サービス付き高齢者向け住宅 ひかり

3/5 に基づく 4 レビュー

Contact サービス付き高齢者向け住宅 ひかり

住所 :

Nakamurahigashi, Tsuchiura, 〒300-0850 Ibaraki,Japan

街 : Ibaraki

Nakamurahigashi, Tsuchiura, 〒300-0850 Ibaraki,Japan
petit on Google

牧羊犬a on Google

職員さんも皆さん大変親切で好感を持てました。 みんなの介護?を勧めてる方がいますが紹介業者なので、そこを「経由して」という意図は良くわかりません。仮に施設に紹介料の負担がかかるそちらの経路を「意図して」誘導しているのであれば悪質ですね。お断りでもされたのでしょうか…気をつけて下さい。
The staff were all very kind and liked. Nursing everyone? There are people who recommend it, but since it is a referral agency, I do not understand the intention of "via" there. It would be malicious if the facility was "intentionally" guided to that route, which would incur a referral fee. Did you refuse it ... Please be careful.
invest IND on Google

とても横柄な管理者でした 見学入所申込みはみんなの介護経由を勧めます
Was a very arrogant administrator We recommend that you apply for the tour through the care of everyone.
ミムミム on Google

Similarly, the staff of the facility was arrogant and said something from above. There are men and women, but the correspondence was the same.

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