株式会社グローバルキャスト - Nagoya

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社グローバルキャスト

住所 :

Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, 〒453-6114 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 453-6114
Webサイト : http://global-cast.jp/
街 : Aichi

Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, 〒453-6114 Aichi,Japan
Curie Madame on Google

At 20:30, a chime sounds and sales begin. I'll keep talking even if I don't plan to change. No matter how many times I decline, I change people and come to business many times. This response despite having complained in the past that it was annoying. The worst company that does not mind people.
西田恵理子 on Google

営業の方の話を聞いて興味を持ちましたが、どのような会社なのかわからなかったため一旦断りました。 ネットで調べたら拠点も多く大きな会社だったので、再度お願いすることにしました。
I was interested in hearing the story of the sales people, but I declined because I didn't know what kind of company it was. When I looked it up online, it was a big company with many bases, so I decided to ask again.
まりもママ on Google

Originally, I subscribed to the cable, but I was at a loss and made a contract, but the business operator left me alone. Commufa canceled
ゆう卯月 on Google

ここの営業…K村って人は全く頼りにならないし、その場しのぎの対応で嘘が多過ぎる… 契約キャンセルして他社で契約し直して正解だった。
Sales here ... People in K village are completely unreliable, and there are too many lies due to the ad hoc response ... The answer was correct after canceling the contract and re-contracting with another company.
Seiya Okamoto on Google

最低最悪な会社。 訪問時、在宅しておらず、母が応対したが、知識がない事をいいことに、「固定回線が使えなくなる」「光回線に変えないといけない」との煽り。 NTTが固定回線の全IP化を決めたが、それは住宅内の既存設備には一切関係がない。NTTが道路の電柱などの工事や交換をするだけの話。 光回線を最初に契約した際、「YahooBB with 光フレッツ」に加入したため、YahooBBのメールアドレスを付与されているのに、コミファ光切替に伴うメールアドレスの変更などの話が一切なかった。(BBメールアドレスと光回線契約を紐付けてある) それどころか「メールもそのまま使えます」などと言ったらしい。言われるがまま契約変更書類にサインしてしまったよう。 帰宅後(訪問から15分後ぐらい)事の詳細を聞き、すぐさま担当者に電話するも呼び出しのみで繋がらない。 10回以上かけ続けようやく出るも、ぶっきらぼうな態度で腹がたった。 そこでこの件を白紙にする事、回線契約者ではない母には切替における採決権がない事を説明して契約破棄で電話終了。 知識がない事をいいことにアレヤコレヤと契約させる最悪な会社でした。
The worst worst company. When I visited, my mother responded that I was not at home, but my knowledge was that the fixed line cannot be used and the optical line must be changed. NTT decided to use all IP lines for fixed lines, but that has nothing to do with existing equipment in the house. Just talk about NTT's construction and replacement of telephone poles. When I first signed the optical line, I joined YahooBB with Hikari FLETS, so I was given a YahooBB e-mail address, but there was no talk about changing my e-mail address when I switched to Comifa Hikari. (The BB mail address and the optical line contract are linked) On the contrary, he seems to have said, “You can use email as it is.” It seems to have signed the contract change document as it is said. After returning home (about 15 minutes after the visit), I hear details of the situation and immediately call the person in charge, but I can't connect just by calling. I finally went out for more than 10 times, but I got hungry with a blunt attitude. Therefore, explaining that this case is blank and the mother who is not a subscriber to the line has no voting rights in switching, the call is terminated when the contract is canceled. It was the worst company to make a contract with Areya Koreya for having no knowledge.
Taisei Ogura on Google

対応が悪い。 キャッシュバックのアンケートは私がやっとくと言ったのに、 やらずにキャッシュバックキャンペーンを受け取れず。 また、質問したことも1ヶ月以上連絡なし。 社会人として終わってますよ。
Correspondence is bad. I said the cashback survey was finally done I couldn't receive the cashback campaign without doing it. Also, I haven't heard from you for more than a month. I'm finished as a member of society.
Ayumi D. on Google

I often refuse to do business, but I applied because the cash back was attractive because I was able to explain various things carefully. I didn't have much time to think about it before applying, so I couldn't compare it with others, but when I looked it up after applying, it was good because the cashback amount was larger than others.
Gaussガウス on Google

メガエッグの契約をしたが、工事後わいふぁいは繋がらないし、そのことを連絡しても音信不通。 最低とも言える会社。 他の委託会社が来たときも、ここの会社は問題も多く起こしてるらしい。 よく考えてやることを勧めます。
I signed a contract for Mega Egg, but after the construction, I couldn't connect, and even if I contacted him, I couldn't communicate. The worst company. Even when other consignment companies come, this company seems to have many problems. I encourage you to think twice.

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