鳥名子 福知山本店

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 鳥名子 福知山本店

住所 :

Nakano, Fukuchiyama, 〒620-0000 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Webサイト : http://www.torinago.com/
街 : Kyoto

Nakano, Fukuchiyama, 〒620-0000 Kyoto,Japan
y m on Google

色々おいしいですが鴨すき最高です お店のおばちゃんがおすすめの唐揚げも めちゃ美味しかったです すべて量が多いのでコスパもいいです 1人スタッフのお兄ちゃんが雑くてキレてるので星4にしましたがそれ以外は最高です
It ’s delicious, but I like duck. The fried chicken recommended by the lady at the restaurant It was really delicious Cospa is also good because everything is large One staff member's older brother is messy and sharp, so I gave it 4 stars, but other than that it is the best
プライムビューティMAX福知山店 on Google

ランチも美味しいですが 鴨すきのネギが美味しかったです? また行きますよ❤️
Lunch was delicious, but the duck-suki green onions were delicious ? I will go again ❤️
玉ねぎ兄さん on Google

会社の方に連れて行っていただきました。駅からは少し離れていますが歩いて行ける距離です。 鴨鍋は評判通り美味しく満足出来る内容です。ネギとの相性は最高です。締めは和そばがおすすめです。 難点は、服がネギ臭くなるので消臭は忘れずに!
I was taken to the company. It's a little far from the station but within walking distance. The duck pot is delicious and satisfying as it is popular. It goes great with green onions. Japanese soba is recommended for closing. The difficulty is that your clothes will smell like green onions, so don't forget to deodorize them!
5 chishi on Google

Torinago's main store, which I wanted to visit once. I have been to the Ebisu shop many times. The menu does not change much, but you can eat homemade soba at the end! After ordering, it will take some time before it comes out, so it's best to ask early. The second floor is a tatami room and is large ... Many people come with their families, so I thought it would be a wonderful shop loved by the locals. In addition to the Ebisu store mentioned above, there are multiple stores in the Kanto region, and I'm very envious. !!
KORIMA on Google

ドライブした後、夕飯を食べれる場所を探して行ってみました。17時オープンで、17:10に着いたのに一階は満席になっており、お店の横の駐車場もすでにいっぱいになっていました。初めてくるところなのでお店の人に他に駐車場がないか聞いたら親切に教えてくれました。また、駐車後お店に入ると、すでに温かいお鍋が準備されており直ぐに頂くことができました。 千切りにした白葱と鴨のお肉をシンプルに出汁鍋でしゃぶしゃぶするだけですが、とてもとても美味しかったです。つくねもお通しも美味しかった♡また、鴨ねぎの串焼きもお勧めです!締めのお蕎麦は18時前だというのにすでに売り切れだったのでラーメンにしました。他に、うどんとライスもあります。 物凄く忙しいそうでしたが、店員さんの対応 " も良く、ニコニコして仕事されている様子が見ていて気持ちよかったです。後で、人気店だという事を知りました。見つけられて本当にラッキーでした。ご馳走さまでした。 なお、駐車場ですが、お店の横以外に50メートルほど離れた所に舗装された場所とその横に未舗装の場所ですがパーキングが用意されています。写真を撮りましたのでご参考ください。
After driving, I went looking for a place to eat dinner. It was open at 17:00, and although we arrived at 17:10, the first floor was full and the parking lot next to the shop was already full. It's my first time to come, so when I asked the shop staff if there was another parking lot, he kindly told me. Also, when I entered the shop after parking, a warm pot was already prepared and I was able to get it immediately. I simply shabu-shabu the shredded white onion and duck meat in a soup stock pot, and it was very delicious. The meatballs and izakaya were delicious ♡ We also recommend the duck green onion skewers! The soba noodles were sold out even though it was before 6 pm, so I made ramen. There are also udon and rice. He seemed to be extremely busy, but the clerk's response was good, and it was nice to see him smiling and working. Later, I learned that it was a popular store. I was really lucky to find it. It was a treat. Although it is a parking lot, parking is available in a paved place about 50 meters away from the side of the shop and an unpaved place next to it. I took a picture so please refer to it.
On C on Google

たまたまふるさと納税で食べたこちらの鴨鍋セット 日本海に用事ができた際、帰りに寄れるのではないかと思って、 福知山で降りて向かいました 自宅でいただくセットはとても美味しかったので、お店だとどんなに素晴らしいだろうと思って、ドアをあけると・・・ すごい!囲炉裏のあるお店で風情がハンパないです その中で用意されていた鴨鍋はとても美味しそうで、奥から充満してくる出汁の匂いに胃酸過多極まりなく・・・ 鴨鍋はもちろん言うことがございません ネギが本当にいい味をだしてくれています シメの蕎麦までまっしぐらで、あっ!!と言う間に大切なディナーは終了してしまいました 付き合いたてのカップルにもおすすめですよ! 距離が近づくこと、間違いなし!
This kamonabe set that I happened to eat with my hometown tax When I was able to do business in the Sea of ​​Japan, I thought that I might be able to stop by on my way home. I got off at Fukuchiyama and headed The set I had at home was very delicious, so I thought how wonderful it would be at the store, and when I opened the door ... very! There is no atmosphere in the shop with a hearth The kamonabe prepared in it seems to be very delicious, and the smell of the soup stock that fills from the back is extremely acid in the stomach ... Of course there is nothing to say about kamonabe The green onions have a really nice taste Even the buckwheat noodles are straight, oh! !! In the meantime, the important dinner has ended It is also recommended for couples who have just been dating! There is no doubt that the distance will get closer!
Fajar Hadi on Google

Best in the world.. Recommended !!
Havasi Ember on Google

Tasty, very japanese, a bit pricy.

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