Namiki Sushi - Nishinomiya

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Namiki Sushi

住所 :

3-29 Todacho, Nishinomiya, Hyogo 662-0916, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879887
Postal code : 662-0916

3-29 Todacho, Nishinomiya, Hyogo 662-0916, Japan
うめひらしゅういち on Google

The food is delicious, and you can relax even if you go with your friends or lover, so it is recommended because you can relax without worrying about it.
えもえも on Google

味はもちろん、オーナーの人柄が最高です。 プロ意識が高く、近年希にみる心惹かれるお店です。
Of course, the character of the owner is the best. It is a shop with a high professionalism and a rare interest in recent years.
Hiro Q on Google

It was close to the station and very delicious. It was a shop that was easy and enjoyable. I wish I hadn't smoked
くち on Google

いつも美味しいお寿司をありがとうございます。 夜中に食べれる安心したお店です。 鉄火巻きが絶品です。
Thank you for always delicious sushi. It is a safe shop to eat at midnight. The iron fire roll is exquisite.
emi matsu on Google

昔からあるお寿司屋さん 遅くまで開いており、寿司が食べたいときは良いと思いました。
An old sushi restaurant that is open until late, and I thought it would be good if you wanted to eat sushi.
mi mina on Google

All of them were delicious, but the eggs were amazingly delicious. The general is also good and the price is reasonable and the best.
光URU&NOA on Google

先代がいなかったからか味が少し落ちた気がした 全体的に塩が薄くぼやっとした感じだった。 土瓶蒸しも松茸の香りがして良い出汁が出ていたが薄く感じられた。
I felt the taste had dropped a little because there was no predecessor Overall the salt was thin and dull. Steaming the earthen jar smelled like a matsutake mushroom, and a good soup came out.
S N on Google

臭みがなく、美味しい 遅い時間まであいているお寿司屋さん 看板も大きくでているので、わかりやすいです 上にぎりと追加で海老、イカ、焼き穴子食べました 個人的にイカぎ好きでこちらのイカも弾力のある美味しいイカでした あとは、赤だしも美味しくいただきまし
No smell and delicious A sushi restaurant that is open until late The signboard is also big, so it's easy to understand I ate shrimp, squid and grilled conger in addition to the top I like squid personally and this squid was also a delicious and delicious squid After that, the red dashi was also delicious

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