和食 まる文

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 和食 まる文

住所 :

Nakane, Hitachinaka, 〒312-0011 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89777
Webサイト : https://naviibaraki.com/029-273-4773/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday 11AM–2PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
Wednesday 11AM–2PM
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM
街 : Ibaraki

Nakane, Hitachinaka, 〒312-0011 Ibaraki,Japan
shi to on Google

It is a Japanese restaurant. I had a sashimi set lunch. The sashimi was fresh and the small bowls and soup were delicious. I got shaved ice at the service!
Shigeru O'hira on Google

I've been there only twice, but I think the sashimi set meal is delicious and the cospa is very good.
H Y on Google

You can enjoy a wide variety of delicious sashimi at a reasonable price.
しのび on Google

近所にある気になる和食屋さんですが、三十年ぐらい前から知ってるのに、未だに食べに行ったことがありません。。 散歩でお店の前をよく通りますが、美味しそうなお店です!
I'm curious about a Japanese restaurant in my neighborhood, but I've known it for about 30 years, but I haven't been to eat yet. .. I often walk in front of the shop, but it looks delicious!
みけねこ on Google

I received a sashimi set meal of 1,100 yen. Everything from large chawanmushi to small bowls and nameko miso soup is delicious. It's a polite work. The shop is also clean and has a nice atmosphere. Next time, I will come back to eat the seafood bowl.
まね。 on Google

初めて入った!入口の駐車スペースは4台。沢山、綺麗な花の植木。店は昭和レトロの古い日本料理店だが、中は清潔感がある。アマビエちゃんと消毒剤がキチンと設置され座席もパーティションとソーシャルディスタンスが取られています。70代?80代?のご年配の方が最初にお茶を出して来た。旨いお茶でビックリ。次に茶碗蒸しが出て来た!イャ〜旨い!手作りの品々だが、どれを食べても旨いに尽きる。肉豆腐は絶品だ。 まさかの地元に…と、言うのが私の感想。 辛口の私だが、また行きたいお店でした。
I entered for the first time! There are 4 parking spaces at the entrance. Lots of beautiful flower plants. The restaurant is an old Japanese restaurant of Showa Retro, but the inside is clean. Amabie and disinfectant are installed with chitin, and the seats are also partitioned and social distance is taken. 70s? 80s? The elderly person served tea first. I was surprised at the delicious tea. Next came the chawanmushi! Yeah, it ’s delicious! It's handmade, but it's delicious no matter what you eat. Meat tofu is excellent. My impression is that it's a real hometown. I'm dry, but I wanted to go there again.
green cat on Google

I thought it was a very good shop.
ともみん on Google

刺身定食美味しくいただきました。 刺身のボリュームに満足! 茶碗蒸しが大きいのも嬉しい。 市内プレミアム商品券使うと500円券2枚で 食べられ、ちょっとお得な気分!
The sashimi set meal was delicious. Satisfied with the volume of sashimi! I'm glad that the chawanmushi is big. If you use the city premium gift certificate, you can use two 500 yen tickets You can eat it and feel a little better!

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