Nextage Hiroshima Misasa - Hiroshima

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nextage Hiroshima Misasa

住所 :

1-15 Misasa Kitamachi, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0006, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88997
Postal code : 733-0006
Webサイト :

1-15 Misasa Kitamachi, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0006, Japan
台湾ケン太郎 on Google

新車の納車日が決まり、B社やG社などと相見積… 他社よりIT化が進んでいるので話や見積などが早い。 また、徹底的に分業化されているが連絡や報告なも同業他社より素晴らしい。 代車は用意されなかったが、他社の買取価格や新車ディーラーの下取よりも高かったので1週間ぐらい我慢出来ました。 それにしても、問い合わせから出張査定の担当者が自宅訪問までも迅速でした。 全てにおいて仕事が早い。 少し、びっくりするかもしれません。 また、お世話になりたいです。
The delivery date of the new car has been decided, and a phase estimate with companies B and G ... Since IT is becoming more advanced than other companies, talks and quotations are quick. Also, although the division of labor is thoroughly divided, contact and reporting are better than other companies in the same industry. No substitute car was prepared, but it was higher than the purchase price of other companies and the trade-in of new car dealers, so I could put up with it for about a week. Even so, it was quick from the inquiry to the person in charge of the business trip assessment to visit my home. Work is fast in everything. You may be a little surprised. Also, I would like to take care of you.
it motive on Google

重田さんに対応して頂き、高値で買い取って頂きました。 広島ではまだ知名度が低い会社のようですが、 対応力の高さと納得感はピカイチの営業マンさん及び会社です!!
We had Mr. Shigeta respond and bought it at a high price. It seems that the company is still not well known in Hiroshima, Pikaichi's salesman and company are highly responsive and convinced! !!
kazuya “bastardeyes321” izumo on Google

Mr. Kodama was in charge, and I had him do his best in the assessed amount and reached the desired amount, and I was able to make a pleasant transaction. If I have the opportunity, I would like to consult with you. thank you
m h on Google

久永さんに予想を遥かに超える金額を提示いただきました!!! 1・2年で買い替えしているので、今までも何社も買取で利用していますが、接客姿勢等含め感激したのは初めてです。 今後こちら以外で買取をお願いすることはないと思います。 ありがとうございました!!!
Mr. Hisanaga presented an amount far beyond expectations! !! !! I have been buying a new one in a year or two, so I have been using it for purchases by many companies, but this is the first time I have been impressed with the customer service attitude. I don't think we will ask you to buy anything other than here in the future. thank you! !! !!
堕天使 on Google

ここでの車の売却は辞めた方が良いです。 後悔します。また、この会社で車を買うのも辞めた方が良いです。この会社は、買い取りしたら後は知りませんの最低な会社です。 ネットで調べたら、良い評価はなし。 この口コミで書かれてる事も信じない方が良いです。ビックモーター、ガリバー、ネクステージ、この三社での車の売却は辞めた方が良いです、後悔します。もう関わりたくない会社です。
You had better stop selling your car here. I regret it. You should also quit buying a car at this company. This company is the worst company you don't know after buying it. When I looked it up online, there was no good evaluation. You shouldn't believe what is written in this review. Big Motor, Gulliver, Nextage, it's better to quit selling cars at these three companies, I regret it. It's a company I don't want to get involved with anymore.
渡辺泰典 on Google

This time, I asked for an assessment for going to Tokyo. If the price was less than I expected, I thought I would ride it again two years later, but it was quite expensive. He was a man (Mr. Tomono) who was close to me and was over the middle of 20 years old, but he was a gentle and kind person, and even after the contract was decided, I didn't know about buying or selling, so I was interested in it. Even if I asked a question, he talked from the customer's point of view. I was a little confused between Company B and this company, and the price dropped a little because I was confused with the information, but I think it was a good social experience. Thank you for taking the time. If you have any connection, please do not hesitate to contact us.
さくちゃん on Google

山口県在住なのですが、出張査定可能とのことだったので、来ていただきました。 依頼した翌朝に査定、傷や塗装の剥がれなど、自分でも気付いていなかった箇所まで細かく丁寧に査定されていました。 しかし、それでもなお、予想以上の高値で買い取っていただきビックリです。 担当者は重田(おもだ)さんという方で、買い取っていただいた後の生活の流れや、他社での納車だったにもかかわらず、納車の日程のことを考えたスケジュールを組んでくださるなど、本当に寄り添ってくれ、信頼できる担当者さんでした。 他社にも査定を依頼していたのですが、次回は初めからここにお願いしたい!と思ったほどです。 契約がオンラインで可能だったので、単身赴任中の主人ともすぐにやり取りでき、感心しました。 今回は、本当にありがとうございました(^^) ☆5の高評価しかなく、逆に怪しいなぁ…なんて思っていましたが、本当に☆5評価できる素敵な会社さんでした(笑)
I live in Yamaguchi prefecture, but I heard that it is possible to make a business trip assessment, so I asked him to come. The next morning after the request, the assessment was carried out, and even the parts that I had not noticed, such as scratches and paint peeling, were carefully and carefully assessed. However, I was still surprised to buy it at a higher price than expected. The person in charge is Mr. Shigeta, who will make a schedule considering the flow of life after purchase and the delivery schedule even though it was delivered by another company. He was a reliable person who was really close to me. I had asked other companies to make an assessment, but next time I would like to ask here from the beginning! I thought. Since the contract was possible online, I was impressed that I could immediately communicate with my husband who was assigned to work alone. Thank you very much for this time (^^) ☆ There is only a high rating of 5, and on the contrary it is suspicious ... I thought, but it was a wonderful company that can really evaluate ☆ 5 (laugh)
おおのさゆり on Google

引っ越しの関係で明後日までに売却したいという急なお願いにも関わらず、2時間足らずで出張買取に来ていただきました。 担当してくださった平林さんはとても感じが良く丁寧な方で、別会社と同タイミングの査定のためネクステージに決めるまで2時間以上かかってしまったのですが、気持ちよく最後まで手続きしていただきました。その場で車の陸送の手続きも行っていただき、スムーズに買取が終わらせることができました。 価格も満足のいくもので、もし広島で知り合いが車を売るようならネクステージをお勧めしたいと思うほどでした。本当にありがとうございました!
Despite the urgent request to sell it by the day after tomorrow due to the move, I had you come to the business trip purchase in less than 2 hours. Mr. Hirabayashi, who was in charge, was a very pleasant and polite person, and it took more than two hours to decide on Nextage due to the assessment at the same timing as another company, but I felt comfortable and had the procedure to the end. .. We had you go through the procedure of land transportation of the car on the spot, and we were able to finish the purchase smoothly. The price was also satisfactory, and if an acquaintance in Hiroshima would sell a car, I would recommend Nextage. I'm really thankful to you!

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