Nakasu Fishing-harbor - Chita District

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nakasu Fishing-harbor

住所 :

Higashinoura-167 Toyohama, Minamichita, Chita District, Aichi 470-3412, Japan

Postal code : 470-3412

Higashinoura-167 Toyohama, Minamichita, Chita District, Aichi 470-3412, Japan
うめ太郎 on Google

季節事に色んな魚種の釣りが楽しめます。 漁師さんに迷惑掛けずにポイ捨て等はしないように楽しみましょう
You can enjoy fishing of various fish species during the season. Let's enjoy not to litter etc. without bothering fishermen
勝又節乗 on Google

The Chita Peninsula in Aichi Prefecture has a long tradition of sea bream festivals. It is called a strange festival of the world, and it is a festival that is so brave that it is introduced on TV. The sea bream mikoshi is released in each district, and the sea bream mikoshi in the Nakasu district is the largest and most magnificent. This year it was canceled due to the corona turmoil. I'm sorry.
Strong Mr on Google

釣りに行きました。 外海に向かって釣りをする場合はテトラから行うため、足場が悪くファミリー向けではない。 漁港内で釣る分には比較的安全。 トイレ無し。 自販機は出入り口にあり。
I went fishing. When fishing toward the open sea, it is done from Tetra, so the foothold is poor and it is not for families. It is relatively safe for fishing in the fishing port. No toilet. There is a vending machine at the doorway.
gam97271あっ on Google

181115穴釣り カサゴ、ハゼ、メバル、フグ。坊主はまず無いかな。
181115 Hole fishing Scorpion fish, goby, rockfish, blowfish. I wonder if there is a shaven.
あーでもこーでも on Google

堤防を毎朝散歩してるお爺さんにうちのゴミではないのにお前のタバコだろ吸殻拾えと文句言われました。 私タバコは吸いませんので 自分のゴミは必ず持ち帰ります。 皆さんもマナー守りましょう。
An old man who took a walk on the embankment every morning complained that he was your cigarette, though it wasn't our rubbish, but he could pick up butts. I don't smoke Be sure to take your own trash home with you. Let's all follow the etiquette.
22 caddy on Google

入り口が狭いから穴場 …かと思ったら結構人がいた
Because the entrance is narrow, it's a little-known spot ... I thought there were quite a few people
ともチャンネル on Google

綺麗な景色撮れます。 釣りでも有名なスポット?
You can take beautiful scenery. A famous spot for fishing ?
Nスマッシュ on Google

穴場って言われてるけど週末は結構人がいました。 漁港に入る道が狭いしわかりにくいです。 堤防テトラ側は浅めです
It's said to be a little-known spot, but there were quite a few people on weekends. The road to the fishing port is narrow and difficult to understand. The embankment tetra side is shallow

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