(株)トワードセントラル 厚木低温流通センター

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (株)トワードセントラル 厚木低温流通センター

住所 :

Nakatsu, Aikawa, Aiko District, 〒243-0303 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://towardls-recruit.jp/detail/kanagawa/ct_401/650937/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Nakatsu, Aikawa, Aiko District, 〒243-0303 Kanagawa,Japan
登昇橙 on Google

Although the company name was Marunto Toward, the joint venture was dissolved from Maruun, a major logistics company, and the current company name was reached. I'm not writing it specifically, but it's no wonder that it can be solved.
磯本清満 on Google

Depends on what you have to deliver, but it can be delivered from 6:30 in the morning, so it's helpful for yourself in the night. I went for the first time, went to the reception and asked how, but the response was good.
街のクマさん on Google

It will be an ice barn on a snowy day and the next day, so let's drive slowly on the premises
にちよう、 on Google

It was a proper response at the reception, in the warehouse.
かわなお on Google

まず朝の受付がめっちゃ時間かかります。 30分以上待たされる事は多々あります。 常温バースの荷受け者は良い人ばかり♪
First of all, the reception in the morning takes a lot of time. I often have to wait more than 30 minutes. Only good people are the recipients of the normal temperature berth ♪
Trucker Zono on Google

⚠通常納品は11時までらしいです、ご注意を!! 事故渋滞で少し遅れてしまい、どうにか懇願して荷降ろしをして貰えるよう頼みましたが一切受け入れてもらえず。 出荷先やメーカー先からの電話次第では降ろしてくれる可能性あるとの事です。 人に寄るでしょうが対応の仕方が自分は冷たいなぁ、と思いました。
⚠ It seems that delivery is usually until 11:00, please be careful !! I was a little late due to the traffic jam, so I begged for it and asked for it to be unloaded, but it was not accepted at all. It is said that there is a possibility that it will be dropped depending on the call from the shipping destination or the manufacturer. It will be close to people, but I thought that I was cold in how to deal with it.

3月1日より納品、受付時間が7:00からとなったようです。 納品バースは12、13、14バースです。 大型、中型とも同じバースです。 受付時間前に到着し12〜14バースが接車されていたら、9〜若いバースで待機です。 受付開始後に到着の場合はバースで順番待ちをせずに、バースを背にして右斜め前のスペースに車を止めて受付です。 受付せずに順番待ちをすると周りのドライバーに文句を言われます。 私はこのローカルルールを知らずに順番待ちの列に並んだら、嫌味を他の納品に来ているドライバーに言われました。 社名や車種、名前などは公開しないでおきます。 受付時間前に到着なら7:00より事務所で受付、予定表などを受取り14バース先の入口から倉庫内に入り納品です。 受付開始後に到着なら9〜順番にバースを移動して行く感じで待機です。 倉庫内は土足禁止なので、各自上履きが必要になります。 納品はパレット降ろしができます。 パレットの差し替えももらえるので、種類ごと賞味ごとにパレットを分けて行けば早く納品が終わります。 受付や納品方法がわからずに、トワードの事務員さんや作業員さんに聞くと親切に教えてくれました。 回転も早いので、そんなに時間が取られないと思います。
Delivery from March 1st, reception time seems to be from 7:00. Delivery berths are 12, 13 and 14 berths. It is the same berth for both large and medium size. If you arrive before the reception time and 12-14 berths are in contact, you will be waiting at 9-young berths. If you arrive after the reception starts, do not wait in the berth, but park your car in the space diagonally to the right with your back to the berth. If you wait in line without accepting, the drivers around you will complain. If I lined up in a queue without knowing this local rule, I was told by a driver who was coming to another delivery that I didn't like it. We will not disclose the company name, vehicle type, name, etc. If you arrive before the reception time, you will receive the reception at the office from 7:00, receive the schedule, etc. and enter the warehouse from the entrance 14 berths ahead and deliver it. If you arrive after the reception starts, you will be waiting as if you are moving the berth in order from 9 to. Shoes are not allowed inside the warehouse, so you will need to wear your own shoes. Delivery can be palletized. You can also replace the pallets, so if you divide the pallets according to the type and taste, the delivery will be completed sooner. I didn't know the reception and delivery method, so when I asked the clerk and workers of Toward, they kindly told me. The rotation is fast, so I don't think it will take much time.
若林明 on Google

受付にいる年配のオバサンは何も解って無いので手間にいる若い女性に聞く方が早いです。男性社員は態度がデカく現場も解って無いので問題外。現場で働いてる人達は少ない人数の中頑張ってます。タイミングにもよりますが、フォークマンが来れば 割と早く積み卸し出来ます。何処でもそうですが、順番待ちはある程度我慢かな。
The elderly Obasan at the reception doesn't know anything, so it's faster to ask the young woman who is in trouble. Male employees have a big attitude and do not know the site, so it is out of the question. The people working in the field are doing their best in a small number of people. Depending on the timing, if a folkman arrives, you can load and unload relatively quickly. As with everywhere, I wonder if I can put up with waiting in line to some extent.

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