Narita City Parking Lot No.2 - Narita

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Narita City Parking Lot No.2

住所 :

561 Kamicho, Narita, Chiba 286-0032, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 286-0032
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

Katsuhisa Yamashita on Google

立地は良いですが 入り口も駐車スペースも少し小さめです。 大きな車は窮屈なので隣の車に気を使います。。
Good location The entrance and parking space are a little smaller. A big car is cramped, so pay attention to the next car. ..
マグカップさん on Google

?GoogleMapで場所を確認して置くことをオススメします。 小さいので見逃しやすいです、看板はコインパーキングのものを使っているので運転しながら見つけるのは無理です。 位置的には、買い物に便利でありがたいばしょです。
オ ス ス メ We recommend that you check the place in Google Map and put it. It is easy to miss because it is small, because it uses the coin parking ones, it is impossible to find while driving. In terms of position, it is convenient for shopping.
セバスチャングランバール on Google

Shinshoji Temple is also in the middle of Nakamise, so if you stop here you can enjoy it. The price is conscientious, but I think it will be full soon on holidays
ヒロコ on Google

I think it's cheaper than parking, which is closer to the temple. Is not very wide.
河村幸二 on Google

The approach is close to the top of the slope that goes down to the gate. The price is as low as 100 yen per hour for up to 3 hours, 800 yen for private parking lots and 500 yen for faraway places. If it's a weekday, I can put it in before 10am.
秦野一重 on Google

成田山への参拝時に利用しています。周りにお土産屋さんも多数あり、手荷物を直ぐに車へ運べる所にあるのでとても助かります。 それと利用料金の安さに驚きました!駅に間もないところに約3時間駐車して300円は驚きです。 次も空いていれば利用したいと思います。
It is used when worshiping at Mt. Narita. There are many souvenir shops around, and it is very helpful because you can carry your baggage to the car immediately. And I was surprised at the low usage fee! I parked for about 3 hours in a place shortly after the station and 300 yen is a surprise. I would like to use it if the next one is available.
tomo hashi on Google

I think it's a cheap parking lot near Naritasan Shinshoji Temple.
Alex Young Hun Lee on Google

Much more convenient than satellite parking sites. Not too expensive either.

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