南欧厨房 ポンメール

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 南欧厨房 ポンメール

住所 :

Nakanoe, Ogaki, 〒503-0804 Gifu,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
街 : Gifu

Nakanoe, Ogaki, 〒503-0804 Gifu,Japan
six trip on Google

身体に優しく癒しのイタリアンです。 味わいも優しく毎日でも食べれます。 ワインも岐阜でこの店の主人より理解している店は無いです。
It is an Italian that heals gently to the body. You can eat it gently every day. There is no store in Gifu that understands wine more than the owner of this store.
並木怜奈 on Google

古ぼけた外観ですが、中は意外と小綺麗で居心地がよく、なによりお料理がとても美味しい。 生パスタランチは前菜とコーヒー付。 こんどは夜も来てみたい、と思ったお店。
It has an old-fashioned appearance, but the inside is surprisingly small and comfortable, and above all the food is very delicious. Raw pasta lunch with appetizer and coffee. This is the store I wanted to visit at night.
はる on Google

古い建物、中がお洒落かなぁと思いつつ… 入り口にポンプタイプの除菌が置いてあり使おうと思ったらカーマのレジテープが張ってありガッカリ 量は少なめ店変えて食べ直したくらい。 食べ終わるたびにすぐ食器類を何回も片付けに来る。とても見られてる感じ。 ガムシロとフレッシュを聞きもせず持って行ってしまい、レシートをバンって音たてて置いたのにはさすがにあらあらと思った。
While thinking that the inside of the old building is fashionable ... There is a pump type sterilizer at the entrance, and when I thought about using it, a kerma registration tape was put up and I was disappointed I changed the amount to a smaller amount and ate it again. Immediately after finishing eating, I come to clean up the dishes many times. It's very visible. I didn't even listen to gumshiro and fresh, so I thought it would be awkward to put a receipt and bang it.
Milk Tea on Google

雰囲気の良いイタリアンのお店です。 休日の夜に訪問しましたが、それほど混んでいませんでした。 南欧厨房と銘打っていますが、照明も接客も大人しめな感じです。 レギュラーメニューも美味しそうでしたが、黒板に書かれた季節感のあるメニューがとても目を引きます。 秋刀魚のスパゲティークミン風味を頂きました、他のテーブルのお客も頼んでおり、秋の注目メニュー的な感じです。 味はもちろん期待通り美味しいです。麺は中太でもっちりしており、他ではあまりない感じでした。 チーズや生ハムも期待以上でした。「
It is an Italian restaurant with a nice atmosphere. I visited on a holiday night and it wasn't too crowded. Although it is called a Southern European kitchen, the lighting and customer service are mature. The regular menu looked delicious, but the seasonal menu written on the blackboard is very eye-catching. I got the spaghetti cumin flavor of saury, and I also asked customers at other tables, so it feels like a hot menu in autumn. The taste is of course delicious as expected. The noodles were medium-thick and firm, and it didn't feel like anything else. Cheese and prosciutto also exceeded expectations. "
Toshi Y on Google

35年振りの再訪! 急用で帰省し、用事が済んだ所でパスタが食べたいとGoogle Mapで検索して夜におじゃましましたが、学生の頃三城コートでのテニス帰りに立ち寄ったことがある気がしました。 かみさんが入口に置いてあった灰皿に気が付いたので店の方に尋ねると、昨年35周年を迎えたとのこと。このシンプルな灰皿はオープンの記念品で、今でも家にあることを彼女が覚えていました。 食事はスパゲッティ、ニョッキ、パッパルデッレにマルゲリータと(昔からの定番らしい)パンプキンプリンとリンゴのタルトを美味しくいただきました。口コミを見るとワインも充実しているとの事なので、次はワイン好きの友人を誘って訪ねてみたいと思います。
35 years revisited! I returned home in a hurry, and I went to search at google map when I wanted to eat pasta at the place I had finished, but I felt that I had stopped by the tennis return at the Sanjo Court as a student. I noticed that the ashtray had been placed at the entrance of the house, so I asked the shop about it and said it had reached the 35th anniversary last year. This simple ashtray is an open memorabilia and I remember she was still at home. The meal was delicious with spaghetti, gnocchi, pappardelle, margherita and pumpkin pudding (probably old-fashioned classic) and apple tart. As we look at word of mouth that wine is substantial, next, we would like to invite a wine-loving friend to visit.
月乃 on Google

1000円だったランチが一気に1.5倍の値上げに驚きました 店員の態度は相変わらず悪く、料理も1500円以上も出す内容ではないです よっぽどのことがないともう利用することはないですね
I was surprised that the price of lunch, which was 1000 yen, increased by 1.5 times at once. The clerk's attitude is still bad, and the food is not more than 1500 yen. If there is nothing else, I will not use it anymore
taka ichi (いち) on Google

I often use it for lunch. Homely Italian. Pasta lunch is 1,000 yen for assorted appetizers, pasta and drinks. Raw pasta has a chewy texture and feels good. I really like the gentle taste.
ポニョポニョ on Google

I searched for a certain tabelog and visited for lunch (╹◡╹) It was said that it would take time because the parking lot was crowded and there were customers who made reservations, but I was lucky that the food came out unexpectedly early. (・ ∀ ・) I got a main lunch of 1950 yen (´∀ ` *) It was a lot of oolong tea ╰ (* ´︶` *) ╯ ♡ It was good to use PayPay (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)

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