
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 朝日屋たばこセンター

住所 :

Nerima, Nerima City, 〒176-0001 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Webサイト : https://www.facebook.com/asahiyatabacocenter/
街 : Tokyo

Nerima, Nerima City, 〒176-0001 Tokyo,Japan
yuika h on Google

店員さんの応対が素晴らしいです。 手巻き、葉巻などデビューしたい方はこちらへ行かれると丁寧に教えていただけるので、おすすめです。
The clerk's response is wonderful. Those who want to make their debut, such as hand-rolled cigars and cigars, are kindly recommended as they will be able to teach you carefully when you go here.
ジュン on Google

The clerk's attitude is annoying. If you hate customers, close the store. A liquor store that sells cigarettes diagonally across the road from here? Also has a bad attitude.
koba nao on Google

It may be a good store for people who have a bad attitude of shop assistants and smoke rare brands, but if not, it is better to buy at a nearby convenience store.
kei “けい” ito on Google

Googleの定休日で、月曜日が休みになっていますが、営業していますね。 あんまり接客されるのが好きじゃないので、店員さんのテイストは嫌いじゃないので、個人的にはこのままで居てほしいな。と、思います。
It's closed on Monday, which is closed on Google, but it's open. I don't really like the clerk's taste because I don't really like being serviced, so I'd like you to stay as it is. I think.
栗田聡昭 on Google

The store itself is very compact, but the content is very well stocked (there are few stores that sell it, and I also sell the Indonesian clove cigarette Djarum that I love to smoke). There are things that can come in handy. The location is also very convenient as it is adjacent to Nerima Station. It is a shop where the master's response is kind and easy to enter.
愚痴言わずにはいられない on Google

店舗は狭いが幅広く扱っている。葉巻もある。最近の接客は覇気のないオッサン。カンジが良いとはいえない。 取り寄せをしてくれる。納期が早い。現金払いのみ。故に打ち間違いが起こる事がある。必ず確認する事。
The store is small but wide. There are also cigars. The recent customer service is an unrelenting Ossan. Kanji is not good. Will order it. Delivery is early. Cash payment only. Therefore, typos may occur. Be sure to check.
デクスター・コリンズ on Google

子供と一緒の時や非喫煙者はこのタバコ屋さんの前を歩いてはいけません!常時4~5人が店の前に設置されているスタンド灰皿で喫煙していますので、猛烈なタバコ臭と煙に襲われてしまいます…多少時間が掛かっても早めに通りを渡りファミマ側を歩く事をお薦めします。 最近気付いたのですが、お店の前に屯していた喫煙者集団を見なくなりました。灰皿を撤去したのでしょうか!?
Do not walk in front of this tobacco shop with children or non-smokers! Since 4 to 5 people are always smoking in the stand ashtray installed in front of the store, they will be attacked by the intense cigarette smell and smoke ... Even if it takes some time, cross the street early and cross the Famima side. We recommend walking. I recently noticed that I no longer see a group of smokers standing in front of the store. Did you remove the ashtray !?
T K on Google

灰皿は店舗上のマンション住民の苦情により撤去されてしまった。 品揃えは何処のコンビニよりも充実している。
The ashtray has been removed due to complaints from the residents of the condominium on the store. The product lineup is more substantial than any convenience store.

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