Nakaokamotomidori Park - Utsunomiya

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nakaokamotomidori Park

住所 :

3048 Nakaokamotocho, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 329-1105, Japan

Postal code : 329-1105

3048 Nakaokamotocho, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 329-1105, Japan
Oni Ko on Google

遊具や砂場、原っぱ、散歩道、トイレ、水道、駐車場があり、小さい子を遊ばせるにはちょうどよい公園です。まだ歩けない赤ちゃんでも、ベビーカーで林の中をお散歩できるので助かります。 子どもを遊ばせている親御さんも、きちんとした方が多いようなきがします。 ただ、公園の駐車場には、利用者以外の車がいつも停まっていて、使いづらいです。
There are playground equipment, sandbox, fields, walkways, toilets, water supply, parking lot, and it is a good park to play small children. Even baby who can not walk yet is saved because we can walk in the forest with stroller. Parents who play children also seem to have many people who are neat. However, cars other than users are always parked in the parking lot of the park and it is hard to use.
ぴーちゃん on Google

GW期間中に初めて来ましたが 空いてて思いっきり遊べました。 大型遊具(滑り台2)のみ。 ブランコ、ジャングルジム無し お砂場もありませんでしたが 遊具の周りの砂で遊べました。 5、4、3歳児は満足出来ます?˒˒* 年齢があがるとつまらないようです。 駐車場、トイレ、水道あり
I came for the first time during the GW period It was vacant and I was able to play freely. Large play equipment (slide 2) only. No swing, no jungle gym There was no sandbox, too I could play in the sand around the playground equipment. 5, 4 and 3 year olds are satisfied 歳 * It seems boring when the age increases. There are parking lot, restroom, water supply
82 lnico on Google

一年くらい前に遊具が新しくなりました。 それまではブランコがあったり急な傾斜の滑り台があったりと、子供も楽しく遊んでいました。 ただ新しくなってからは、小さい子向けのこぢんまりした遊具になってしまい、今年一年生になった息子はあまり行かなくなってしまいました。 公園では遊具以外にボール遊びなどするスペースがあり、そこで遊ぶ人も多いです。
The playground equipment was renewed about a year ago. Until then, children were playing happily, with swings and steep slopes. However, since it became new, it became a small playground equipment for small children, and the son who became a first grader this year did not go much. In the park, there is a space for playing balls other than playground equipment, and many people play there.
荒井浩二 on Google

This is a walking course. It's a small park, but it's quiet and nice. I'm glad that the library is next door. While taking a walk, I occasionally search for the book I want to read. I'm having such a holiday ??
風音 on Google

The new large playset is a little special to make and can hardly be played by 1-2 years old. Over 3 years old. Spring is hard for people with hay fever because there is a cedar forest next to it. Natsubo Newtown Daisan Park within walking distance can be played a little even at the age of one
B R on Google

It is a quiet and green park. There is a parking lot and a toilet.
yuka a on Google

The playthings are new and it is beautiful. There is a parking lot widely on the lawn, which is a nice place for children to play.
おとめ祐子 on Google

夏は虫が出るからあまり行きませんが、春になると木々が芽吹いて綺麗な場所です。敷地に桜も咲いています。 秋にはどんぐりを拾ったり、銀杏の色付いた頃はいいですね。遊歩道を歩く人がいて、健康的な場所です。子ども達をのびのび遊ばせる事ができます。
I don't go there much in the summer because insects come out, but in the spring it is a beautiful place where trees sprout. Cherry blossoms are also in bloom on the site. It's nice to pick up acorns in the fall and when the ginkgo is colored. It is a healthy place with people walking on the promenade. You can let the children play freely.

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