4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact NERD㈱

住所 :

Mukojima, Sumida City, 〒131-0033 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト :
街 : Tokyo

Mukojima, Sumida City, 〒131-0033 Tokyo,Japan
u akko on Google

仕事を依頼させていただいております。 コロナの影響で直接は会ったことはないですが、 オンラインMTGでは画面越しから弊社のビジネスに真摯に向き合ってくれる姿勢が素敵で、マーケ効果も出てきています! いつもありがとうございます!
I am requesting a job. I haven't met in person due to the influence of Corona, With the online MTG, the attitude of seriously facing our business from the screen is wonderful, and the marketing effect is also coming out! I am always grateful for your help!
Shinichiro Seo on Google

金融系のオンラインビジネスの新規立ち上げにあたって、マーケティング全般を全面的に伴走・サポートいただいています。 新規立ち上げのため、ごく少額の広告予算からのスモールスタートでしたが、中長期の展開を見通した上で、オンライン広告運用、メディアへの広告掲載、コンテンツの集客最適化案出しなど、フットワーク軽くきめ細かに対応いただいています。 SlackやZoomを使って常時密にやり取りでき、非常に安心感があるほか、過去実績に基づいて紹介くださる他社事例も豊富で、様々な局面でいい判断材料となりました。 レポーティングについても内容がしっかりしており、かつ事業の当事者である当社の目線に合わせてカスタムして出していただけるというのもありがたいです。
When launching a new financial online business, we are fully accompanied and supported by marketing in general. Since it was a new launch, it was a small start from a very small advertising budget, but with a view to medium- to long-term development, the footwork is light, such as online advertising operation, advertising placement on the media, optimization of content attracting customers, etc. We have you respond in detail. You can always communicate closely using Slack and Zoom, which gives you a great sense of security, and there are many examples of other companies that introduce you based on past achievements, which was a good decision in various situations. We are grateful that the content of the reporting is solid, and that you can customize it according to the perspective of our company, which is a party to the business.
山内裕司 on Google

A company that is very strong in web marketing. I am very grateful for your kindness and flexibility.
s ogawa on Google

Although the consultation was from a state where the direction was not decided on our side, we were able to create a wonderful site with various intentions.
S S on Google

From the marketing field to the technical field, we were able to respond flexibly with a wide range of scopes. As a team, I was particular about the results, and with a straightforward impression, it was very easy to proceed with my work as a partner.
attrip (アットトリップTV) on Google

高品質のサイトを短期間低予算で作成していただきました。 ユーザ視点にたって、サイトを作っていただいてとても感謝しています。たまたま、知ったのが縁で色々とWordPressの制作をお願いしています。プロとしての意識も高く社内でもとても評判が良いです。
You have created a high quality site for a short period of time on a low budget. I am very grateful to you for creating the site from the user's point of view. I happened to know that I am asking for various WordPress productions. He has a high level of professionalism and has a good reputation within the company.
蓮実陽子 on Google

The period from request to delivery was short, but we were able to respond very smoothly. I'm not used to creating LPs, so I'm grateful that I was able to create a page with various advice. Also, I would like to ask if there is an opportunity to create an LP.
林直樹 on Google

ホームページを作成時に色々な所を検討して費用感、サービスの幅の広さとレスポンスの速さ担当者の安心感で決めました。実際のやり取りも信頼でき作業も早く希望以上のホームページを作って頂きました。 作って終わりではなくアフターフォローも親身に対応して頂けます。
When creating the homepage, we considered various points and decided on the cost, the breadth of services, and the speed of response. The actual communication was reliable, the work was quick, and the homepage was created more than desired. After-sales follow-up is not the end of making, but you can also respond to your kindness.

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