硝子工房 流限 - Ashigarakami District

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 硝子工房 流限

住所 :

Nakagawa, Yamakita, Ashigarakami District, 〒258-0201 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 258-0201
Webサイト : http://www.ne.jp/asahi/glasshouse/ryugen/
街 : Kanagawa

Nakagawa, Yamakita, Ashigarakami District, 〒258-0201 Kanagawa,Japan
信山貴美子 on Google

コップは作った事が、あったので、今回は小鉢に挑戦✌️ 素敵な小鉢が出来ました? 早速枝豆を入れて見ました? 素敵な体験ありがとうございました〰️☺️
I had made a cup, so I tried small bowl this time A nice small bowl was made ? I immediately put edamame and saw it Thank you for the wonderful experience 体 験
柴原由美 on Google

They will teach you one-on-one while explaining the process very kindly. It is especially recommended for children as it makes one work in the world safe.
Mami Nakamura on Google

自分の作りたい物をマンツーマンで教えてくれる。 ガラスを吹くだけでなく、他の行程も一緒にできるので、大人も楽しく作品作りを満喫出来る。
One-on-one teaching what you want to make. Not only can you blow the glass, but you can also do other steps together, so adults can also enjoy making works.
Tomo Ito on Google

I thought it would be okay to refrain from corona, but it was a safe environment with no other people. It was more fun than I expected, as I had them explain it carefully and listen to me in various ways. I'm looking forward to the completion.
なもなきデザイナー on Google

シール貼りなどでは無く、 本格的なガラスの作り物を1から体験するなら絶対に流限さんがおすすめです。 上手く作れるか不安でしたが、とても丁寧に1人ずつ対応してくれます。また行きたいと思います。
Not sticking stickers, etc. If you want to experience authentic glass making from scratch, I definitely recommend Mr. Ryukyu. I was worried if I could make it well, but they will respond very politely one by one. I think I want to go again.
Chappie on Google

とても楽しく体験をさせて頂きました! わかりやすいご説明もあり大満足でした。 是非ともリピートしたいです!!
It was a very enjoyable experience! I was very satisfied with the easy-to-understand explanations. I want to repeat by all means! !
浜崎貴 on Google

子どもも安心 大人も感動 1品物のガラス細工が20分程度で作れます 教えてくれる先生も丁寧でわかりやすくサポートしながら教えてくれます また違うのを作ってみたいと思う体験でした
Safe for children Adults are also impressed You can make one piece of glass work in about 20 minutes. The teacher who teaches will also teach with polite and easy-to-understand support It was an experience that I wanted to make something different again
マイナーズ銀次郎 on Google

当日予約でしたが気持ちよく対応していただけました。 工房は木陰にあり雰囲気たっぷりで少し涼しい。。。 体験が始まるとそれなりに熱い!楽しい!熱い!楽しい!! 出来上がりは翌日になるので本当に楽しみ。 先生?の教え方が丁寧で話しもゆったりしているので、あせらないでいい。
I made a reservation on the day, but I was able to respond comfortably. The workshop is in the shade of a tree and has a lot of atmosphere and is a little cool. .. .. When the experience begins, it's hot as it is! fun! hot! fun! !! I'm really looking forward to the completion the next day. teacher? The teaching method is polite and the conversation is relaxed, so don't rush.

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