
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 船橋クリニック

住所 :

Natsumidai, Funabashi, 〒273-0866 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : http://www.chiba-funabashi-clinic.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:45–11AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:45–11:30AM
Tuesday 8:45–11:30AM
Wednesday 8:45–11:30AM
Thursday 8:45–11:30AM
Friday 8:45–11:30AM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Natsumidai, Funabashi, 〒273-0866 Chiba,Japan
Akr Imn on Google

I felt that it was the best hospital I have ever seen
鈴木嘉夫 on Google

If it is ureteral stone, we recommend this hospital. Both teachers and staff will do very well.
粂泰浩 on Google

Because it is specialized, you can receive a consultation with confidence. The waiting time is a bit long, but the doctor's diagnosis is accurate.
カビバラさん on Google

Funabashi Clinic has people who can work. Teamwork is taken even with one procedure. Doctors are one level higher than doctors in other hospitals. A doctor who sees me as a patient. More and more doctors at other general hospitals judge that the problem is solved by judging only one result. This will find the root cause and treat you appropriately.
エミ on Google

受付の方、看護師さん、ドクター、 すべての方から優しさと思いやりと配慮が感じられました。 上からものを言ったり偉そうに応対する病院も多い中で滅多にない! めちゃくちゃ好印象でした。
Receptionist, nurse, doctor, All people felt kindness, compassion and consideration. There are very few hospitals that talk about things from the top and respond to greatness! It was a pretty good impression.
おおのひろ on Google

尿管結石専門の病院です。 自分も既に2回入院しました。 入院といっても1泊2日か2泊3日です。 他の患者の状態や施術のスケジュールによって変わると思いますが、私はこんな感じでした。 午前中に入院したら午後に施術(2回目)、入院した翌日に施術(1回目)をしました。 尿管にある結石を外部から衝撃を与え破砕する施術をします。なので身体を切ったり尿道から何か管を入れたりすることはありません。麻酔しますが、至近距離からエアガンで撃たれたような衝撃です。しかも連続して間を置かずにパンパンパンパンパンパンパンパンパンパンパンパンやられるので麻酔しても痛くて無意識に位置をずらすと(当然ですが)戻されます。 意識が朦朧としているので車椅子で自分の病室に運ばれた(2回目)、移動するベッドで病室から治療室まで往復した(1回目)、そんな感じです。 術後に回復した後は病室でのんびりテレビ(無料)や持ち込んだゲーム機で遊んでいました。術後トイレに名前入りのデカイ容器が置かれ、そこに尿を出します(普通に便器にはしません)。上部に金属製の細かい網があり、尿は容器の下へ、一緒に出た砕かれた石は網の上に残ります。 尿は最初の何回か血尿が出るので「なんじゃこりゃー❗」とビックリします。トイレには他の患者さんの容器も並んでいて、かなり石が出ている人やそうでない人、個人差があるなと思いました。私もあまり出た方ではなかったので聞いてみると退院してから出る人もいるから大丈夫と言われました。 石が膀胱に近い位置にあればすぐに出て、逆に腎臓に近いと出るのが遅くなるという訳ですね。 食堂、運動する場所、自販機、喫煙所があります。入院しているのにタバコが吸える、なんて神対応‼️ 術後の食事はお粥でしたが、翌朝は普通の食事でした。朝御飯を食べたら診察→退院という流れです。 最後の診察の時、石の成分を調べた結果を聞かされて今後あまり食べてはいけない物を教えてくれます。 自分は紅茶、タケノコ、ほうれん草、チョコレート、ゴボウ、脂っこい物はなるべく摂取しないように言われました(一般的な奴らしい)。逆に水分を沢山取るように(1日2リットル)、大豆や豆腐を食べるように言われました。 説明は非常に丁寧でわかりやすかったです。 ちなみに患者の男女比は7対3(若い人はほとんどいない)くらいですかね。 この結石、今後もまた膀胱内で発生するらしいので定期的に検査を受けなければいけません。 痛い思いはしたくないので半年に1回の定期検診と食事には気をつけるようにします。
It is a hospital specializing in ureteral calculi. I had already been hospitalized twice. Even if it is hospitalization, it is two days two nights or three days two nights. It depends on the condition of the other patients and the schedule of treatment, but I felt like this. After hospitalization in the morning, we performed treatment (the second time) in the afternoon, and performed treatment (the first time) the day after being hospitalized. An external shock is given to the calculus in the ureter and it is crushed. So there is no need to cut the body or insert any tubes from the urethra. I'm anesthetizing, but it's like an impact shot with an air gun from close range. Moreover, because it is possible to pan continuously, put it in a row, it can be painful even if it is anesthetized, so if you shift the position unconsciously (as a matter of course) it will be returned. It was such a feeling that he was taken to his room in a wheelchair (second time) because he had a low level of consciousness (the second time) and traveled back and forth from the room to the treatment room in the moving bed (first time). After recovery after surgery, I was playing with a leisurely TV (free) and a game console I brought in in my room. A named container will be placed in the postoperative toilet and urine will be put there (do not use the toilet bowl normally). There is a fine mesh of metal at the top, and the urine is under the container, the broken stones that came out together remain on the mesh. As urine goes out several times in the first several times, I am surprised that "What a time!" The toilets were lined with containers from other patients, and I thought that there were differences among individuals who were quite out of stone and those who were not. Since I was not a person who came out too much, it was said that it would be safe because some people left the hospital after leaving the hospital. If stones are close to the bladder, they will come out immediately, and if they are close to the kidneys, they will come out later. There is a dining room, a place to exercise, a vending machine and a smoking area. I am hospitalized but I can smoke cigarettes! Moth The postoperative diet was chopsticks, but the next morning was a regular diet. It is a flow of medical examination → discharge when I eat breakfast. At the time of the last medical examination, you will be informed of the results of examining the ingredients of the stone and will tell you what you should not eat much from now on. I was told not to consume black tea, bamboo shoots, spinach, chocolate, burdock, or greasy things as much as possible. On the other hand, I was told to eat soy and tofu so that I could take a lot of water (2 liters a day). The explanation was very polite and easy to understand. By the way, the male-female ratio of patients is about 7 to 3 (there are almost no young people). These stones are likely to occur in the bladder in the future, so they should be examined regularly. I do not want to feel painful, so I should pay attention to regular medical examinations and meals once every six months.
aru wat on Google

初診で行きました。 初診担当の看護師さんの対応が後出し後出しで、対応が悪く感じも良くありませんでした。 医師の方は一流かもしれませんが、看護師のレベルは低いです。 二度と行きません。
I went for the first visit. The nurse in charge of the first medical examination responded later, and the response was bad and I didn't feel good. Doctors may be top notch, but the level of nurses is low. I will never go again.
さとなお on Google

先生も看護師さんも優しく対応もいい感じ! 素早く手術もしてくれて満足でした!
The teachers and nurses are kind and friendly! I was happy that he had a quick operation!

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