサービスやオプションを全て断り、購入後にディーラー等のサービスサポートに入ることをオススメします。
I think the car itself and the price are better than other stores, but the service is the worst. It is recommended that those who make a contract record the contents of the negotiation with a voice recorder at the time of the negotiation, have the other party repeat the contents to see if there is any mistake in their understanding, and save the contract draft etc. with the camera every time. .. The following reasons for low evaluation (long text) (1) Even though I declined the insurance contract, I was told that I agreed to the insurance contract at the time of the contract at a later date. (2) At the end of the negotiation, I was told that I would attach this service for free, but the service was charged, so when I contacted again, there was a reply that I was raising the trade-in for the service fee, but I traded in. The price did not change (the original was disposed of because it was said that the documents just before the contract would be disposed of, and I was able to get things done by showing the photos taken by the camera). (3) Regarding the content of paid service support, at the very beginning, I was told that not only Nextage but also dealers can change oil for free, but at the end I confirmed that it can only be changed for free at Nextage. On top of that, I was told that I explained that from the beginning. Although it has become longer, it is recommended that you decline all services and options when contracting and enter service support such as dealers after purchase because the condition of the car and the price of the main body are good.
鈴木精一朗 on Google

査定のときから丁寧に対応していただき、次の車もこちらで購入したいと思い伺いました。 こちらの希望を伝え、一生懸命希望通りに頑張っていただきました。 今後も末永くお付き合いできたらと思います。
We asked him to take care of us from the time of the assessment and would like to purchase the next car here. He conveyed his hope and did his best as he wished. I hope I can keep in touch with you for a long time.

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