
5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社福田設備

住所 :

Nakacho, Koganei, 〒184-0012 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89897
Webサイト : https://fukudasetubi.tokyo/
街 : Tokyo

Nakacho, Koganei, 〒184-0012 Tokyo,Japan
tsutomu ochi on Google

お願いしてから、すぐ、状況を見に来てくださって、見積り(価格、頑張ってくださいました。)、、給湯器発注から取り付けまでも迅速で、、翌日にはもうお湯が使えました。 有り難かったです(^-^) お人柄もとても良くて信頼度100%です(^-^)v
Immediately after asking, he came to see the situation, quoted (price, did his best), and it was quick from ordering to installing the water heater, and the hot water was already available the next day. Thank you (^-^) Personality is also very good and reliability is 100% (^-^) v
白石金沢 on Google

急な問い合わせにもかかわらず丁寧に対応していただき非常に助かりました。 福田さんのお人柄も良く、非常に好印象でした。 設備関係で困った時にはまたお願いしようと思っています。
It was very helpful for me to respond politely despite the sudden inquiry. Mr. Fukuda's personality was also good, and I was very impressed. I would like to ask again when I have a problem with the equipment.
masaaki yajima on Google

給湯器が突然壊れて年内の交換は無理だと思っていましたが 福田設備さんが迅速に対応して下さり、暖かく年末年始を過ごせます 作業はとても丁寧で、こちらにお願いしてよかったです また現在、国と都でポイント制度があるのを福田設備さんのHPで知り それを利用することが出来たのでその点でも感謝します
I thought it was impossible to replace this year because the water heater was suddenly broken Mr. Fukuda equipment will respond quickly and you can spend a warm year-end and New Year holidays The work was very polite and it was nice to ask here In addition, we know that there is a point system in the country and the capital now on Fukuda Equipment's website Thank you for using it
T F on Google

I was very troubled by the water heater failure at this time, but I was able to use hot water immediately with a quick response. I have a very good personality, and I would like to ask if something happens again. Thank you very much!
北神陽太 on Google

A local and reassuring trader who is not an agent often found on the Internet. When you call, the person who received it will come to the installation. Therefore, at about two-thirds the price of the major companies, they quickly responded to suspicions of sudden gas leaks. In addition, on the day of the event, the ventilation fan can be replaced to find a ventilation fan from a nearby contractor and install it. It is a company that has a long relationship with the community.
junko kawashima on Google

古い給湯器の突然の故障で、交換を依頼しました。 連絡した日は祭日でしたが、なるべく早くお湯が使えるようにと、段取りをしていただき、とてもありがたかったです。 給湯器選びから使用方法まで、わかりやすく良心的な説明で安心できました。 他の水回りのトラブルなどにも対応しているということでしたので、今後何かあればまたお願いしたいと思いました。
It was a sudden failure of the old water heater and I was asked to replace it. The day I contacted was a national holiday, but I was very grateful to arrange for the hot water to be available as soon as possible. I was relieved by easy-to-understand and conscientious explanations from the choice of the water heater to the usage. It also meant that we were responding to other water problems, so I wanted to ask again if there were anything in the future.
宮本能克 on Google

給湯器更新の相談からすぐに現地確認。 交換工事も迅速に実施いただきました。 オーナー様の人柄と技術に安心して工事をお任せできました。 ガス関係の他、水回りのトラブルにもご対応いただけるとのこと。何かありましたらまたお世話になろうと思います。
Check the site immediately after consulting the renewal of the water heater. The replacement work was also carried out quickly. We were able to entrust the construction with confidence in the owner's personality and technology. In addition to gas related problems, we are also able to deal with troubles around water. If something happens, I will take care of it again.
mitsueko on Google

今回給湯器や蛇口等の交換をお願いしました。 とても誠実で丁寧なお仕事ぶりに、福田社長のお人柄が表れていて、安心してお任せできました。 価格も良心的でセールストークはなく、男手のない家なのでいろいろ質問してしまいましたが、親切に分かりやすく教えていただきました。 また子供の関係で時間の制約がある中、予定より早く仕上げていただき大変助かりました。 ネットでいろいろな業者さんを探しましたが、福田社長にお願いして本当に良かったです! これからもまたお世話になると思いますが、よろしくお願いします♪
I asked you to replace the water heater and faucet this time. The personality of President Fukuda was revealed in his very sincere and polite work, and I was able to leave it to him with confidence. The price is reasonable, there is no sales talk, and since it is a house without men, I asked a lot of questions, but he kindly taught me in an easy-to-understand manner. Also, due to my child's time constraints, it was very helpful to finish it earlier than planned. I searched for various vendors on the net, but it was really good to ask President Fukuda! I hope you will continue to take care of me, but thank you ♪

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