東進衛星予備校 広島大町校

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 東進衛星予備校 広島大町校

住所 :

Nakasu, Asaminami Ward, 〒731-0121 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88877
Webサイト : https://www.toshin.com/es/map/3451.html
街 : Hiroshima

Nakasu, Asaminami Ward, 〒731-0121 Hiroshima,Japan

長瀬義孝 on Google

怜生 on Google

こさっきー on Google

高野実由樹 on Google

佐田光月 on Google

仕切りがダンボールで、机は長いやつ。 見たらわかる、やっすい作りです。 費用は数十万出しているのに、これはないでしょう。酷すぎます。
The partition is cardboard and the desk is long. It is easy to understand if you look at it. This is probably not the case with hundreds of thousands of costs. Too cruel.
K T on Google

I don't know if it's still there, but there was a violent head of the school. Perhaps I want to make it a preparatory school achievement, or even though it is meaningless for my course, I try to force myself to take the national public examination. I paid for it, but I ran away on the way to study for myself and obtained a national qualification at university to reach the present age. It was a distorted national and public justice prep school.
JIN _ on Google

教師が糞 無理に自分の実力よりも上の大学を目指させたり、あからさまに用事がないと決めつけたり、挙句用事があると事前に伝えても必ず電話が入る。担任のハズレを引くと毎日電話がかかってくるとも聞いた。中には自分の自主性に任して無理のないスケジュールを立ててくれる担任もいるが、夏期講習でも金を巻取ろうと中々厳しいスケジュールを立ててくる担任もいる。また、予定があって帰ろうとしても「あとこれだけ」、「あと少し!」のように引き止めてくる。予定を達成したり、それ以上のことをプラスでやると、モチベをあげるためかかなり褒めてくる、やらせたくせに。東進といえど、ここでは東大、旧帝大、京大などに受かっている人は最近ではいないため、交通などの便で本当にここしかない、という人以外おすすめしない。
Teacher poop Even if I force myself to aim for a university that is higher than my ability, explicitly decide that I have no business, or tell me in advance that I have business, I will always get a call. I also heard that if you lose your homeroom teacher, you will receive a phone call every day. Some homeroom teachers leave it to their own independence to set up a reasonable schedule, but some homeroom teachers set up a strict schedule to take up money even in the summer class. Also, even if I have a plan and try to go home, it will stop like "just this much" or "a little more!". If you achieve your schedule or do more than that, you will be praised for motivation. Even though it is Toshin, there are not many people who have been accepted by the University of Tokyo, the former imperial university, Kyoto University, etc., so I do not recommend it except for those who are really only here due to transportation and other conveniences.

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