
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 茂利多屋

住所 :

Nakazato, Tendō, 〒994-0064 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://moritaya-bento.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 12AM–2PM
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Yamagata

Nakazato, Tendō, 〒994-0064 Yamagata,Japan
大渕貴政 on Google

当店人気ナンバーワンって書いてあるチキンカツ定食が340円。 安い、早いで十分満足。 メニューもお弁当も多数。
The chicken cutlet set meal, which is said to be the most popular in our shop, is 340 yen. Cheap, fast and fully satisfied. There are many menus and lunch boxes.
Shota I on Google

安くて美味い! チキンカツが最高でした。 さっくさくで、ソースをかけて、最高の朝食でした!!
Cheap and delicious! The chicken katsu was the best. It was quick, sprinkled with sauce, and it was the best breakfast! !!
藍猫 on Google

この値段で?どうせ小さいんでしょ? とか思っていたけど、いざ注文したら四切れもあるし。 衣はサックサクで、少食気味の方にはちょうどいい。お得! これで満腹になれない人は、ラーメンも注文するのもあり。(定食もあるけど) ただ、出来上がりの時間が麺だと違うから注意して注文すると良きかも☺️ 全部セルフサービスなので、安心して食べれる。 味噌汁やカップラーメンも売ってました。 24時間ってすごく助かる。 今はそういうとこないから? もしかしたら唯一かも…? ちょっとだけ店員さんが無愛想なので星4つにしました。
At this price? Isn't it small anyway? I was thinking, but when I ordered it, there were four pieces. The batter is crispy and is just right for those who have a small meal. Great value! If you can't get full with this, you may also order ramen. (Although there is a set meal) However, it may be better to order carefully because the finished time is different from noodles ☺️ It's all self-service, so you can eat with confidence. I also sold miso soup and cup ramen. 24 hours is very helpful. That's not the case right now ? Maybe it's the only one ...? The clerk is a little unfriendly, so I gave it four stars.
KO on Google

よく利用してます 無料駐車場、24時間営業が嬉しい メニューが豊富で、早い、安い、美味いの店 昼はお弁当もいいかな ラーメンにしようかうどんにしようか迷い天ぷらうどんにしました もうちょっとトイレが綺麗なら満点なんだけど
I often use it Free parking, open 24 hours a day A restaurant with abundant menus, fast, cheap, and delicious. I was wondering whether to make ramen or udon. I made tempura udon. It would be perfect if the toilet was a little cleaner
taka 1111 on Google

It's not a very delicious restaurant, but it's cheap and it's open 24 hours a day.
安倍正明 on Google

Entered at 6 o'clock on Saturday, so vacant! Enter and buy a meal ticket at the ticket vending machine on the right side, hand over the meal ticket at the counter that seems to be a cashier, and sit down. The water is self-calling after a while, so I go to a place that seems to be a tableware receiving place to pick up the bumps. Chicken and curry have an average roux score, and although it is thin, it feels crispy! It's worth the price, but it's good value and delicious. When I finish eating, I return the tableware to the place I went to pick it up.
稲荷たろう on Google

夜10時過ぎ、食べるところを探して辿り着いたのがこちらでした。 支那そばと焼肉カルビ丼をチョイスしましたが、優しい味でめちゃくちゃ美味しかったです。妻は豚肉そばを選んでいましたが、こちらもスープを飲み干すくらい良かったですねー。そしてとにかく安い。 スタッフさんの対応もよく、地元の方にも愛されてるんじゃないかなと思いました。山形に行った際には、また立ち寄りたいです。
After 10 pm, I arrived here looking for a place to eat. I chose Chinese noodles and yakiniku rib bowl, but it was really delicious with a gentle taste. My wife chose pork soba, but it was good enough to drink the soup. And it's cheap anyway. The staff are very friendly and I think they are loved by the locals. When I go to Yamagata, I want to stop by again.
子猫の気持ち on Google

24時間のドライブイン。チキンカツ定食、カレーライス、丼物、ラーメン、蕎麦などメニューも豊富で定食屋みたい。他に弁当、惣菜、更にはカップラーメンやアルコールetc…とまあ何でもある感じ。しかも値段もリーズナブルでドライバー達の胃袋を満たしている。 駐車場は広いが奥の殆どはトラック用なので止めるとトラックに囲まれてしまう恐れがあるので注意。店内入口に消毒、検温あり。券売機で食券を購入後受付で店員さんに渡して注文完了。料理が出来上がると呼ばれるので受け取りに行き、食べ終わったら返却口に。 客層はトラックドライバーさんがやや多め。時間帯によって客層が違い、昼間はビジネスマンを始め老若男女問わずお客さんがいる。深夜はトラックドライバーさんの他にやんちゃそうな若者もいたり、夜のお仕事関係の若者もいる。
24-hour drive-in. The chicken cutlet set meal, curry rice, rice bowls, ramen, soba and other menus are abundant and it looks like a set meal shop. Besides, lunch boxes, side dishes, cup ramen, alcohol, etc ... Moreover, the price is reasonable and it fills the stomach of the drivers. The parking lot is large, but most of the back is for trucks, so be careful as you may be surrounded by trucks if you stop. There is disinfection and temperature measurement at the entrance of the store. After purchasing a meal ticket at the ticket vending machine, hand it over to the clerk at the reception to complete the order. It is said that the food is ready, so go to pick it up, and when you finish eating, go to the return port. The customer base is a little large for truck drivers. The customer base differs depending on the time of day, and in the daytime there are customers of all ages, including businessmen. In the middle of the night, besides the truck driver, there are young people who seem to be messy, and there are young people who are related to work at night.

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