Nara University - Nara

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nara University

住所 :

1500 Misasagicho, Nara, 631-8502, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 631-8502
Webサイト :

1500 Misasagicho, Nara, 631-8502, Japan
T S on Google

大学も学生集めで大変ですが、史学研究や万葉集研究で多大な貢献をされた教授陣がおられます。 青垣祭(文化祭)が毎年11月ぐらいにありますが、みなさん頑張って盛り上げていますよ。
It is difficult for universities to attract students, but there are professors who have made a great contribution to historical research and Manyoshu research. The Aogaki Festival (Cultural Festival) is held every November, but everyone is doing their best to make it exciting.
ぱたりろ on Google

県外の人は、この大学は国立大学と思ってる人が多い。れっきとした私学です。一応各県にはその県の名前を冠した国立が在るんだが奈良には奈良女子大学という国立大学があって奈良大学という名前は私学にとられた。かっての帝国大学の名前、中身は関係ない現在、たかが名前、されど名前。大阪、京都、東京、北海道以外、県名は私学が取った。今や付ける名前に困るほど大学が増えてなるべく学生受けする大学名の需要が在るんだろうな。奈良市内国立大学は二つあるがどちらも一般人には敷居が高い、今は学校に入るだけでも門でガードマンに止められると思う、その点ここはオープンで(今もそうだと思うが)子供を連れて学内に散歩がてらよく入った。図書館は一般人でも利用できるようだし、充実している。奈良が生んだ江戸時代の狂歌作者 鯛屋貞柳 についてここの図書館を利用して調べる事が出来た。(鯛屋貞柳の狂歌碑が 奈良市の 念聲寺にあるが、過去に無断で拓本を取ったりして、見学者のマナーにに問題が在ったらしく現在一般には公開されていない)
Many people outside the prefecture think that this university is a national university. It ’s a private school. Each prefecture has a national name with the name of the prefecture, but Nara has a national university called Nara Women's University. The name of the imperial university, the contents are not related now, Takaka is the name, but the name. Other than Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo and Hokkaido, the name of the prefecture was taken by private school. I think there is a demand for the name of the university that accepts students as much as possible. There are two national universities in Nara City, both of which have high thresholds for ordinary people. Now, just entering the school, I think it can be stopped by a guardman at the gate. This is an open place (I think so too) I often took a walk on campus. The library seems to be open to the general public and is substantial. I was able to find out about the Edo era songwriter Sadayanagi, who was born in Nara, using this library. (Kyoya Sadayanagi's Kyoka monument is in Nara-ji, Nara city, but it has not been disclosed to the public as it seems that there was a problem in the manners of the visitors, taking the Takumoto without permission in the past)
鴨川嵐雪 on Google

A wonderful university where you can acquire specialized knowledge. The people in the cafeteria are also kind. The guards are also polite. Many students are also serious.
2ずいーだ on Google

When I entered the school, the campus was near the Hanna road, and I think I went to school by bus. I really miss it. My junior is the leading professor of castle research appearing on TV. It is very good. I wish you all the best in the future.
井上浩地 on Google

〈二十数年前の卒業生〉 大切な時間を共有しました。海外巡検、調査・研究、演習、実習での達成感と苦労が、今でも印象に残っています。 〈実績〉 ●阪神・淡路大震災 奈良大学調査団調査員 震災復興の経年変化を調査した。 ●奈良大学文学部地理学科海外巡検参加 米国・メキシコを訪れ、歴史や文化の違いに触れた。 ●人口地理学研究室実地研修参加 北海道の夕張にて、人口減少の実態を調査した。 ●教養課程現地調査参加。 滋賀県野洲市にて、淀川が地域に与えた影響を考察した。 ①学生活動の本分を、「クラブ活動」「青垣祭」としても、良いでしょう。しかし、私は「研究」「調査」「課題提出」に、重点を置きました。 ②奈良大学では、「地域調査士」の資格も取れたはずです。この資格は、防災と地域計画の一体的な解決の一助になるでしょう。
I shared an important time. I still remember the sense of accomplishment and hardships I had in overseas inspections, surveys/research, exercises, and practical training. ●Researcher of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Nara University Study Team We investigated the secular change of the earthquake reconstruction. ●Nara University Faculty of Letters Department of Geography Overseas Patrol I visited the United States and Mexico and touched on the differences in history and culture. ● Participation in hands-on training in the demographics laboratory In Yubari, Hokkaido, we investigated the actual situation of population decline. ● Participation in the field study of the curriculum. In Yasu City, Shiga Prefecture, we examined the impact of the Yodo River on the area. (1) It would be good if the main part of the student activity was “club activity” or “Aogaki festival”. However, I focused on “research”, “survey”, and “submission of issues”. (2) At Nara University, you should have acquired the qualification of "regional researcher". This qualification will help in the integrated solution of disaster management and regional planning.
M R on Google

やたら、私学を強調されてる人いますが、中央からみたら何コレなレベルの地方公立大出身の方方何でしょうかねぇ。プッ笑。西日本の早稲田や慶応と言うレベルの高い大学です。 テレビでお馴染みの城郭研究千田先生や万葉集研究の上野先生がいますね。素晴らしい有名大学ですので、よく無名大学から嫉妬されるようです。
There are people who emphasize private school, but what kind of level is it from a central public university? Lol. It is a high-level university called Waseda and Keio in western Japan. You know Mr. Senda, who is familiar with castle research, and Mr. Ueno, who studies Manyoshu, on TV. It's a great university, so I'm often jealous of an unknown university.
KINETicism TV on Google

奈良大学は昔から国立大学と勘違いされることがあったが、私立の大学ですね。 理系の人は知らないだろうけど、文系の方では国立大学は私立大学よりも格下だそうです。 私は理系の人間ですが、大阪の某私立大学の文系学部の教授からこの事を教わりました。そりゃ、大阪大学の文系学部と比べたら奈良大学の方が格上でしょう(笑)。
Nara University has long been mistaken for a national university, but it's a private university. People in the sciences may not know, but in the humanities, national universities are inferior to private universities. I am a science person, but I learned this from a professor in the liberal arts department of a private university in Osaka. Well, Nara University is better than Osaka University's Faculty of Arts (laughs).
Ken M- on Google

自然の中にある大学です。 史学でとても有名で貢献した大学です。
It is a university in nature. It is a university that is very famous and contributed to history.

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