Nakamura Carpentry - Kadoma

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

大阪で建築や改装の事なら中村工務店 -


Contact Nakamura Carpentry

住所 :

7-8 Tokiwacho, Kadoma, Osaka 571-0078, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Postal code : 571-0078
Webサイト :

7-8 Tokiwacho, Kadoma, Osaka 571-0078, Japan
M A on Google

席の間隔が広く ゆったり寛げる店内は お友達とゆっくり会話するのに もってこいです? 一人で来てもゆっくりできますよ? 入り口にはジアイーノという 高性能な空気清浄機もあり いつも清潔な店内は安心感があります ここのハンバーグは絶品✨ ハマります? 一度ご賞味を?
Wide seats Inside the store where you can relax To talk slowly with your friends It's perfect ? You can relax even if you come alone ? At the entrance is called Giaino There is also a high-performance air purifier There is always a sense of security in the clean store The hamburger here is excellent ✨ I'm addicted to it ? Enjoy the taste once ?
長田育紀 on Google

玄関周りのデザインがお気に入りです! 築12年になりますが、これと言った不具合もなく快適に過ごしています!
I like the design around the entrance! It's been 12 years old, but I'm comfortable without any problems like this!
田口善章 on Google

工務店の1階のカフェにお邪魔させて頂きました 店内は自然がいっぱいで店員さんの笑顔に癒されました! 落ち着いて作業するにはぴったりですね また行きたいです!!
I visited the cafe on the first floor of the engineering firm The shop was full of nature and I was soothed by the smiles of the staff! It's perfect for working calmly I want to go again! !
Izumi Hirosue on Google

落ち着いたお店の雰囲気… まったりした時間を過ごせるから大好き? ランチも美味しかった(^^)
The atmosphere of a calm shop... I love spending relaxing time ? Lunch was delicious (^^)
Naoki Sawa on Google

工務店の1Fにあるカフェに初めて入りました。 店内に入るとスタッフの方の元気な声が聞こえて気持ち良かったです! 店内は緑が多くリラックスできる空間で、 ランチは1種類ですが品目も多くボリューミーで、男の私でも満足できました♪ また違うメニューの日に訪れたいと思います!
For the first time, I entered a cafe on the first floor of a construction company. When I entered the store, I was happy to hear the cheerful voices of the staff! There is a lot of green in the store where you can relax, Lunch is one type, but there are many items and it is volumey, even a man I was satisfied ♪ I would like to visit another menu day again!
TAK INO on Google

The person in charge was able to consult with us about the layout and equipment many times, and we were able to build a house that was just what we wanted. I am very satisfied ♪
Maekawa Akira on Google

家を建てるということをあまり知らない初心者の私たちに寄り添い、親身になって相談に乗ってくれたのは本当にありがたかったです。不動産屋さんを通すのではなく、直で工務店の方々とお話ができたことも、後々思い返してみて魅力的なポイントのひとつでした。 社長さんはじめ、スタッフのみなさん最高(親切、丁寧、フレンドリー)です。
I'm really grateful that he was close to us, a beginner who doesn't know much about building a house, and was kind enough to give us a consultation. It was one of the attractive points to look back on later that I was able to talk directly with the construction workers instead of going through a real estate agent. The president and all the staff are the best (kind, polite, friendly).
zizilaff zizilaff on Google

this cafe has a cosy and green environment vegetables are self-planted in many little water boxes, fresh! they have a kids room, good for family time:D and can book the roof top for a party day I think the owner care about their local community

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