日本水道センター - Funabashi

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 日本水道センター

住所 :

Natsumi, Funabashi, 〒273-0865 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 273-0865
Webサイト : http://www.mizunotoraburu.com/
街 : Chiba

Natsumi, Funabashi, 〒273-0865 Chiba,Japan
emma on Google

トイレを交換したくて、色々探していたところこちらに辿り着きました。 格安で対応も良さそうでしたが、所々に「アレ?」と思うことがあり不信感がどんどん深まりやめました。 口コミも高評価がとても多いですがよく見ると「1件のクチコミ」の方ばかりですね。正直サクラでは?と疑わざるをえません…。
I wanted to replace the toilet, so I was looking for various things and arrived here. It was cheap and seemed to be good, but I sometimes wondered "Are?" And my distrust deepened and stopped. Word-of-mouth communication is also very popular, but if you look closely, it's only "1 word-of-mouth". Honestly in Sakura? I have to doubt ...
mickey y on Google

When I was worried about sudden water leaks from the dishwasher and how to deal with the manufacturer, I remembered the Japan Waterworks Center who had replaced the toilet before and consulted. Thank you for your immediate support and construction. It was very helpful. I would like to ask you again at some time.
岩渕代好 on Google

The other day, I noticed that the floor of the kitchen was wet, and when I investigated it, I found that a small leak occurred every time I used it from the faucet (hose part) of the kitchen sink. Immediately, I searched the nearby water services shop on the Internet and found this Japan Water Services Center. It was a late time that day, so I contacted him the next morning and had him investigate in the afternoon, and in the evening I was able to have a new faucet (with a hose) replaced and repaired. It was very helpful because I was prepared to take 3-4 days from parts procurement to completion of repairs. We are also very grateful to the employee (Mr. Sasai) for their polite work and support. Thank you very much.
ひろみ on Google

去年お願いした2階のトイレ交換が丁寧&迅速&安価と好印象だったので、今回は1階のトイレ交換をお願いしました。 現場確認&見積りの時にはマイスリッパ持参でマスク着用。工事の説明も分かりやすくて安心してお任せしました。翌日の交換工事もマスク着用で1時間半で完了。料金も見積通りで不必要な穴を塞いでいただいた上、水道栓や水道メーターの不具合のアドバイスまで頂いて助かりました。 巷では水道工事のトラブルが多いようですが、日本水道センターなら大丈夫。トイレ以外でも水道のトラブルは迷わず日本水道センターにお願いしようと思っています。
I was impressed with the polite, quick and inexpensive toilet replacement on the 2nd floor that I requested last year, so I asked for the toilet replacement on the 1st floor this time. Bring your own slippers and wear a mask when checking and estimating the site. The explanation of the work was easy to understand and I was relieved. The next day's replacement work was completed in an hour and a half by wearing a mask. I was grateful for the advice on the problem. It seems that there are many problems with waterworks in the streets, but it's okay at the Japan Waterworks Center. I'm thinking of asking the Japan Waterworks Center without hesitation about waterworks problems other than toilets.
小泉明日香 on Google

The other day, suddenly the water in the faucet in the kitchen didn't stop and I called in a hurry, and the receptionist told me how to stop the water. After that, the repair came immediately and it was old, so I replaced the whole body and repaired it. I was relieved by the kind response from reception to repair. Thank you very much.
片岡瞳 on Google

ガス給湯器が壊れてしまい、こちらで交換をして頂きました。 見積りの際、お湯が使えず困っている事を伝えると、その日に交換までしてもらえ、とても助かりました。 仕事も丁寧で、お風呂場のスイッチパネルの周りも、しっかりと防水処理までしてあり嬉しかったです。 最後に使い方の説明もして頂いので、説明書を見なくても直ぐに使えました。 また何かあれば、お願いしたいと思います。
The gas water heater broke and I had you replace it here. When I made an estimate, I told him that I was in trouble because I couldn't use hot water, and he even exchanged it on that day, which was very helpful. The work was polite, and I was happy that the area around the switch panel in the bathroom was also waterproofed. At the end, he explained how to use it, so I could use it immediately without looking at the instruction manual. If there is anything else, I would like to ask.
高田洋子 on Google

千葉東: 担当  深津勝さん 先日1階のトイレリフォームをお願いしました。 すぐ来て下さり、価格も安く何より説明アドバイスが親切丁寧なので大変好感もてました。 今まで色々な所で、失礼な態度対応する方が多かった為か こんなにも誠実な方が居たのかと安心しました。 大変好印象でした。 また、何か有りましたらお願いする予定です。 柏市 高田
Chiba Higashi: In charge, Masaru Fukatsu The other day I asked for a toilet remodeling on the 1st floor. He came right away, the price was low, and the explanation advice was kind and polite, so I liked it very much. I was relieved that there were so many sincere people, probably because there were many people who responded to rude attitudes in various places. It was a very good impression. Also, if there is anything, I will ask. Takata, Kashiwa City
えびんぞ on Google

洗濯機につながる蛇口からの水漏れに対応していただきました。 お正月でしたが親切丁寧な対応でとても助かりました。 カタログを見せていただき交換する蛇口の値段もしっかり教えてくれ、見積の説明もしっかりしていただきました。 何社か別の所にも見積もりをお願いしましたがこちらがダントツ一番でした。 何かあれば安心してまたこちらにお願いします。
We had you deal with water leakage from the faucet connected to the washing machine. It was New Year's Day, but the kind and polite response was very helpful. He showed me the catalog and told me the price of the faucet to be replaced, and he explained the quotation well. I asked several companies for quotations, but this was by far the best. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us again.

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