
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 風ノウタ

住所 :

Nakaune, Minami Ward, 〒701-0213 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Webサイト : http://t-p-n.jp/
街 : Okayama

Nakaune, Minami Ward, 〒701-0213 Okayama,Japan
hanazono. com on Google

I went for lunch about 3 years ago. I don't have a car, so I got in my friend's car, so I don't know the way and I don't think I'll go anymore. We value "delicious" memories and memories of having fun chatting with friends.
ぱぴちわ on Google

ランチに伺いました。 手の込んだ美味しいお料理と、ゆっくりした時間を楽しめました、スタッフも感じのよいお姉さんでしたよ。 小さい焼き菓子のお土産もいただいて、大満足でした。 駐車場は広いのですが、たどり着く迄の道のりが細くて分かりにくいです。
I visited for lunch. I enjoyed the elaborate and delicious food and the relaxing time, and the staff was also a nice older sister. I was very happy to receive a souvenir of small baked goods. The parking lot is large, but the road to reach it is narrow and difficult to understand.
on Google

美味しいお料理でした。 のどかな場所にあり、ゆっくり出来ました。
It was a delicious dish. It was in a peaceful place and I was able to relax.
小倉恵美 on Google

道がわかりにくく狭いですが 到着したときに見えるお店の可愛らしさと 料理の美しさおいしさは格別です
The road is confusing and narrow The cuteness of the shop you can see when you arrive The beauty and taste of cooking is exceptional
Mai Nagahata on Google

1日1組限定の結婚式ができるレストランです? スタッフの皆さんのホスピタリティーがすごいです! 「ここが好きなんだ!」というスタッフの皆さんの愛で溢れています?
It is a restaurant where you can have a wedding ceremony limited to one group per day ? The hospitality of all the staff is amazing! It's full of love from the staff who say "I like this place!" ?
-o-陽子 on Google

10月に行きました。お店の外観は、インスタばえしそうな素敵な外観です。内観も素敵で従業員さんも素敵でした。 ランチにお伺いしましたが 2000円台のコースか3000円台のコースのどちらかで少し高めなランチですが 納得のお料理ですp(^^)q 癒されますし 少し贅沢な気分を味わうならここがいいですね。 結婚式などもしているようなので行く前には電話チェック、予約しておけのもいいかもしれません(^-^)/
I went in October. The appearance of the shop is a nice appearance that looks like Instagram. The introspection was wonderful and the employees were wonderful. I asked for lunch, but it's a little expensive lunch at either the 2000 yen level course or the 3000 yen level course, but it is a convincing dish p (^^) q It will be healed, and if you want to feel a little luxurious, this is a good place.の Because it seems to have a wedding, it may be good to check the phone and make a reservation before going (^-^) /
key pooh3 on Google

You can relax in a stylish French course in a very cute and soothing atmosphere. This time, by chance, there were two wonderful people who were taking a pre-shoot of the ceremony, and I was able to smile and relax.
浅野貴子 on Google

娘とランチをコースで頂きました。可愛いチャペルも見せてくださり、あえてのどかなこの場所で、式を挙げるのも楽しいかもね、と話しました(まだまだ先だけど?) 勿論、お料理も美味しかったです? 訪れた日はあいにくの雨でしたが、スタッフの皆さんの雰囲気かな、温かい感じを受けました? …テーブルの花に値札?がついてたのがちょっと気になったけど
I had lunch with my daughter on the course. He also showed me a cute chapel and told me that it might be fun to hold a ceremony in this idyllic place (although it's still a long way off ?). Of course, the food was delicious ? Unfortunately it was raining on the day I visited, but I felt the atmosphere of the staff was warm ? ... I was a little worried that the flowers on the table had a price tag?

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