ダイビングショップNamidea Yokohama(ナミディア ヨコハマ)

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ダイビングショップNamidea Yokohama(ナミディア ヨコハマ)

住所 :

Tokiwacho, Naka Ward, Yokohama, 〒231-0014 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : http://namidea.com/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Tokiwacho, Naka Ward, Yokohama, 〒231-0014 Kanagawa,Japan
Y shige on Google

I got an advanced license at this shop! He listened to my anxieties and talked to me in a friendly manner, so I enjoyed participating even by myself! With knowledge of various fish and the sea, I can enjoy the sea with peace of mind, and I am very satisfied with diving as a hobby! !! I will continue to participate in the tour at this shop!
sara tya on Google

It was my first experience, but the female staff taught me kindly and politely, and the training was tailored to my level, so I was able to have a very satisfying experience.
五百蔵真由 on Google

初めましての挨拶から安心してドアを潜れるお店です?ダイビングは信頼関係がインストラクターと結べるかで体験の内容が変わるスポーツだと思います。最初の挨拶から、講習、その後のファンダイビング まで丁寧に疑問に応え、ペースに合わせてすすめてくださるので、安心してダイビングが初められます。
Is it a shop where you can dive through the door with peace of mind from greetings? I think diving is a sport in which the content of the experience changes depending on the relationship of trust that can be established with the instructor. From the first greeting to the class and the subsequent fan diving, we will carefully answer your questions and proceed according to your pace, so you can start diving with confidence.
naomi on Google

I go to the beauty salon next door, but a young clerk greeted me cheerfully. I wasn't interested in diving, but I decided to go.
ちょん on Google

はじめてのダイビングでしたが、1から丁寧に教えていただき本当に楽しくできました! 不安なところはゆっくり教えていただいたり、少人数ならではの良さがありました。 GoProで動画も撮っていただきいい思い出になりました✨ アットホームな雰囲気がとても好きです!絶対また行きますね!
It was my first time diving, but I really enjoyed it because I was taught carefully from 1! I was able to slowly teach me what I was worried about, and there was a merit unique to a small number of people. It was a good memory to take a video with GoPro ✨ I really like the homely atmosphere! I will definitely go again!
松田茜 on Google

ダイビングとても楽しかったです。 耳抜きが中々出来なかったのですが、ゆっくり優しく教えて頂きとても楽しい思い出になりました。また、ダイビング行いたいです。
I enjoyed diving very much. I couldn't pull out my ears, but it was a very enjoyable memory for me to teach me slowly and kindly. I also want to go diving.
yu_ f on Google

The store manager and staff are very old veterans, and I was worried that I could keep up with my younger one, but it was okay! I walked about 15 minutes from Kannai. Google's evaluation is a criterion for judging whether or not the number of posts posted by posters is ○○○! The inside of the store is decorated with proud photos, and you will be healed in a Hawaiian atmosphere. You said that the store manager's wife is coordinating!
Taketo Hayashi on Google

Excellent! Service and snack lol Nice stuff. Always female staff is there

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