カットファクトリー 長岡七日町店

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact カットファクトリー 長岡七日町店

住所 :

Nanokamachi, Nagaoka, 〒940-2123 Niigata,Japan

Webサイト : http://www.cut-factory.net/shop/detail.php%3Fid%3D176
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–7PM
Sunday 9AM–7PM
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM
街 : Niigata

Nanokamachi, Nagaoka, 〒940-2123 Niigata,Japan
etc on Google

写真等でしっかりとイメージを伝えることができればお値段以上の仕上がりにしていただけます ただ店員によって技量もセンスもまちまちなので当たり外れはあります
If you can convey the image firmly with photos etc., you can finish it more than the price However, the skill and sense vary depending on the clerk, so there is a hit or miss.
沖田光司 on Google

カットするのは2人で以前この女性から切ってもらいましたが満足いくものではなく今回は別の男性から切ってもらいましたが正直イマイチでした。まあ当たりハズレあるのは仕方ないと思ってましたが別の店だともう少し上手な方いるのでここには余程の事がない限り来ないと思いますね。 センスの問題だから私にはここは合わないかな。
Two people cut it before, but I wasn't satisfied with this one before, but this time I had another man cut it, but I was honestly disappointed. I thought it would be unavoidable that there would be a hit, but if it is another store, there are some who are better, so I think that it will not come here unless there is much. I don't think I'm here because it's a matter of taste.
Sugee Naca on Google

「安い、早い」は良いんですが、「質」については不満がたくさん。 洗髪なしは理解できるものの、吸引機(?)での切った髪の吸い込みが甘く、店を出たあと髪の間に指を入れるとたくさん切った髪が手についてきました。 カットファクトリーの別の店ではこんなことなかったのに、残念です。
“Cheap, fast” is good, but there are many complaints about “quality”. Although I understand that I don't wash my hair, I can't suck the cut hair with a suction machine (?), And when I put my finger between the hair after leaving the shop, I got a lot of cut hair. It's a pity that this wasn't the case at another Cut Factory store.
ガムラン on Google

I thought that it was 1000 yen when I used it for the first time, but I thought that I could cut it according to various requests if I did it, and I would like to ask you to check the status during the cut frequently as oneself it was without. I also made a point card, so I will visit the store again. Since the well-dressed in the 30's male staff-san who was in charge was also a clean and casual clothes, feeling all right if this person was transmitted.
sazanka * on Google

店の雰囲気自体は悪くなかったです、待ち時間も休みの日に行きましたが時間もそんなに掛からなかったですし、料金も1080円で安かったです。 ただなぜ低い評価と言いますと、カットで使用するハサミが汚い。使用する道具類の棚があるんですがそこが切った髪の残りが棚に付着している。忙しいのは分かりますがここまで汚くなるのかと思いました。 正直、1080円でカットできる散髪屋の系列店でもう1つあるんですが、QBハウスという全国にあるんですがそっちの方が全然綺麗だと感じましたね。 髪を切るならそこまで汚れを気にしない人はいいと思いますが、さすがに抵抗のある方は少し値が上がりますが別の所を探すと良いかもしれないです。
The atmosphere of the store itself was not bad, the waiting time went to a day off, but it didn't take much time, and the price was cheap at 1080 yen. However, the scissors used in the cuts are dirty because of low evaluation. There is a shelf of tools to use, but the rest of the hair that has been cut is attached to the shelf. I understand that I'm busy, but I thought it would be so dirty. To be honest, there is one more haircut shop affiliate that can cut for 1080 yen, but it is in the country called QB House, but I felt that it was more beautiful. If you cut your hair, people who don't care about dirt are good, but if you're resistant, the price goes up a little, but you might want to look elsewhere.
博光 on Google

After all, the cut 1050 yen is cheap
中川幸寛 on Google

1080円と料金が安いです。美容師さんは2人か3人おり、順番次第で誰になるかは選べません。 小中学生の男の子や男性が多いですが、女性もたまにいます。 カットしたあとは切った髪が顔に付いたままなので自分でどうにかしないとです。シャンプーはありません。 それでも安くて速いのは魅力です。
It is cheap at 1080 yen. There are two or three beauticians, and you can not choose who will be your order. There are many elementary and junior high school boys and men, but there are also women. After I cut it, my cut hair will still be on my face, so I have to do it myself. There is no shampoo. Still cheap and fast is attractive.
久須美一栄 on Google

曜日、時間帯で待ち時間だいぶ変わりますがイヤになるほど待たされる事はないと思います。 早く終わるので、何かのついでや出先の帰りに寄ってすぐ戻れるのは助かります!
The waiting time varies depending on the day of the week and the time of day, but I don't think you will have to wait so long that you don't like it. It finishes early, so it's helpful to be able to come back soon after something happens or on the way home!

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