Nerima City Oizumi-kotsu Park - Nerima City

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nerima City Oizumi-kotsu Park

住所 :

6 Chome-16-1 Minamioizumi, Nerima City, Tokyo 178-0064, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8999
Postal code : 178-0064
Webサイト :
Description : Go-karts, bike rentals & artificial streets with traffic lights for kids to practice riding safely.

6 Chome-16-1 Minamioizumi, Nerima City, Tokyo 178-0064, Japan
Kacho on Google

交通ルールを学ぶことができる交通公園。無料で遊べます。 園内には道路を模したコースがあり、そこを子供たちが自転車で走行することができます。一般道と同じように交差点や信号機があり、横断歩道や標識もあります。 こちらの公園内で乗る子供の自転車はレンタルすることができ、サイズや補助輪の有無も色々種類があります。(あくまでも子供向けのものであり、大人は自転車を借りられません。) 自転車レンタルの際は簡単にですが、年齢や名前を記入する用紙があります。利用者登録や身分証提示などの手続きはありません。 ヘルメットもレンタルできますが、自前のヘルメットを着用しているお子さんが多い印象です。 平日の日中は割と空いていますが、週末や、夏休みなど長期休暇期間は、大きめのお子さんで混み合います。 他の交通公園だと、未就園児など小さめのお子さん向けに、三輪車などが乗れる小さな専用コースを設けている所もありますが、こちらの大泉交通公園にはそういった未就園児さん向けのコースがありませんが、その代わりに、滑り台やブランコ、砂場などの遊具があります。 トイレはありますが、個室の数が少ないので、数人程度並ぶこともあります。 道路になっていない場所で、ちょっとした広場のようになっているところもあり、そこでレジャーシートを広げてご飯を食べている方も見かけます。 園内には駐輪場もあるので、この公園に来るまでに乗ってきた自前の自転車はそこに停めることができます。結構な台数を停められる駐輪スペースですが、週末はそこに停めきれないくらいの自転車が入口付近に停めてあります。 自転車の練習も楽しいですが、それ以外にも園内に隠れたカエルを見つける遊びがあり、ヒントの書かれたボードや回答用紙を持ってカエルを探すことができます。カエルは園内の標識や歩行者用の信号などにくくり付けられており、親子で標識を勉強しながら楽しめます。 交通公園の規模としては広過ぎず狭過ぎず、サイズ感もちょうどいいです。 残念な点としては、自転車で園内コースを走行する際に物凄いスピードを出すお子さんがいること。特に週末や長期休暇中など、大きいお子さんが多い日にはそういったスピードを出すお子さんに遭遇することも多く、我が子も赤信号で停止中に追突されたり、追い越しの際にぶつかられたりと、何度か怖い思いをしました。 自分1人である程度自転車を乗れるお子さんだと、親が遠くで自分の子を見ていないことも多く、自転車に不慣れなお子さんはご注意を。
A traffic park where you can learn traffic rules. You can play for free. There is a road-like course in the park where children can ride their bicycles. There are intersections and traffic lights as well as general roads, and there are pedestrian crossings and signs. Children's bicycles for riding in this park can be rented, and there are various sizes and availability of auxiliary wheels. (It is for children only, adults cannot rent a bicycle.) It's easy to rent a bicycle, but there is a form for filling in your age and name. There are no procedures such as user registration and identification. Helmets can be rented, but the impression is that many children wear their own helmets. It is relatively free during the daytime on weekdays, but during the long weekends and long vacations such as summer vacation, it is crowded with large children. In other traffic parks, there are some places for small children such as preschoolers who can ride a tricycle etc., but there is no such course for preschoolers in Oizumi Kotsu Park. However, instead, there are playground equipment such as slides, swings, and sandboxes. There are toilets, but there are few private rooms, so there may be several people lined up. There are some places that are not roads and are like a little open space, and there are people who spread their leisure sheets and eat rice there. There is also a bicycle parking lot in the park, so you can park your own bicycle that you used to come to this park. It is a bicycle parking space where you can park a large number of bicycles, but on weekends there are bicycles that can not be parked near the entrance. Bicycle practice is fun, but there is also a game to find hidden frogs in the park, and you can find a frog with a board with hints and answer sheets. Frogs are attached to signs in the park and pedestrian traffic lights so parents and children can enjoy them while studying the signs. The traffic park is neither too wide nor too narrow, and the size is just right. Unfortunately, some children have a tremendous speed when traveling by bicycle on the course. Especially on weekends and long vacations, I often encounter children with such speed on days with many large children, and my child is also hit by a red light while stopped, or collided when passing. I felt scared several times. If you are a child who can ride a bicycle to some extent by yourself, parents often do not look at your child far away, so be careful of children who are not familiar with bicycles.
松原泰則 on Google

A place where children can play safely and securely regardless of the season. You can safely experience bicycle practice, traffic lights, and intersections with a rental bicycle. It also serves as a flea market venue once a year. I am relieved that the observer is always on hand. Free, but there is no parking lot. Access will be toho, bicycle, and nearby coin parking.
たなか on Google

自転車と交通ルールの練習にもってこいの公園です。自前の自転車は公園内には入れられないですが、補助輪有りの小さなモノから補助輪無しの20インチのモノまで、インチ別に沢山あるので安心です。 また、ただ信号や交差点があるのではなく、係の方々(たぶんシルバー人材の方々)が交通ルールをきちんと教えて(ときに叱って)下さるので、令和の今どき、本当にとても有り難い存在です。 足漕ぎのゴーカート、ブランコ、滑り台、砂場、じゃぶじゃぶ池、トイレも完備なので、遊びに熱中する子供たちのオアシスです。 保護者は子供を追い掛けてかなり沢山歩く(走る)ので、歩きやすい靴、水筒、汗拭きタオル、虫除けスプレーをどうかお忘れなく。 これからも永く継続してほしい、素晴らしい公園です。
This park is perfect for practicing bicycles and traffic rules. You can't put your own bicycle in the park, but you can rest assured that there are many bicycles by inch, from small ones with training wheels to 20-inch ones without training wheels. Also, there are no traffic lights or intersections, but the people in charge (probably silver human resources) teach (sometimes scold) the traffic rules properly, so I am really thankful for the existence of Reiwa nowadays. It is an oasis for children who are enthusiastic about playing, as it is fully equipped with rowing go-karts, swings, slides, sandboxes, jabujabu ponds, and toilets. Parents walk (run) quite a lot after their children, so don't forget to wear comfortable shoes, a water bottle, a sweat towel, and an insect repellent. It is a wonderful park that I hope will continue for a long time.
kaokao mom3 on Google

無料でゴーカートと自転車で交通ルールを学べる公園です。車が大好きな2歳の息子にゴーカートを体験させてあげたいと思い利用させていただきました。 ゴーカートの利用は小学生以下ということで、2歳の息子が利用できるか?問い合わせをしたところ、結果利用OKでした。 ただし、ゴーカートは足漕ぎ式で、2歳では足が届かないので、親が押して進ませる形になります。 1周、又は2周走ったら、次の子に交代というルールです。実際に信号もあり、交通ルールを体感させるにはもってこいの場所だと思いました。 また、管理人の方が数名、交代で見守ってくれているので、安全に遊べます。有人の公園は初めてで驚きました。 また、授乳の際には事務室をお借りできるとのことで、乳児がいても安心して上の子を遊ばせることができます。 他にも、ぶらんこ、すべり台、汽車、砂場があるので、飽きてもこちらに…としばらく遊べます。 まだ先ですが、自転車もたくさん種類があるので、自転車練習の際にも利用させていただきたいと思っています。
It is a park where you can learn traffic rules by go-kart and bicycle for free. I used it because I wanted to give my 2-year-old son, who loves cars, a go-kart experience. Since the use of go-karts is for elementary school students and younger, can a 2-year-old son use it? When I made an inquiry, the result was OK. However, the go-kart is a foot-rowing type, and since it is out of reach at the age of two, it is a form that parents push forward. The rule is that if you run one or two laps, you will be replaced by the next child. There are actually traffic lights, so I thought it was a perfect place to experience the traffic rules. In addition, several managers take turns watching over us, so you can play safely. I was surprised at the manned park for the first time. In addition, you can rent an office when breastfeeding, so even if you have a baby, you can let your older child play with peace of mind. There are also swings, slides, trains, and sandboxes, so even if you get tired of it, you can play here for a while. It's still a long way off, but there are many types of bicycles, so I would like to use them when practicing bicycles.
s vs (subesu) on Google

nice to spend time with children.
Thomas Preston on Google

Great for kids and learning to ride a bicycle for free
Caitlin Greer on Google

This is so fun for preschool and elementary aged kids. They have traffic lights and bikes available for kids to practice street safety. They can “drive” around like grown-ups but are safely protected from the dangers of the real street. There’s a small splash pad area and a gazebo for picnicking. My kids are begging to go back.
Tina Nakakuki on Google

Pretty awesome spot to spend the day! Free entry and bicycle rental (choose from bikes with training wheels, two-wheelers without, and several size frames) to fit kids of all ages. Helmets available, but we brought our own. There are also go carts for use. Coloring station and “find the frogs” games, lots of space to wander around and picnic. Short walk from the train station. Family Mart to buy linch or snacks, on the last turn before arriving at park. My daughter is just a month in from learning to ride a two wheeler, so this was a perfect opportunity to practice!

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