
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 安寿屋

住所 :

Nakada, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, 〒981-1104 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–6PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–6PM
Tuesday 9AM–6PM
Wednesday 9AM–6PM
Thursday 9AM–6PM
Friday 9AM–6PM
街 : Miyagi

Nakada, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, 〒981-1104 Miyagi,Japan
岡本則昭 on Google

Try a variety of local Japanese sweets shops, Ganzuki, Suama, Usukawa Manju, and more. There is also a rice cracker ?.
ころすけ on Google

All the buns are delicious. It is a long-established store that has been in business for over 100 years.
220 nyaago on Google

草餅とすあまがとても美味しい和菓子屋さん。 アットホームで親切な対応も◎!
A Japanese sweets shop with very delicious kusa mochi and suama. At-home and kind correspondence is also ◎!
ゆうゆう on Google

I stopped by after seeing the reviews. There are various types of Japanese sweets, and they are big and delicious for the price.
八木おしぇんべい on Google

2021年1月。 J R南仙台駅東口から徒歩で20分くらい長町方面、名取橋を目指すように行くと見えてくる、一見、人目に付きにくい目線下にある、外観は「いかにも潰れそうな、大丈夫なの?」といった古さ昭和感めちゃ漂う老舗の和菓子屋、「安寿屋」さん。 いつもいつも長町方面へ車を走らすたびに凄く気になっていた和菓子屋である。 でも、そんな心配は「杞憂」だったのだと自分は知ることになる。 叔母のお礼に、「何か和菓子を」と思っていたので、入店してみた。 買う前に店から中年男性が何か買って帰る所だったので、やはりここの店も「地元民に愛されている和菓子屋なのでは!」と思った。 店内に入ればとても狭い店内だが、 何かあたたかさを感じる雰囲気、商品ばかりだった。 対面するガラス張りのショウケースの中には手作りの大福に草餅、道明寺、いちご大福、揚げまんじゅう、いちじく揚げまんじゅう、すあま、芋や栗まんじゅうなど。 仕入れた煎餅にその他の菓子。 手作りマスクなんかも売っていた。 色々種類はある。(写真参照) 叔母も和菓子が大好きな為、自分用と贈答用で選び、箱に入れてもらい、さらに包装、無地の祝い熨斗までお手数ではあったがして頂いた。 その際に「沢山ありがとうございます」など言って頂いたりして、親切にあたたかい接客をして頂いた。 さらに、包装をかけ熨斗を掛けた2箱を透明なビニールでまとめ、くるんでもくれた。 おば様、は店長なのか奥様だったのかは分からなかったが、そのように気を遣って頂き、「できたてだし、叔母様も喜んでくれるかと思います」とまでも仰って頂き、こちらの「安寿屋」さんで買って良かったと思ったし、案の定、叔母も「柔らかく甘さもちょうど良くて美味しい」と絶賛だった。 自分はやはり見かけと実際買ってみるのとでは印象違うなと改めて思わされた。 自分用に買ったものもとても美味しかった。 とても歴史深い老舗の和菓子屋なのだと思う。伊達家に献上していたとか。 詳しいそこらへんの話は聞けなかったが、また是非とも来たい老舗の和菓子屋だった。 写真を沢山撮ったので写真参照。 第一にまず値段が安いこと。コスパも最強だった。普通に他で買えばもっと高かったと思う。 贈答用2箱と自分様に沢山買っても3千円弱。美味しくてコスパも最強な老舗店であった。 是非とも立ち寄ってもらいたい。 駐車場は2台くらいしか停められないのでいっそのこと、自転車か徒歩がオススメ!! 写真参照。 たぶん予約注文もできるかと。 発送もしてるっぽい。
January 2021. About 20 minutes on foot from the east exit of JR Minami-Sendai Station, you can see it in the direction of Nagamachi, aiming for Natori Bridge. At first glance, it is under the line of sight that is hard to see. "Anjuya" is a long-established Japanese sweets shop with a sense of Showa. It is a Japanese confectionery shop that I was always worried about every time I drove to Nagamachi. However, I find out that such anxiety was "sorrow." To thank my aunt, I thought "some Japanese sweets", so I entered the store. Before I bought it, a middle-aged man bought something from the store and went home, so I thought that this store is also a Japanese sweets shop loved by the locals! It ’s very small when you enter the store, The atmosphere and products were all warm. In the glass-enclosed showcase facing each other, there are handmade Daifuku, Kusa Mochi, Domyoji, Ichigo Daifuku, Fried Manju, Ichijiku Fried Manju, Suama, Imo and Kuri Manju. Purchased rice crackers and other sweets. I also sold handmade masks. There are various types. (See photo) My aunt also loves Japanese sweets, so I chose one for myself and one for gifts, asked her to put it in a box, and even wrapped it and gave me a plain celebration Noshi. At that time, he kindly and warmly served customers by saying, "Thank you so much." In addition, the two boxes that were wrapped and hung with Noshi were wrapped in transparent vinyl and wrapped. I didn't know if the aunt was the store manager or the wife, but she took care of me and said, "I think my aunt will be happy because it's freshly made." I was glad I bought it at "Anjuya", and as expected, my aunt also praised it as "soft and sweet and delicious". I was reminded that the impression I had was different from what I actually bought. The one I bought for myself was also very delicious. I think it's a long-established Japanese sweets shop with a very long history. It was presented to the Date clan. I couldn't hear the details about it, but it was a long-established Japanese sweets shop that I definitely want to visit again. I took a lot of pictures, so see the pictures. First of all, the price is cheap. Cospa was also the strongest. I think it would have been more expensive if I bought it elsewhere. Even if you buy two boxes for gifts and a lot for yourself, it costs less than 3,000 yen. It was a long-established store that was delicious and had the strongest cost performance. I definitely want you to stop by. Only about 2 cars can be parked in the parking lot, so we recommend cycling or walking! !! See photo. Maybe I can make a pre-order. It seems that it is also shipping.
ユミコ on Google

When I searched for a Japanese sweets shop near my house, I found this and visited it for the first time. I bought Daifuku, Strawberry Daifuku, and Kusa Mochi. The warm response of the shop staff is warm. I was even more impressed to eat it. When I put it in my mouth, the mochi was fluffy and soft, and the sweetness was modest and it was very delicious. It was a big Daifuku and Kusa Mochi, but I ate 3 of them. I'll go buy it again soon!
wヒロミ on Google

いつも作りたての和菓子が店頭に並んでいます。サイズは全体的に大きめですが、甘すぎないのでペロッといけちゃいます。 以前はパンもあって、特に食パンがフワフワで、毎日食べても飽きない味だったけど、今はお休みしてるようで残念です。 雰囲気も良く、お値段もリ-ズナブルで言う事無しのお店です。
Freshly made Japanese sweets are always lined up in stores. The size is large overall, but it's not too sweet, so it's easy to get along with. I used to have bread, especially the bread was fluffy, and I couldn't get tired of eating it every day, but I'm sorry that I'm taking a rest now. The atmosphere is good, the price is reasonable, and there is nothing to say.
Satomi Acefeel on Google

春を待つ季節 2022.1月 桜餅と道明寺 うぐいすもち 季節のお菓子は、やっぱり良い。安寿屋さんの春のお菓子を買い続け30年になるかな。地域に愛され 手土産としてどこに持って行っても 喜ばれる。大福と饅頭も大きくてぎっしり餡がつまってるから得した気分。餡 くどくないから もう一個 食べようとなります
Season waiting for spring 2022.1 Sakura Sakuramochi and Domyoji Uguisu Mochi Seasonal sweets are good after all. I wonder if it's been 30 years since I've been buying Anjuya's spring sweets. It is loved by the community and will be appreciated no matter where you take it as a souvenir. Daifuku and buns are also big and packed with red bean paste, so I feel like I got it. I'm not going to eat another one because it's not bean paste

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