
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 茨木サイクル

住所 :

Nakahozumi, Ibaraki, 〒567-0034 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Webサイト : https://ibacy-65.wixsite.com/ibacy
街 : Osaka

Nakahozumi, Ibaraki, 〒567-0034 Osaka,Japan
粟井美佐子 on Google

A very kind brother will respond. Dad and mom are very friendly.
あっちょん on Google

非常に親切な店員さんがたです。閉店ギリギリでしたが、色々なタイミングがよかったのか、とても良い自転車を予算の半分で購入することができました。道も丁寧に教えていただき、ここの自転車屋さんに来店してよかったです。ありがとうございましたm(_ _)mm(_ _)m また、メンテナンスによらせてもらいます。
There is a very kind clerk. It was close to closing, but I was able to buy a very good bicycle for half the budget, probably because of the good timing. I'm glad that you taught me the way carefully and visited the bicycle shop here. Thank you m (_ _) mm (_ _) m In addition, I will do maintenance.
後藤祐子 on Google

At the bicycle parking lot, the cover of the bicycle chain came off and I couldn't ride it, so I asked for repair. The rear wheels were also worn out, so I replaced them. I was able to return home safely. I have been indebted to you at a reliable shop.
中山勝文 on Google

古くなった自転車をばらして新しいパーツを入れて新しく造ってもらったりその時の最良の修理や対応をしてもらえる。 壊れた自転車を乗り換えに中古の自転車を安価で譲ってもらったりしました。
You can take the old bicycle apart and put in new parts to make a new one, or get the best repair and response at that time. I had a used bicycle handed over at a low price in exchange for a broken bicycle.
A on Google

自転車のチェーンが伸びてしまったのか空回りしてしまい進まなくて困っていたのですが相談したら先に修理していた手を止めてわざわざ不調を直してくれたので安心しました。 手際も素晴らしく安価で請け負っていただけて大変感謝しております。お休みも分かりやすく書かれてますしチェーン店のお店よりもこういったところの方が安心感があるなと感激です
I was in trouble because the bicycle chain had stretched or it was spinning and I couldn't move forward, but when I consulted, I was relieved that he stopped the hand I had repaired earlier and took the trouble to fix the problem. I am very grateful that you have been able to undertake the contract with excellent skill and low price. The holidays are written in an easy-to-understand manner, and I'm impressed that there is a sense of security in these places rather than in chain stores.
Q -chan on Google

パンクしたママチャリの後輪を自分で直そうとタイヤを外したら思いのほか傷んでいたのでタイヤごと交換することにしました。 タイヤを外したまま押して店まで持って行ってたら途中、中のチューブがハブに巻き付いていて動かなくなり後輪をかかえながら持っていきました。その旨を伝えお店のおじいちゃんにそのまま渡して頼みました。 修理してるところは見ておらずおじいちゃんが直したのかはわからないけどちゃんと修理が完了されていました。 後輪のタイヤとチューブの交換で税込み4,000円。安くてきれいに仕上がって良かったです。
When I removed the tire to fix the flat tire on my bike, it was damaged unexpectedly, so I decided to replace it with the tire. I pushed it with the tires removed and took it to the store, but on the way, the tube inside was wrapped around the hub and it got stuck and I brought it while holding the rear wheel. I told that and handed it to my grandpa at the store and asked for it. I haven't seen the repair, and I don't know if Grandpa fixed it, but the repair was completed properly. 4,000 yen including tax for replacement of rear tires and tubes. It was good that it was cheap and beautifully finished.
Takayuki Kitade on Google

I was able to buy a good quality used bicycle at a low price. We also took care of the tires when refilling the air. I think that you will be taken care of again by changing tires.
シトリン on Google

閉店間際にも関わらず、親切で丁寧に対応して頂き ありがとう ございました。大手チェーンより、信頼ある お店だと思いました。 老舗で良心的で、安心して 次回も、お願いします。って感じで行ける お店。JR茨木駅から郵便局までの道のりで 郵便局の正面玄関の左側(2・3件横) また、次回も、 お願いします。
Despite the fact that the store is about to close, please be kind and polite. Thank you very much. I thought it was a more reliable store than a major chain. It is a long-established store and conscientious, so please feel free to contact us again next time. A shop where you can go like that. On the way from JR Ibaraki Station to the post office, on the left side of the front entrance of the post office (next to a few cases) Also, please do it again next time.

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