4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

コモドココアシヤ, 1F, 2-7 Higashiyamacho, Ashiya, Hyogo 659-0091, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87978
Postal code : 659-0091
Webサイト :

コモドココアシヤ, 1F, 2-7 Higashiyamacho, Ashiya, Hyogo 659-0091, Japan
竹田みやび(DressupMiyabi) on Google

桃や有志 on Google

キュー健二 on Google

The hospital is clean and the facilities are perfect, but the treatment seems to have no content. I can't go anymore. It takes time but there is no content. It has nothing to do with the latest medical equipment.
野田もも on Google

親知らず陸?さんがおっしゃってる様な悪い印象はありませんでしたが…感じ方は人それぞれなので、もし口コミで書かれている様に本当に痛みに悩まれているのでしたら、自分のお気持ちばかりこんな所で書き込んでも何も解決しませんので一度先生に連絡なさってご相談されてみたら如何でしょうか?きっときちんと向き合って診察してくださると思いますよ。 今まで色んな医院に行きましたが、なかなか治らず知人に紹介されて行きました。今まで他院で説明されなかった事や解決しなかった事が先生のお陰でスッキリしました。とても良い先生で、色々な提案やしっかりと説明もしてくださいます。紹介されてくる方が多い様です。今度同じ様に悩んでいる友人を紹介しようと思っています。
Land of wisdom wisdom? There wasn't a bad impression like you said, but because each person feels differently, if you are really suffering from pain as written in the word of mouth, even if you write only your feelings in this place Since it doesn't solve anything, how about contacting the teacher once and consulting? I'm sure you will be faced and examined properly. I went to various clinics until now, but it wasn't easy to recover and I was introduced to an acquaintance. Thanks to the teacher, I was able to refresh my work that was not explained at other hospitals. He is a very good teacher and will give you various suggestions and explanations. There are many people who are introduced. I'm going to introduce a friend who is suffering in the same way.
info info on Google

チュートリアル徳井くん似の若めの先生。大阪で1日20~30人とクルクル回して診察するより患者さんと向き合いたいとこちらに。奥さんが芦屋市は設備も人間も古い歯科医師しかいないから、出店するならここ!駐車場もあるし!てことでここにしたらしい。 肝心の診察は、最新の機器とモニターでとにかく説明が明解。歯科衛生士さんも物凄くテキパキしていてただ指示に従って余計なことしなければ一回40分くらいで終わる。次はこんなことをするからいくら用意して、今から少し染みるので少し我慢したら一瞬で終わります、などド素人にも本当に分かりやすく説明してくれる。 芦屋のJRの北側には本当にド古い歯医者しかなかったのでこんな気持ちの良い対応の先生が近所に出来たならしばらく歯を放置してる人もいってほしい。クライアントは元々大阪で活動していたので8割がわざわざ芦屋まで車でくるらしい。 ひとつの時間に独りの患者さんしか看られないので手厚い分、待たされることはよっぽどじゃないかぎりない。ネットでも予約できるが受付の方が超優秀なので電話のほうが早い。
Tutorial A young teacher similar to Tokui-kun. I would like to face patients rather than spinning around with 20 to 30 people a day in Osaka. My wife, Ashiya City, has only old dentists with equipment and humans, so if you want to open a store, here! There is also a parking lot! It seems that he was here. The explanation of the essential medical examination is clear with the latest equipment and monitors. The dental hygienist is also very responsive, and if you don't do anything extra according to the instructions, it will take about 40 minutes at a time. Next time, I'll do something like this, so I'll prepare how much, and I'll stain it a little from now on, so if I put up with it a little, it will end in an instant. There was only a really old dentist on the north side of JR in Ashiya, so if there is such a pleasant teacher in the neighborhood, I would like some people to leave their teeth for a while. Since the client was originally active in Osaka, it seems that 80% of them bother to drive to Ashiya. Since only a single patient can be seen at one time, it is not always necessary to wait for a long time. You can make a reservation online, but the reception is superb, so the phone is faster.
いしかわひさしh.ishikawa on Google

非常に信頼できる先生です 最近独立開業された先生ですが、インフォームドコンセントが徹底しているので安心して見て頂いてます。 大きなTVモニターで術前術後など写真とレントゲンを見せて頂け、問題の個所を先生と一緒に確認し、今後の治療の方法などをじっくり相談できる時間を取っていただけます。とても信頼しています。 私は、医院長の中西先生には前々にお勤めの歯科医院からお世話になっていました。その頃から中西先生のインフォームドコンセントの姿勢は徹底されており、私の要望(他の歯科では抜くしかないと言われた歯だが、可能な限り使いたい)をじっくり聞き、こんな方法なら可能かも、と実現して頂けたのはこの先生だけでした。術後の仕上がりも丁寧で本当に感謝しています。ですから開業後も大阪市内から通っています。 設備は最新のモノ。診察椅子や口をゆすぐ水なども気をお使いで、細やかなところに患者に気配りがされているようです。(院内で滅菌処理した水とか、なんとか言ってましたが忘れました(笑)) 診察室は椅子の傍らに乳児用のケージがあったりと、お母さんにも安心して見て頂けるのではないでしょうか。
A very reliable teacher Although the teacher was recently opened independently, I am looking forward to seeing it because the informed consent is thorough. * You can show pictures and X-rays before and after surgery on a large TV monitor, check with the teacher on the location of the problem, and take time to consult carefully about future treatment methods. I trust it very much. I was indebted to Dr. Nakanishi from the dental clinic I worked for before. From that time, Nakanishi's informed consent attitude was thorough, listened carefully to my request (the teeth said that other dentistry had to be pulled out, but I would like to use it as much as possible), and this method might be possible, This was the only teacher who realized this. I am really grateful for the finish after the operation. So even after opening, I go from Osaka city. The equipment is the latest. The patient seems to be attentive to the details, taking care of the examination chair and the water that rinses the mouth. (I forgot the water that was sterilized in the hospital, but forgot (laughs)) In the examination room, there is a baby's cage next to the chair, so my mother can see it safely.
みゆ on Google

知人の紹介で伺いましたが、院長先生やスタッフの方々の対応が素晴らしく、カウセンリングに時間をかけて頂いて自分にとってとても良い治療プランを提案してくださいました。 院長先生の治療説明もわかりやすく、患者の意見にとても寄り添って考えてくださるところも素晴らしいと感じました。院長先生の技術はもちろん、歯科衛生士さんの技術も高く痛くなく優しく丁寧にみてくださりかなりおすすめの医院です。
As I heard from an acquaintance, I was very pleased by the director and staff, and he took the time to give us a cowsen ring and proposed a very good treatment plan for me. The doctor's explanation of the treatment was easy to understand, and I felt that it was wonderful to think closely with the patient's opinions. It is a highly recommended clinic because not only the doctor's technique but also the dental hygienist's technique is high and painless and gentle.
coco on Google

I go from a rural area because I am a famous dentist. The facilities are well-equipped and the hospital is very clean! After all, the director will take the time to explain the treatment policy very carefully and explain until the patient is satisfied. I am very satisfied with the treatment and skill. I think he is a wonderful dentist! !!

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