
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact サンリラクゼーション厚木店

住所 :

Nakacho, Atsugi, 〒243-0018 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : http://sunrelax.biz/shop/atsugi
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Nakacho, Atsugi, 〒243-0018 Kanagawa,Japan
Yoko shida on Google

友人に勧められたので伺いました。 立ち仕事なので、足の疲れとむくみが取れず太くなってしまったのが気になっていました。 アロマ美脚コースをお願いしたのですが、施術後は本当にスッキリして見た目にも少しサイズダウンして嬉しかったです。店員さんによると、やはりむくみで太くなってしまっていたとのことでした。 定期的にリンパを流してあげればむくみ太りを解消できるそうなので、時間を見つけてまた来たいと思います。オイルがとても良い香りなのも良かったです。
I asked because my friend recommended me. Because I was standing, I was worried that my feet got tired and swollen and I got fat. I asked for an aroma beautiful leg course, but after the treatment I was really happy that I was really refreshed and slightly downsized. According to the store clerk, it was still swollen and fat. It seems that if you periodically drain the lymph, you can eliminate the swelling. It was good that the oil had a very good scent.
齊藤裕子 on Google

The person in charge for many years has been transferred and changed to the current male store manager after handover. I thought the surgery was great. However, I personally have more serious weight changes than I had two years ago, and I have awareness when I increase. At that time, during treatment, "Did you gain weight? Please measure your weight." It is also heard by other customers. After that, I was told the same contents several times. It is not a private room where you can talk about personal illness during the procedure. I showed an attitude of refusing several times. Still, I said "Please exercise" in February, so it was the last time. It is not a hospital but relaxation. It is usually uncomfortable for men to point out the figure of a woman. Since February this year, people have been reluctant to meet people and have gone out. The treatment is great, so please make it a shop that can be "relaxed".
鎌倉在住 on Google

薄暗い雰囲気とアロマの香りで落ち着きある店内。接客も丁寧で癒やされます 通い続けたいのでどこか駐車場と提携してもらえるとうれしい。
The interior is calm with a dim atmosphere and aroma. The customer service is also polite and healed. I want to keep going, so I'd be happy if you could partner with a parking lot somewhere.
みは on Google

I didn't have much time and decided to take a 45-minute course, but it loosened the hardest back. Next time, I would like to ask for a course of 60 minutes or more.
Chuuichi Kaneko on Google

初めてボディケアにうかがいました。 全身の力がすっと抜けていくような気持ちよさと、 コリが少しずつ和らいでいく感覚が本当に気持ちよくて寝てしまいそうになりました。 心と体どちらのリフレッシュにもなり大変満足です! 和の雰囲気と薄灯なのが落ち着けました。 細道のビル内にあるのでちょっと見落としそうになりましたがまた行きたい。
I visited body care for the first time. It feels like the power of the whole body is released. The feeling that the stiffness gradually eased was really comfortable and I almost fell asleep. It refreshes both my mind and body and I am very satisfied! The Japanese atmosphere and the light lights settled down. It's in a narrow road building, so I almost overlooked it, but I want to go there again.
A S on Google

It will change a lot just by having them do it for 15 minutes. It feels much looser than sitting on a massage machine. After all, it is most effective to have people massage and loosen just the right amount of force.
Takeo Ueda on Google

きもちよく揉みほぐされて体はスッキリ、落ち着いた雰囲気と温かみのある対応に心もリラックス。 評判通りのお店でした。 これならリピーターになるのも頷けます。純粋に気持ちよかったから肩凝り感じてない時でも行ってしまいたくなりますねー。
The body is refreshed and the body is refreshed, and the calm atmosphere and warm response relaxes the mind. It was a shop according to the reputation. No wonder it's a repeater. It was purely comfortable, so I want to go even when I don't feel stiff shoulders.
fuka Shouji on Google

安定して施術が上手。エステティシャンの方が前行った時と違う人でも差を感じる事はほとんどありません。安定して気持ちいいです。 個人的に通える程度の料金設定なのも助かります。少ない時間でも十分すっきりする感覚は味わえるので。
Stable and good at treatment. Even if the beautician is different from the one he went to before, he hardly feels a difference. It's stable and comfortable. It is also helpful to set the price so that you can go personally. You can enjoy a refreshing feeling even in a short time.

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