Nerima Kuritsu Sekimachikita Park - Nerima City

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nerima Kuritsu Sekimachikita Park

住所 :

5 Chome-13-17 Sekimachikita, Nerima City, Tokyo 177-0051, Japan

Postal code : 177-0051

5 Chome-13-17 Sekimachikita, Nerima City, Tokyo 177-0051, Japan
風馬 on Google

It is as big as the ground. There are playground equipment, toilets and benches.
ABCDFEG on Google

北西の角に名称の入った石がある。 そこが正面出入口なのだろう。
There is a stone with the name on the northwest corner. That is probably the front doorway.
R1-Z YAMAHA on Google

A lot of children gather on Saturday afternoon, probably because the grounds of the surrounding elementary schools are not open.
Feeling Pastel on Google

It is a lively park with many children
Kacho on Google

住宅街にある公園としては広い方だと思います。 新青梅街道にも近い場所ですが、閑静な住宅街です。 遊具も色々ありますし、遊具のない広場のような場所もあるので走り回れるのが良いです。 しかし、その広場のような場所で、これまでにボール遊びのマナーが悪かった子たちがいたようで、広場の真ん中に柵のような物が設置されました。それまでのような、大きなコートのような使い方でのボール遊びができなくなったようです。 それでもちょっとしたボール遊びをしているお子さんはいるので、小さいお子さんを連れて行く時は時間帯を気を付けるか、注意が必要です。 トイレがあります。
I think it is a large park in a residential area. Although it is a place close to the Shin Ome Kaido, it is a quiet residential area. There are various playground equipment, and there are places like open spaces without playground equipment so it is good to be able to run around. However, it seems that there were children who had poor manners in ball play in places like the square so far, and something like a fence was installed in the middle of the square. It seems that it is no longer possible to play the ball like a big court like before. Still, there are children who play a little ball, so when you take a small child, be careful about the time zone or be careful. There is a toilet.
Tatsuya Yamashita on Google

勤務場所が日替わりで、トイレの無い場所も多々有ります。 そんな時に周辺にトイレを含めて休憩所が有るのが、北公園のみでした。 そこそこ広さも有り、こちらとしては多くの遊具は求めてないので、日差しのベンチでゆっくり休憩できました。
The work place changes daily, and there are many places without a toilet. At that time, only Kita Park had a rest area including a restroom. There is a fair amount of space, and I didn't want a lot of playground equipment, so I was able to take a rest on the bench in the sun.
nurikabeぬりかべ on Google

関町北5丁目にある、広めの公園デスッ❗️午後や土日祝は、子供達で賑わいますっ❗️ 桜の木が10本程あり、桜の季節は綺麗に咲き誇りますっ❗️
A large park in Sekimachikita 5-chome ❗️ Afternoon and Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays are crowded with children ❗️ There are about 10 cherry trees, and they bloom beautifully during the cherry blossom season ❗️
CuppyRider on Google

A large noisy park with a lot of space (dirt), a sand box, slides, swings and bathrooms. Crowded with moms and kids especially during daylight non-school hours.

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