Nakadatekannonji - Chikusei

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nakadatekannonji

住所 :

456-2 Nakadate, Chikusei, Ibaraki 308-0005, Japan

Postal code : 308-0005
Webサイト :

ichicou High.B on Google

地味ですが 桜の参道がお気に入り
It's plain, but I like the approach to cherry blossoms
びゅーた on Google

It has a long history and is also valuable as a castle ruin related to the Date family in addition to Buddhism. It is recommended for those who want to take a leisurely walk because the Gogyo River runs to the east and the approach is very long.
ひでき on Google

A little difficult to understand! The red stamp can be found in the west side of the main hall 500m away ❗️
加藤誠 on Google

The words that appear in the lyrics of Shimodate Ondo include many scenery of Nakadate Kannonji. That is the heart of the old Shimodate.
250 WRX on Google

井野口KEIGENN on Google

雨引観音の本尊とともに六本の腕のかる観音を本尊としていますが、11月23日に開帳されていることを御朱印をいただく時にお寺の方から聞いて残念に思う。 真岡鐵道の折本駅から15から20 分程でつきます。
Along with the principal image of Amabiki Kannon, the principal image is Kannon with six arms, but I am sorry to hear from the temple when I received the red stamp that the book was opened on November 23. 15 to 20 from Orimoto Station on the Moka Railway It will take about a minute.
小嶋直幸 on Google

It is a well-maintained temple. The nearby riverside is also good for a walk. It is 5 stars during the cherry blossom season. The difficulty is that the parking lot is a little difficult to understand. The road is not wide either. I also received a red stamp.
清宮正人 on Google

It has long been known as a famous place for cherry blossoms in the city. In addition to being related to the Date clan, there is also the graveyard of Ishikawa Husakane, the last head of the Shimodate domain. The Gogyo River, where salmon climb, is very close

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