Nextage Kuwana - Kuwana

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nextage Kuwana

住所 :

566 Izumi, Kuwana, Mie 511-0838, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8997
Postal code : 511-0838
Webサイト :

566 Izumi, Kuwana, Mie 511-0838, Japan
panda papa on Google

I bought a car here. There was no particular problem from contract to delivery. The correspondence of the sales person was also good. But is the cost other than the vehicle a little expensive? I think I was able to make a good purchase even if I deducted it.
阿万一軌 on Google

初めてこちらでお世話になりました。 こちらの急なお願いに対しても、迅速に対応していただき助かりました。 スタッフの里村さんは、1年目とお伺いしておりましたが、知識と多く落ち着きもありとても新人さんとは思えない立ち振る舞いでした。 今後の活躍も期待しております。
Thank you for your help here for the first time. Thank you for your prompt response to this urgent request. Mr. Satomura, a staff member, said that he was in his first year, but he had a lot of knowledge and calmness, and he behaved like a newcomer. We look forward to your future success.
斎藤さとみ on Google

妊娠中の購入検討であり、お店の人に伝えていました。契約間近で見積もりも出してもらった後、具合が悪くなり一度退店したいことを伝えると明らかに態度が変わりました。「逆に何が引っかかってサインできないんですか?」と言われました。 お店を出て体調を整え、その日のうちに再度来店しても態度は変わらず不貞腐れているような印象でした。 契約をすると言っても笑顔もなく「そうですか」と事務手続きの話を淡々と進めるのみ。 まず最初にサインしてくださいと言われとりあえずサイン。その後説明。 納車方法の詳しい説明なんて無かったのに、説明された事としてチェックが入っていました。 近くまで届けてもらうことも考えていたのに有無も言わさず。 正直悪い印象しか残りませんでした。 表示されている車両本体価格からメンテナンス、車検等オプション付けて約100万くらい値段が上がり、さらにそこから30 万値引きで契約しました。お手頃とは思いませんでした。
It was a purchase consideration during pregnancy and I told the shop staff. After getting a quote near the contract, I felt sick and told me that I wanted to leave the store, and my attitude changed obviously. I was asked, "On the contrary, why can't I sign because I'm stuck?" When I left the shop, I adjusted my physical condition and came back to the shop again on the same day, my attitude remained the same, and I felt as if I was unfaithful. Even if I say to make a contract, there is no smile and I just ask, "Is that so?" First of all, I was asked to sign, so I signed for the time being. Then explained. Although there was no detailed explanation of the delivery method, it was checked as being explained. Although I was thinking about getting it close to me, I did not say whether it was there or not. To be honest, I only had a bad impression. From the displayed price of the vehicle itself, including maintenance and vehicle inspection options, the price went up by about 1 million, and from there, we contracted for a 300,000 discount. I didn't think it was affordable.
モチベーション君 on Google

対応よしです 担当も いやなしつこさはあまりなく楽しく交渉できる店と思います。数件同じ条件で他社へも行きましたが 特に大手G社より10倍良かった 決めましたよ
I think it's a good place to negotiate with the person in charge without much stubbornness. I went to other companies under the same conditions several times, but I decided that it was 10 times better than the major G company.
田中和美 on Google

車をみていたら2度も轢かれかけた。 降りて謝罪するでもなくものすごいスピードで場内を運転している。 店内にいると客の悪口が聞こえて来るお店
When I was looking at the car, I was run over twice. Instead of getting off and apologizing, he is driving in the hall at a tremendous speed. A shop where you can hear bad words from customers when you are inside the shop
太田恒雄 on Google

I promised to go to the time, but I couldn't show my face even after waiting for a few minutes. There was no word to wait a little longer. I came back saying that I would come back again. With that foot, I bought a new car at another store.
スズクサ on Google

お店ではなく、担当者が悪かったが、同じ時間に競合他社数社で来てもらい見積もりを頼んだが、前日に『まさに自分の車が、ネクステージのお客様が求めている条件にバッチリなので相場も他社も関係なく高額出させてもらいます!』と電話でいっておいて、いざ当日、一番に来たのは良いが、『数社来た時、中々値段言わない業者いますから、その会社は早く切った方がいいですよ!』と言いつつ『A社はいくらでした?!B社はいくらでした?!』って自分が最後まで言わない! で、その場ではネクステージ以外の2社が同価格での最高値だったが1日保留して考えさせてください。と言って明日電話します!と言ったら、その時点で他社より低い金額で、昨日相場とか他社とか関係なく凄い高額で取ると言ったの忘れたのか?!お前は政治家並の嘘つきか?!とおもってたら、 『電話でいきなり他社に決めました!だけは無しにしてください!』とか『こちらも仕事できてますので』って前日の時点で全ての会社に複数社が来ると伝えてあるのだから、一社以外選ばれないから、選ばれない確率のが高いのに、かなりムカついた!! で、次の日、自分の中では他社に決まってたが律儀に会社に電話したら、『○○は本日公休いただいております!』 って…… 担当のやつ自分の言いたい事だけ客である自分に全てぶつけてきて、当日もネチネチしつこかったから、次の日に電話で!と何回も言ったのにも関わらず!いざ次の日約束通り電話したら公休って……舐めとんのか! あまりに頭に来て電話に出た人に、公休なら前日に分かってたやろ!? &担当の奴にかなりムカついた事と、他社に決定したから2度と電話もメールもするな!と伝えたのに翌日電話してくるという神経!気は確かか!? 担当の奴のせいでネクステージの評価はマイナスをつけたいぐらいです!
The person in charge was bad, not the shop, but at the same time several competitors came and asked for a quote, but the day before, "My car is exactly what the nextage customers are looking for, so the market price is also I will give you a high price regardless of other companies! It's good to come first on the day of the call, but "When several companies come, there are some companies that don't say the price, so it's better to quit the company early!" "How much was Company A?" !! How much was Company B? !! I won't say until the end! So, on the spot, two companies other than Nextage had the highest price at the same price, but let me put it on hold for one day and think about it. I'll call you tomorrow! Did you forget that you said that you would get a lower price than other companies at that time, and yesterday you would get a very high price regardless of the market price or other companies? !! Are you a politician-like liar? !! If you think "I suddenly decided on another company by phone! Just leave it out! "I can work here too" or "Because I can work here", it is said that multiple companies will come to all companies as of the day before, so there is a high probability that they will not be selected because only one company can be selected. I was pretty sick! !! Then, the next day, I had decided to be another company, but when I called the company in a lawful manner, "○○ is on public holiday today! 』\ What ... The guy in charge hit me with everything I wanted to say, and I was persistent on the day, so call me the next day! Despite saying many times! The next day, if I call as promised, I'll take a public holiday ... Is it licking! For those who came to my head too much and answered the phone, I knew the day before if it was a public holiday! ?? & I was so annoyed by the person in charge, and I decided to use another company, so don't call or email me again! I told him that he would call me the next day! Are you sure! ?? Because of the person in charge, I want to give a negative rating to Nextage!
おにぎり梅 on Google

担当者は物腰柔らかでしたが車両価格からの見積もりが高い。 一番おどろおたのは名義変更手当が39800円だった事。どんなに安く見積もっても20万は上乗せだった。 他のお店に行では、車検費用も入れて20万上乗せだった。 手数料が高すぎる。
The person in charge was soft, but the estimate from the vehicle price is high. The most surprising thing was that the name change allowance was 39,800 yen. No matter how cheap it was estimated, 200,000 was added. At other shops, it was an additional 200,000 including the vehicle inspection fee. The fee is too high.

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