おもちゃ屋さんの倉庫 モザイクモール

3.7/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact おもちゃ屋さんの倉庫 モザイクモール

住所 :

Nakagawachuo, Tsuzuki Ward, Yokohama, 〒224-0003 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://omochayasanno-souko.jp/shops/30
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Nakagawachuo, Tsuzuki Ward, Yokohama, 〒224-0003 Kanagawa,Japan
KC休憩 on Google

カルルカルタス on Google

I highly recommend the toys from a while ago as they are sold at a fairly low price!
ヤーケン on Google

行ってみると少し前の玩具がかなり安い値段で販売されており、 掘り出し物を探す楽しみがあるお店です。 トランスフォーマーなどの人気シリーズの玩具も半額以上の安さで 販売されていることもあり、玩具好きの方には堪らないお店です。 注意点としてはクレジットカード払いが使えないところかと思われます。
When I went there, the toys from a while ago were sold at a fairly low price, and It's a shop where you can enjoy looking for bargains. Popular series toys such as Transformers are also cheaper than half price As it is sold, it is a shop that is unbearable for toy lovers. As a caveat, it seems that credit card payment cannot be used.
[world traveler Booh] Eastern Millionaire Boy on Google

The assortment is also delicate. Toys "R" Us is more attractive because it is not very cheap.
426 LV - on Google

7/24 10:00過ぎに行ったら店内にどこにも店員がおらず、訳が分からない状態でレジで10分くらい待たされた。いつまでも無人で会計する気がないならそのまま万引きしてやろうかと思ったが、どこからともなく小太りの根暗なキモい女が出てきてなんの説明もなく会計し出した。 っていうかお前何してたの? まず「お待たせしてすいません」じゃないの? まじで気持ち悪い。 一刻も早く出たかったのでとりあえずクレカ出したら「会計は現金のみで…どーのこーの」くっそキモい口調で話し出したので現金をレジテーブルに放り投げて帰ってきた。 ま じ で 気 持 ち 悪 い 店
When I went after 10:00 on 7/24, there was no clerk in the store, and I had to wait for about 10 minutes at the cash register without knowing the reason. I thought I would shoplift if I wasn't willing to pay unattended forever, but out of nowhere, a fat, dark-skinned woman came out and started paying without any explanation. I mean, what were you doing? First of all, isn't it "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting"? It's really unpleasant. I wanted to get out as soon as possible, so I put out my credit card for the time being, and I said, "Accounting is only cash ... Don't you think?" Seriously bad store
ちくわぶ on Google

It's fun to look at it while imagining what would make you happy if you give it as a gift! The price is cheaper, so it's kind to your wallet (laughs).
太郎(Sasataro) on Google

【オモチャの宝さがし】 激安価格のオモチャが多数。 子供たちは宝さがしのように、自分の気になるオモチャを目の色を変えて探してます。 多分、型落ちのオモチャを安く売っているのかな? 子供も大人も嬉しいお店。
[Searching for toy treasure] There are many toys at super-discount prices. Children are looking for toys that they care about by changing their eye colors, like looking for treasure. Maybe they sell out-of-the-box toys cheaply? A shop that both children and adults are happy with.

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