Nakasendo Mitake Kan - Kani District

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nakasendo Mitake Kan

住所 :

1389-1 Mitake, Kani District, Gifu 505-0116, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 505-0116
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday 10AM–5PM
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM

1389-1 Mitake, Kani District, Gifu 505-0116, Japan
風流 一人旅 on Google

2階が郷土資料室になっています。 古代から現代に至るまでの御嵩の歴史を一通り学べます。 無料のわりにはボリュームがあると思います。
The second floor is the local museum. You can learn about the history of Mitake from ancient times to the present. I think there is volume for free.
はるのゆいたろう on Google

中仙道の御嶽宿の中にある「みたけ館」は図書館と二階部分には御嶽町の歴史展示館になっています。 御嶽宿の賑わいだけでなく、戦国時代の武将の「可児才蔵」の特集や御嶽町の歴史(昭和の亜炭鉱採掘は初めて見る展示でした)も分かりとても勉強になります。 また御嶽町のゆるキャラ「ミーモくん」が中仙道木曽宿の現在を旅すると言う写真展がナンだかイイ感じでした。 ちなみ裏手には大きな駐車場?️が完備されていますので、御嶽宿訪問時の基地としての利用も有りだと思います。
The "Mitakekan" in Mitake-juku in Nakasendo is a library and a historical exhibition hall in Mitake-cho on the second floor. Not only the bustle of Mitake-juku, but also the special feature of "Kani Saizo", a military commander of the Warring States period, and the history of Mitake-cho (the Showa mine mining was the first exhibition I saw) will be a great learning experience. Also, the photo exhibition that the mascot character "Mimo-kun" from Mitake-cho travels to the present in Kiso-juku, Nakasendo was a nice touch. By the way, there is a large parking lot ?️ on the back, so I think it can be used as a base when visiting Mitake-juku.
Masa on Google

1F が図書館で、2F が郷土資料館になっている。 とても綺麗に展示されていて御嵩町の”骨格”が解ったような気がした。 こちらの質問に、とても親切に答えていただき、有難かったです。 しかも 入館料 無料です。
The first floor is a library and the second floor is a local museum. It was displayed very beautifully, and I felt like I understood the “skeleton” of Mitake-cho. Thank you very much for answering this question very kindly. And the admission fee is free.
森昭二 on Google

特別展「可児才蔵展」を見に行きました。才蔵所用と伝わる槍や鎧が展示されています。可児才蔵は可児郡(御嵩町)出身で名の知られた戦国武将なのですが、確実な資料が少なく不明な点が多々あります。生まれた年も天文23年と天正元年の二説あります。天正元年説は地元の願興寺の『大寺記』の記述によるものですが、そこには才蔵の母親は朝倉義景の側室で朝倉氏滅亡の時に、越前から願興寺に逃れてきてそこで才蔵を生んだとあります。私はこれは一種の貴種流離譚であって信用できないと思います。それに才蔵は天正12年の末盛城の戦いで活躍したという話もあるのですが、天正元年生まれだとこの時才蔵は12才ということになります。そう考えると、天文23年生まれ(これだとこの時、才蔵は31才になります)が正しいのではないかと思います。 特別展の他にも常設展示も見ましたが、とても興味深いです。御嵩宿については勿論、他にも和泉式部の伝説(平安時代の恋多き女流歌人・和泉式部はこの地で死んだという伝説があるのです!)や隠れキリシタンの資料、かつて盛んだった亜炭産業についての展示、更には日本で初めて発見された像・ゴンフォテリウムの化石(係の方の話では展示されているものはレプリカだそうですが)など他では見られない(ある意味当然ですが)珍しい展示を見ることができます。 決して大きくない施設ですが、このように見どころは沢山あります。最後になりましたが「可児才蔵展」は2月24日までです。お見逃しなく‼️
I went to see the special exhibition "Kani Saizo Exhibition". Spears and armor that are handed down for the sake warehouse are on display. Kani Saizo is a well-known Sengoku warlord from Kani-gun (Mitake-cho), but there are many uncertain points with few reliable materials. There are also two theories of birth year: Astronomy 23 and Tensho 1st year. The Tensho 1st Theory is based on the description of the local temple of Gankoji, Daijiki, where the mother of Saizo fled from Echizen to Gankoji when she died in Asakura Yoshikage's concubine, where she was born. There is. I don't think this is a kind of noble and unreliable. There is also a story that Saizo played an active part in the battle of Suemori Castle in Tensho 12th, but if she was born in the first year of Tensho, she would be 12 at this time. If you think so, I think that it is correct to be born in astronomy 23 years (at this time, I will be 31 years old). の 他 I saw permanent exhibitions as well as special exhibitions, but they are very interesting. Of course, the legend of Izumi Shikibu (the legend that the Izumi Shikibu, a female singer with a lot of love in the Heian period, died in this area!), As well as the materials of Hidden Christians, were once thriving. Exhibits about the lignite industry, as well as fossils of statues and gonfoteriums first discovered in Japan (although the person in charge says that the displayed thing is a replica), it can not be seen elsewhere (naturally in a sense) But) you can see rare exhibits. 施 設 It is not a big facility, but there are many attractions like this. Last but not least, the "Kani Saizo Exhibition" is open until February 24. Do not miss it! ️
jun kimoto on Google

I went to a special exhibition of the twelve Shinsho. It was so powerful that I couldn't believe it had passed nearly 1,000. Worth a look. In addition, valuable materials such as the display of hidden Christians could be seen.
達典松本 on Google

The admission-free twelve Shinsho exhibition was wonderful. Use the Meitetsu Hiromi Line instead of the entrance fee and come by train. Because it is about 100M from the station. We introduce the old days of Nakasendo.
Daisuke Kikuchi on Google

中山道御嵩宿跡にある図書館兼郷土博物館。 企画展の内容がとても良かった! (木曽海道六拾九次を辿って旅してみた)
A library and local museum at the site of Mitake-juku on Nakasendo. The content of the special exhibition was very good! (I tried to travel by following the Kiso Kaido Rokusho Kuji)
mo JASDF on Google

The first floor is the library and the second floor is the folk museum. Free museum? Don't underestimate it, it's good enough to see. It was an exhibit that made me like Mitake even though I wasn't a townsman of Mitake.

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