
1.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 東海精機株式会社

住所 :

Nakaizumi, Iwata, 〒438-0078 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://www.toukai-seiki.co.jp/
街 : Shizuoka

Nakaizumi, Iwata, 〒438-0078 Shizuoka,Japan
小柳佳恵 on Google

障害者が働くとグーパンチで殴り捲くるオッサンが居る会社ですね。 昔の○○ヨットスクールみたいですね。
It is a company where there is an Osan that crawls with a goo punch when disabled people work. It looks like an old XX yacht school.
競馬ミッションイン on Google

Stop it immediately! ️ Violence against weak people than such weak people? Do not be silly! ️ Let's quit at an apology press conference before the company collapses, let alone your factory
りんごはな on Google

facebookで話題の障害者に暴力を振るっている画像貼られてます。 会社側は、わかっているのでしょうか? 早く助けてあげてください。
An image of violence against people with disabilities is posted on facebook. Does the company know? Please help me as soon as possible.
ポンヌスポンヌ on Google

youtubeで障碍者へ暴力を振るっているのを見ました。 とても頭にきました。最低な会社だと思います。
I saw violence against people with disabilities on youtube. I was very struck by it. I think it's the worst company.
止まるんじゃねぇぞ on Google

東海精器害社 弱者虐めして楽しいか? 本当に責任感じてる? 責任感じてるならはやく総辞職しろよカス 謝るなら誰でも出来んだよ屑害社 行動で示せ誠意で示せよ無能サルが
Tokai Seiki Harmsha Is it fun to bully the weak? Do you really feel responsible? If you feel responsible, resign as soon as possible. Anyone could apologize Show in action Show in good faith Incompetent monkeys
ヘンデルとクソンデル on Google

暴行を受けた人は、事故で障害に!とか、病気で障害に!とか書かれているが、確かこの会社で働いていて、勤務中に脳梗塞を発症したのだと思うよ。労働環境そのものがどうか? あげく暴行事件!最悪だ!
The assaulted person becomes an obstacle in an accident! Or, get sick and get disabled! It says, but I think I was working for this company and had a stroke during work. How is the working environment itself? The assault case! the worst!
猪一番ブルファスト on Google

信じられない企業です。これだけの事をしているにも関わらずGoogleレビューに星5評価があります。動画を見た多くの方々からのレビューがありますが、それでも懲りていないという事なのでしょう。千葉の大木工業、大阪の新大グループ、静岡の東海精機といったところでしょうか。従業員の質が極めて低く、反省の色も無く、社会的に迷惑を振りまくだけのこの様な不誠実な企業は、自由市場経済である現代日本に於いては淘汰されなければならない企業です。我々市民の力で、この当然の摂理を機能させましょう。 日本人の平和な社会生活に暗い影を落とし、悲しみを生み出す悪徳企業は、我々日本人の手で日本から追い出し、日本を綺麗な社会にしましょう。 少しずつでも良いのです。
It's an incredible company. Despite all this, Google reviews have a 5 star rating. There are reviews from a lot of people who watched the video, but it's still not disciplined. Is it Oki Industries in Chiba, Shindai University in Osaka, Tokai Seiki in Shizuoka? Such a dishonest company with extremely low employee quality, no reflection, and just a social nuisance is a company that must be deceived in modern Japan, a free market economy. Let this natural providence work with the power of our citizens. Violent companies that cast a dark shadow on the peaceful social life of Japanese people and create sorrow will drive us out of Japan with our Japanese hands and make Japan a beautiful society. You can do it little by little.
プリン(プーディン) on Google

Watching the video of the violence made me feel so angry that I immediately contacted the company by email. This also exposes the real name, real address, real phone number, and e-mail address. However, I didn't get a reply at all and responded to the disregard, but after all I felt that it was a sloppy, sloppy company where I couldn't see such things, and I can't help but feel very frustrated this time. By the way, it's all right at one point, and it's easy to imagine that such acts have been widespread and there may be other victims, and that the management side has tolerated it. It's the worst.

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