神奈川労働局 厚木労働基準監督署

1.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 神奈川労働局 厚木労働基準監督署

住所 :

Nakacho, Atsugi, 〒243-0018 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://jsite.mhlw.go.jp/kanagawa-roudoukyoku/news_topics/kantokusho_oshirase/atsugi/map.html
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Nakacho, Atsugi, 〒243-0018 Kanagawa,Japan
R spencer on Google

やる気があるのか疑問? 指導する気がないならただの税金の無駄遣いなんじゃないですか?
Wondering if there is motivation? If I do not feel like teaching, is not it just a waste of taxes?
M A on Google

A female employee named Kanaya, the response to the phone is extremely rude and very unpleasant. While calling on the case of occupational accidents, if you talk in depth, you will miss if you do not know the circumstances. Are you playful? I want to talk to my boss because I plan to visit later. Anyway, it ’s a ridiculous insane person.
AeroLord on Google

残業代未払いの相談をしたら、会社に請求してください。と一点張り。 困ってるから相談したのにこれじゃあ意味がない。電話代を返して。
If you have a consultation about unpaid overtime, please request it from the company. And one point. I consulted because I was in trouble, but this is meaningless. Return the phone bill.
ぼくドラえもんです on Google

It was closed when I went according to the listed business hours. Change the notation. Incompetent.
sami abdureyim on Google

It's completely useless, and there's no point in going to the consultation. Waste of tax
マルプーそら on Google

友達も自身も未払いや勝手にお金を引きだされた相談を、したら何も役に立たない、動かない 全くやる気なし。 税金の無駄 本当に強気で行かないと動かない
If my friends and myself consult with us about unpaid or withdrawn money, nothing will be useful or will not work. No motivation at all. Waste of tax It doesn't work unless you go really bullish
0131 lee on Google

会社側がパワハラ認めたので労災の書類に関して聞きに行ったら高圧的で、パワハラ認めても労災が認定されるかは別などと言われました。 手続きに関してもこちらは初めてのことでこちらは何もわからないのにちゃんと教えてくれず、めんどくさそうにされました。辛い思いをして行ってるのになぜそのような対応をされなきゃいけないのでしょうか? 親身になって話し聞いてくれたりするもんだと思ってましたがクチコミが低評価な理由がよくわかりました。
Since the company admitted power harassment, when I went to ask about the documents of the industrial accident, it was overwhelming, and even if I admitted the power harassment, it was said that it was different whether the industrial accident was certified. As for the procedure, this was the first time for me, and although I didn't understand anything, he didn't tell me properly, which made me feel annoyed. Why do I have to deal with such a situation when I am having a hard time? I thought that they would talk to me in a friendly manner, but I understood the reason why the reviews were low.
masa masa on Google

I used to get rid of a lot of power harassment here. When I consulted with the union, there were quite a few people like me and I was urged to give up. After that, I was disappointed, met power harassment at another company, applied for an industrial accident, was threatened using past medical records, and was rejected. I wouldn't have had such a medical record if I could deal with power harassment, but I'm very surprised that I will continue to do this forever.

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