カットハウス・ウィング 森ノ宮店

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact カットハウス・ウィング 森ノ宮店

住所 :

Nakamichi, Higashinari Ward, 〒537-0025 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
街 : Osaka

Nakamichi, Higashinari Ward, 〒537-0025 Osaka,Japan
わか on Google

I was singing the first cut of 900 yen, but was it 1100 yen? ?? ?? Next time, maybe I'll go if everything is closed? The level.
トカレフ更家 on Google

2020年6月19日午後2時頃店に向かった。いつもは上本町のカットハウスJに行くのだが森之宮に同じ系列店があることを最近知り行ったのであるが、、、のちに行かなければ良かったと後悔する事になろうとは、、、 まず上本町Jのほうにはスタンプカードがあり使えるか聞くと、名前が違うので使えないということ、まぁそれはよしとして、 店員はショートカットの目の細いやる気のないおばさんであった。 カット後おしぼりをもらうのだが、なんと髪の毛が何本かついたやつを渡してきたのである。えっ!!!はっ??? 「髪の毛ついてますけど!!」に対しおばさんは謝りもせず渡してきたのです。あきれて怒りとおりこしてました。カット一つにしても上本町に比べ適当やる気のない態度、この店がクソなのか、おばさんの人間性が腐ってるのか知らんが、最低の接客!安かろう悪かろうの手本の店! 2度と行かないです。みなさんも行かない方が賢明かと思います。
I went to the store around 2:00 pm on June 19, 2020. I usually go to Cuthouse J in Uehonmachi, but I recently found out that there is the same affiliated store in Morinomiya, but...I regret that it would have been nice if I didn't go there later... First of all, when I asked if Uehonmachi J had a stamp card, I couldn't use it because the name is different. The clerk was a motivated aunt with a narrow shortcut. After cutting, I got a towel, and I handed him a man who had a lot of hair. eh! ! ! Hah? ? ? The aunt handed over to her "I have hair!" without apologizing. I was mad and angry. Even if I make only one cut, I have a less motivated attitude than Uehonmachi, I don't know if this shop is crap or the aunt's humanity is rotten, but the worst customer service! A cheap and bad model shop! I will never go again. I think it would be wise for you not to go.
佐竹牛人 on Google

マスクを着用してないと入店出来ません。このご時世だしそれは理解出来るが、店内には他にも店から客へ"これはするな" だの "こうして欲しい"だの要求がたくさん書いてありました。 その割には、バリカンやハサミ等道具類はアルコール一吹きで使い回し、エプロンに至っては前の客のをそのまま使い回してました。 自分達さえよければokなんでしょう、きっと。
You cannot enter the store without wearing a mask. It's a time of today, and I can understand that, but there were many other requests from the store to the customers, such as "Don't do this" and "I want you to do this." On the other hand, I used tools such as hair clippers and scissors with a single blow of alcohol, and used the same things as those of the previous customer when it came to the apron. It would be ok if only we were good, surely.
nao (nishinko) on Google

子供のステイホームで伸びた髪をカットしてもらいました。 現金1100円で券売機でカードを買います。 両替等はないので隣のコンビニでジュースを細かくしました。店員のかたも女性で丁寧にカットしてくださいました。
I had my hair cut at a child's stay home. Buy a card at a vending machine for 1100 yen in cash. There is no exchange, so I squeezed the juice at the convenience store next door. The clerk also was a woman who carefully cut it.
すみちゃん on Google

I used to go to a low-priced chain store, but I've been using it for about two and a half years. If you go 10 times, you will get one free, so it costs only 1,000 yen per month. It cuts silently without the conversation that is common in haircut shops. It's a low price, so you need to decide on a hairstyle in advance, but it will finish as I expected. The staff are all female and can be very polite. I think it's convenient near the station.
高村明信 on Google

カット1000円ですと安いと思います。 私は、行き付けの所がありますので、2ヶ月1回髪を切ってもらって、1000円。 ジャンプ・リンス全てをやって下さいまして1500円です。京橋にあります。
I think it's cheap if the cut is 1000 yen. I have a place to go, so I had my hair cut once every two months for 1000 yen. Please do all the jumps and conditioners for 1500 yen. Located in Kyobashi.
Kamin Cifor on Google

The lady won't even give you a chance if you don't speak flawless Japanese. Normally, I wouldn't mind but I've never had this happen before and a sign outside would have been nice.
My H on Google

Turned away because i don't speak Japanese. Hasn't happened before at any other places I have been to. Don't waste your time commuting here. Lady will turn you away. Plus she's the only worker so be prepared to wait if you decide u need a haircut urgently.

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