Nakayama Country Club - Yachiyo

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nakayama Country Club

住所 :

1299 Sonohashi, Yachiyo, Chiba 276-0007, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 276-0007
Webサイト :

1299 Sonohashi, Yachiyo, Chiba 276-0007, Japan
善ちゃん on Google

I would like to visit the historic golf course again in the early spring season with good turf, with a round and strategic course in the forest, invited by members.
ボンマル on Google

The distance is short, but I arrived 8 minutes before the start time due to traffic jams ??⚡. I always try to go one hour before the start time, but it is a golf course where I can not read the time.
SA on Google

練習場が充実しています。 打席、アプローチ、バンカー、パター クラブバスも複数あるので、ラウンド前は早めに行って練習するのがおすすめです。 コースはきれいで平坦ですが簡単ではない... また行きたくなるゴルフ場です。
There are plenty of practice areas. At bat, approach, bunker, putter There are multiple club buses, so it is recommended to go early and practice before the round. The course is clean and flat but not easy ... It is a golf course that makes you want to go again.
前島秀彦 on Google

First play. It was hot today. It is spacious and well maintained. It is a Koryo green. I want to go again.
kou on Google

※ジャケット忘れないでくださいね、また男性で短パンでプレーされる方は、長いソックスじゃないといけないので、気をつけてくださいね。 関東屈指の名門コース、開業60周年というだけあり、林の木が立派です、しかも松ばかりというコースには、重厚な貫禄があります。 周辺道路が混雑し易いロケーションなので、早い時間帯のプレーがお勧めです。 屋根付き駐車場は、乗用車向けで高さが低いので、ミニバンや背の高いSUVの場合は、屋根無しに停めた方が良いです。 2021年5月現在では、コロナ禍で食堂でアルコールの提供はありませんし、持ち込みも避けた方が良さそうですので、心配な方はゴルフ場に問い合わせしたほうがいいです。 パッティンググリーンは、橋を渡った向かい側スタートコース下になります。 練習場は、ドライビングレンジ、アプローチ、バンカー、グリーンと大変充実しております。 バンカーとアプローチの練習の際は、ドライビングレンジで使用する貸出球を使用と注意書きの看板があった気がするので、ドライビングレンジの球を何球か残しておきましょう。 フェアウェイは広くドライバーを安心して振れるのですが、そこは設計者の思惑にまんまと乗せられてしまい、何故か林に吸い込まれてしまいます笑 流石60周年…林の樹々は立派な枝を生やしているので、低い球でフェアウェイに戻すだけにしないとスコアをくずします。 コースのいいとこにバンカーがあり、ここも良く吸い込まれてしまいます笑 バンカーの色によって砂の質が違い、比較的白い方はサラサラ、比較的赤い方は土系ですので、打ち方変えないとです。 グリーンは小さい砲台ですので、手前の花道から転がしが正攻法だし、しっかりと芝目が効いている上にうねっているので、難しいのでキャディーさんのアドバイス重要ですよ。 カートナビも無いので、セルフで周ってのスコアメイクはかなり難しいと思います。 比較的フラットな分距離も長いし、傾斜で戻って来たりも無い代わりに松林の試練が待ち受けており接待コースでは無いです。難しいコースですが、抜群のコースメインテナンスですので、本当にゴルフが好きな方が、プレーを楽しめる素晴らしいゴルフ場だと思います。 クラブハウス等は歴史を感じる昭和な雰囲気ですので、そこにバブリーな雰囲気を求める方には向かないです。コースメインテナンスにお金を掛けているのは、プレーした人なら一目瞭然です。 またリベンジに行きたい!!
* Don't forget the jacket, and if you are a man playing in shorts, you have to wear long socks, so please be careful. One of the most prestigious courses in the Kanto region, which is only the 60th anniversary of its opening, the forest trees are splendid, and the course with only pine trees has a profound dignity. It is recommended to play early because the surrounding roads are easily congested. Covered parking is low for passenger cars, so for minivans and tall SUVs it is better to park without a roof. As of May 2021, alcohol is not served in the cafeteria due to the corona virus, and it seems better to avoid bringing it in, so if you are worried, you should contact the golf course. The putting green is under the start course opposite the bridge. The driving range, approach, bunker, and green are very substantial. When practicing the bunker and approach, it seems that there was a sign saying that you should use the rental ball used in the driving range, so leave some balls in the driving range. The fairway swings widely with peace of mind for the driver, but it gets put on the designer's speculation and is sucked into the forest for some reason lol 60th Anniversary of the Stones ... The trees in the forest have splendid branches, so if you don't just return them to the fairway with a low ball, you will lose your score. There is a bunker at the good point of the course, and it is often sucked in here too lol The quality of the sand differs depending on the color of the bunker, the relatively white one is smooth and the relatively red one is earthy, so you have to change the way you hit it. Since the green is a small battery, rolling from the flower path in front is a straightforward approach, and the grass is firmly working and undulating, so it is difficult, so Caddy's advice is important. I don't have a car navigation system, so I think it's quite difficult to make a score by going around on your own. It's a relatively flat distance, and it's not an entertaining course because the trials of the pine forest are waiting for you instead of coming back on a slope. It's a difficult course, but it's excellent course maintenance, so if you really like golf, I think it's a wonderful golf course where you can enjoy playing. Clubhouses have a historical Showa era atmosphere, so it is not suitable for those who want a bubbly atmosphere. It's obvious to those who have played that they are spending money on course maintenance. I want to go to revenge again! !!
Tom Minagawa on Google

Fantastic golf course with a full caddy. Has two types of green and it depends on what day your playing. Caddies are awesome and they switched from a push cart to an electric cart. It's a little pricey but a beautiful course.
sdouglah on Google

Nice golf course. Good challenge. Old clubhouse almost feels like old school converted to clubhouse. Great caddie-san. The only negative part is the long distance from highway going through narrow streets so do expect longer time to reach.
Yusuke Ochiai on Google

Great course with perfect facilities like as driving rangr, approach range, bunker and so on. As member registration or a chaperon of the members required in playing, you will be satisfied with the play under the great condition. The location is veey convenient. About 20miles away from central Tokyo area, and you can come there by train and their own shuttle bus. You will see the chance to play there, soon!!

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