
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パンと酵母と発酵と

住所 :

Nakadahoncho, Suruga Ward, 〒422-8043 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://pantokouboto.thebase.in/
街 : Shizuoka

Nakadahoncho, Suruga Ward, 〒422-8043 Shizuoka,Japan
K Arizi on Google

I thought it was a hard bakery, but there are many breads with a soft texture. There are few parking lots, and the number of people who can enter at this time is limited, so if you go by car, you will have to wait depending on the timing. It was recommended to reserve and purchase bread in advance. It seems that they are often sold out. Danish has an impact on the appearance.
山下智 on Google

以前、ネットでパン屋さん調べていたら、近くにあって今日初めて伺いましたが、気になるパンばかりで、とりあえず5個買って帰りました! 店員さんの感じや対応も良かったので、また機会が有りましたら買いに伺いたいです。
I used to look up a bakery on the internet, and I visited it for the first time today because it was nearby, but all the bread I was interested in was so I bought 5 of them and went home! The clerk's feelings and response were also good, so if I have another chance, I would like to come and buy it.
akiko on Google

The location of the shop is a little confusing, and there are only two parking lots in front of the shop, but the bread is very delicious. I can make a reservation and want to go again.
skちゃん on Google

初めて伺いました✨ 明るくて綺麗な店内でした。 ケーキ屋さんのようなショーケースでの提供や、密を避けた入店システムなど、配慮がとても良かったです✨ クロワッサンやデニッシュがサクサクで、とても美味しくて感動しました! パンオショコラも最高でした! オーナーの方やレジの方も(奥様かな?)とても明るくて、感じの良い活気あるパン屋さんでした。 他にも、クリームパンやくるみパンなどを買いましたが、どれもとても美味しかったです。
I visited for the first time ✨ It was a bright and beautiful store. Consideration was very good, such as offering in a showcase like a cake shop and an entrance system that avoids crowds. The croissants and Danish pastry were crispy and very delicious and impressed! Pain au chocolat was also the best! The owner and the cashier (maybe his wife?) Were very bright and lively bakeries. I also bought cream buns and walnut breads, but they were all very delicious.
hta t on Google

たまたま知ったパン屋さん。ハード系が大好物なので一瞬ではまった。まじでうまい!!!!!!!ぜっっったいまた行く!!!!!!!!! 2022.2.5再訪問 今日は13時半くらいに伺いましたがほとんど売切れ。。でも、目当てのノアレザンはあった♪♪やっぱり美味い。。 前回はトーストしたけど、今日はそのまま食べてみました。結果、大正解。 明日はトーストとまんまを交互に楽しみます。 店主さんも優しい人柄が滲み出てて本当に素敵なお店です。
A bakery that I happened to know. I love hardware, so I fell in love with it in an instant. Really good !!!!!!! I will go again !!!!!!!!! 2022.2.5 Revisit I visited around 13:30 today, but it was almost sold out. .. However, there was a Noarezan I was looking for ♪♪ After all it was delicious. .. Last time I toasted it, but today I just ate it. As a result, the answer is great. Tomorrow I will enjoy toast and manma alternately. The owner is also a really nice shop with a gentle personality oozing out.
M on Google

2020年11月8日オープン 。 平日12時49分到着。先客ゼロ。 なんか、パンとエスプレッソと みたいな感じでオシャレなネーミング♡ まだ沢山残っててよかった! 気になってたコレ! *発酵バターのプレミアムクロワッサン コレ、発酵バター使ってるのに200円って、安くない!? 見た目だけでスフォリアテッラ みたいな感じで、美味しいに決まってる! クラストはパリパリ、バターの風味があって美味しい‼︎ これは買うべき一品! *釜揚げしらすのタルティーヌ パンが厚めなのがいいね。 しらすとチーズの組み合わせ美味しい。 *長期熟成酵母のフルーツライ パサ感なく、ドライフルーツいっぱいで美味しい。 PayPay可 駐車場店前2台
Opened November 8, 2020. Arrived at 12:49 on weekdays. Zero customers. Somehow, with bread and espresso Fashionable naming like this ♡ I'm glad I still have a lot left! This is what I was interested in! * Premium croissant of fermented butter Even though I use fermented butter, 200 yen is not cheap! ?? It looks like Sfogliatella, and it's delicious! The crust is crispy and delicious with the flavor of butter! ︎ This is a must-buy item! * Tartine of fried whitebait I like the thick bread. The combination of shirasu and cheese is delicious. * Long-term aged yeast fruit rye It's delicious with lots of dried fruits without a dry feeling. PayPay accepted 2 cars in front of the parking lot store
m yu on Google

12時少し前に着きましたがほとんど売り切れてました? 発酵バターのクロワッサン絶品です。 次はもっと早めに行こうと思います!!
I arrived a little before 12 o'clock but it was almost sold out ? The fermented butter croissant is excellent. I will go earlier next time! !!
M T on Google

何かと話題のブーランジェリー? カスクートがとても美味しかった。 季節ごとのフルーツを使ったメニューも秋が来ず楽しそうだった。 パイナップルは思ったよりは来なかったかな。 行列店なので店前は駐車スペースなくアクセスはしづらい。それでも近くに駐車場用意してくれてるのはありがたい。
What a hot topic boulangerie? Cascoot was very delicious. The menu using seasonal fruits seemed to be fun as autumn did not come. I wonder if the pineapple didn't come as much as I expected. Since it is a queue store, it is difficult to access because there is no parking space in front of the store. Still, I'm grateful that a parking lot is available nearby.

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