きたかみ自販 盛岡店

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact きたかみ自販 盛岡店

住所 :

Nakano, Morioka, 〒020-0816 Iwate,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://kitakamijihan.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–6PM
Sunday 9AM–6PM
Monday 9AM–6PM
Tuesday 9AM–6PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–6PM
Friday 9AM–6PM
街 : Iwate

Nakano, Morioka, 〒020-0816 Iwate,Japan
Yoshi on Google

It was very helpful for me to respond politely and to listen to my request in a friendly manner. Thank you very much to Mr. Chikugo. Thank you very much.
佐藤和美 on Google

商談ルームや車検、点検時の待合スペースは、とても綺麗です。ドリンクやお菓子もあり待ち時間はのんびりできます。 ただ、商談は、どちらかと言うと押し付け的に話をしてくる感じがあるので、断り辛い方は、言うがままに買わなきゃならなくなる可能性がありますので、気をつけましょう。
The negotiation room, vehicle inspection, and waiting space for inspections are very beautiful. There are drinks and sweets, so you can relax while waiting. However, business negotiations seem to be rather intrusive, so if you have a hard time refusing, you may have to buy as you say, so be careful.
波紫孝平 on Google

The clerk's response was bright and polite, and I liked it very much. I want to ask you various things. I was happy that the clerk who responded today (2021/11/30) was very beautiful \ (^ o ^) /
よう on Google

He gave me an easy-to-understand and polite explanation, and I was looking forward to the delivery of the car. I hope to work with you in the future. Thank you Chikugo!
いわもっちゃん on Google

The young female salesperson had a polite and kind business talk, but the explanation was insufficient. Then, as other people said, it's pretty aggressive. "Decide now!" "There is a lot of feeling, and when I tell him that I want to see and consider other things, he says," I'll keep it. "Even though I didn't make a contract, I kept it without permission, but when I canceled it, I was surprised. It was good until then, but I was disappointed. I got a tire gift at the settlement sale. I didn't get it. I bought it myself because I got a discount on expensive tires. The discount and the gift are different, right? Please don't do it. However, I was impressed by the telephone support. I exchanged telephone calls with the sales staff several times, but I thought the receptionist was really wonderful! I simply evaluated it.
ちゃんこ on Google

急に車が必要になり来店しましたが、大変親切丁寧に対応してくださいました。 しっかり説明もしてくださるので、不明な点が全くなく、安心して契約することができました。 お店の雰囲気・サービスもとても良く、きたかみ自販-盛岡店さんを選んで本当によかったです!
I suddenly needed a car and came to the store, but he was very kind and polite. He gave me a good explanation, so I didn't have any questions and I was able to sign the contract with confidence. The atmosphere and service of the shop is very good, and I'm really glad I chose Kitakami Self-Sale-Morioka!
ちゃちゃ on Google

納車されても洗車されてないのか窓とか汚れた状態で渡されました。 乗って5分…エアコンフィルターが汚れすぎてて臭すぎで咳が2日間も止まらず、ウォッシャー液も出てきませんでした。 整備はきちんとみてないんだなと思いました。 今まで色んなとこで車を買いましたがこんな酷い対応されたのは初めてだったので驚きを通り越して呆れて物が言えません。 契約する前に保証の確認も何度もしましたが契約したら保証期間が聞いてた話と違い詐欺まがいでした。 契約した途端担当者は何回行っても居留守を使ってるのか最後まで会うことはありませんでした。 口コミが良くTVでCMをみて良さそうなところかなと思って行っただけに最悪でした。
Even if the car was delivered, it was handed over in a dirty state such as windows, probably because it was not washed. 5 minutes after riding ... The air conditioner filter was too dirty and smelled so much that I couldn't stop coughing for 2 days and the washer fluid didn't come out. I thought that the maintenance was not done properly. I've bought cars in various places, but it's the first time I've had such a terrible response, so I'm surprised and can't say anything. I checked the warranty many times before signing the contract, but when I signed the contract, the warranty period was different from what I heard, and it was fraudulent. As soon as I signed the contract, the person in charge did not meet until the end whether he was using the answering machine no matter how many times he went. It was the worst because I thought that the word of mouth was good and I saw the commercial on TV and thought it would be good.
子たぬき on Google

急遽仕事で車が必要となり。購入し、納車早めにと依頼していたのだが。本来なら令和4年4/8くらいに納車予定だったが、来週になった。 営業の車のため、車検を取りなおしてもらい、新しいナンバーで依頼していた。 電話出られない曜日を伝えたいが。相談や報告があるなら。留守番にメッセージを残しておくべきだと思う。そうすれば、仕事の合間をみて電話できた。 今日の午後、自分でいつ納車になるから電話した時に、軽自動車協会へ車検を取りに行く方法を相談されたが、早めに連絡もらっていれば、今週中に車検も取り。納車出来たはず。午前中に連絡もらっていれば。午後に車検取れていたこと考えると。サポートがきちんとされていないイメージが強い。 車販売の営業対応はいいが。サポートがなっていないと感じる面が大きい。

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