Nakayamasakuradai Park - Takarazuka

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nakayamasakuradai Park

住所 :

4 Chome-12-1 Nakayamasakuradai, Takarazuka, Hyogo 665-0877, Japan

Postal code : 665-0877

4 Chome-12-1 Nakayamasakuradai, Takarazuka, Hyogo 665-0877, Japan
池尻正 on Google

The Itami Airport plane looked interesting and interesting
鳥羽由乃(Bluebird) on Google

The cherry blossom season is sure to be beautiful ?
村田豊 on Google

花見??✨には 良い場所ですねー? 大阪市街を見渡せます。
It's a good place for Hanami??✨ ? Overlooking Osaka city.
板垣泰彦 on Google

Only local people come, so you can enjoy cherry blossom viewing slowly.
三浦一人 on Google

It is a very environmentally friendly town with a view of Osaka Bay.
丸谷鉄斎 on Google

昼間も静かで気持ちが落ち着く場所です。 滑り台・鉄棒・ブランコも有りました。 鋪装した小道を歩くのに最適な場所でした。
It is a place that is quiet and calm even during the day. There were slides, horizontal bars and swings. It was a great place to walk along a paved trail.
手手丸谷 on Google

近くに小学校が在り、一歳二ヶ月の孫の人見知りを変えて他人に慣らす為に小学生や公園を犬を連れて散歩している人を見ても「泣かない」様にしょうと頑張っています! 施設は老化が進んで来ていますが、見晴らしが良く心が落ち着き小学生の笑顔からエネルギーがもらえて元気が出ます?。 他人との関係が薄れる時代です。 子供達が安全で安心して生きれる社会であって欲しいデスね?。
There is an elementary school nearby, and I am trying hard not to cry even if I see elementary school children or people who take a walk with a dog in the park to change the stranger of one-and-two-month grandchildren and get used to others ! Aging is advancing in the facility, but the view is good and the mind is calm and energy is given from the smile of the primary schoolchild and it is cheering up. It is a time when relationships with others are diminished. I want death to be a society where children can live safely and safely.
青木昭二 on Google

The view towards Itami and Osaka is good, and it is good for walking dogs.

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