
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact おぼうさんどっとこむ

住所 :

Nakagamicho, Akishima, 〒196-0022 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://www.obohsan.com/
街 : Tokyo

Nakagamicho, Akishima, 〒196-0022 Tokyo,Japan
池袋弥江子 on Google

We will be raising the funeral farewell with a sudden family. It what is also the state that do not know, such as cost and preparation, had wreck also mentally. Since the reviews were good, but here it was the hope, it was good service reputation street. There is also a polite your support of everyone, somehow be able to finish the formula, I think I was able to start with a new feeling.
東山浩司 on Google

He took care of a wide range of procedures such as crematorium procedures and government office procedures. It was easy to consult in advance. The service content is good, the pillow decorations are of high quality, and I think my mother is happy. An excellent funeral company loved by the locals.
原口耕太郎 on Google

When I was told about my father's life expectancy, I was looking for a place where I could ask for a family funeral because of my wishes. Since it is close to my father's house, I consulted here. The explanation was very polite and sincere, so I decided to ask. He was a stubborn father, but he died last month and had a family funeral, but he is happy to see him off at a wonderful ceremony. I am grateful for the detailed consideration.
髙橋麻衣子 on Google

お葬式の依頼者です。 電話で問い合わせて、お見積り、事前の説明など、スムーズに進みました。 不明なところは私がわかるまで丁寧に伝えてくれましたし、こちらのリクエストもできることと、できないことをしっかりと相談できました。当日のイメージもしやすかったです。 お葬式当日の予定は、比較的余裕を持って終えることができたと思います。難しいことはなかったです。 また、私は神奈川県ですが、まったく問題なく対応していただけました。家族の考えを尊重した式にしていただき、本当にありがとうございました。
I am the requester of the funeral. I made inquiries by phone and proceeded smoothly with quotations and prior explanations. He politely told me what I wasn't sure about until I knew it, and I was able to discuss what I could and couldn't do with this request. The image of the day was also easy. I think I was able to finish the schedule on the day of the funeral with a relative margin. It wasn't difficult. Also, although I am in Kanagawa prefecture, I was able to respond without any problems. Thank you very much for making the ceremony respect the thoughts of your family.
パームオリオン on Google

父のお葬式のときからお付き合いがあります。この度は父の一周忌でお世話になりました。 まだまだ父が生きているような気持ちがどことなくありますが、法事をすることで、家族と悲しみや思い出などを語り合う機会ができて本当に良かったです。 来てくださった僧侶さんのお話で、父との別れが前向きになれました。お願いをして本当に良かったです。ありがとうございました。
I have been with him since my father's funeral. This time, I was taken care of by my father's first anniversary. I still feel like my father is alive, but I'm really glad that I had the opportunity to talk about sadness and memories with my family by doing the legal affairs. The story of the priest who came made me feel positive about farewell to my father. It was really nice to ask. Thank you very much.
seven sky on Google

父の葬儀でお世話になり、この度の一周忌でもお世話になりました。リピートした一番の理由は信用ができるところですかね。 一貫してとても丁寧で、気づかいのある接客姿勢が素晴らしいと思いました。ホームページも何度も見ましたが、お客さんを大切にする優しい葬儀屋さんです。
I was taken care of by my father's funeral, and I was also taken care of by this anniversary. The main reason for repeating is that you can trust it. Consistently very polite, I thought that the attitude of customer service with awareness was wonderful. I've seen the website many times, but it's a kind funeral director who values ​​customers.
miru momo on Google

普段やることのないお葬式の段取りをすることになりネットでいろいろと探してました。 何社か葬儀会社さんも見つかり問い合わせましたが、おぼうさんどっとむさんが一番対応が良かったと思います。 細かな対応や気づかいがヒシヒシと伝わりました。 見落としがちなポイントもアドバイスいただき、とても満足のいくお葬式ができて良かったです。
I had to set up a funeral that I wouldn't normally do, so I searched online for various things. I found several funeral companies and inquired about them, but I think that Mr. Obo and Mr. Dotomu were the best responders. The detailed correspondence and awareness were transmitted with Hishihishi. I am glad that I was able to have a very satisfying funeral with advice on points that are often overlooked.
佐藤陽子 on Google

I will tell you honestly. At first, I contacted another funeral company. Then, he was told, "For an important bereaved family," and a proposal to upgrade the altar was made. It's a business, so I think it can't be helped to some extent, but the funeral company was a strong push that made me feel stressed. For that reason, I courageously contacted Mr. Obo and Mr. Dotkomu at a later date, but there was no unpleasant response at all. After confirming this budget, he kindly responded. Considering my feelings that my relatives died, I think he chose the words and treated me. Of course, the content of the funeral is also of high quality and I really appreciate it! It is a good company that I can honestly recommend!

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