3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


Ekimae Dori, Utsunomiya, 〒321-0964 Tochigi,Japan
mai mai on Google

ほぼ全席個室のお店。料理は和と洋があり、1品料理がメイン。 連れがチーズフォンデュを食べてる横でエイヒレをつまむという、好みが全く違う二人でも楽しめるメニュー構成。 串ものは無し。ただ、基本は抑えたラインナップになっており個人的にはとても良かった。(家からも近いし) 飲み物もなんかオシャレ。チーズフォンデュがオススメらしいが、見た目の華やかさや味も良い。 価格もそこまで高くはないので、また機会があれば来たいと思う店でした。
A shop with almost all private rooms. There are Japanese and Western dishes, and the main dish is 1 dish. A menu configuration where two people with completely different tastes can enjoy it, with their companions eating cheese fondue and pinching ei fins. No skewers. However, the basics were a suppressed lineup and it was very good for me personally. (It's close to my house) Drinks are also fashionable. Cheese fondue seems to be recommended, but it also has a gorgeous appearance and taste. The price isn't too high, so I wanted to come again if I had the opportunity.
居酒屋ラバー on Google

コースで利用しました!味も量も大満足です。バックリブ 山いもふわとろ 生ハム包みあげ最高においしかったです
I used it in the course! I am very satisfied with the taste and quantity. Back rib Yamaimo fluffy ham wrapped up was delicious
とちのきファミリー on Google

完全個室で空気清浄機も結構あり 安心して食事することができました 料理もおいしかったです
It was a completely private room and there were quite a few air purifiers, so I was able to eat with confidence. The food was delicious
Nory Sato on Google

It is a completely private room where you can talk secretly and is ideal for small parties. Not only is it delicious, but the food that shines is also nice!
ゆみママ on Google

ママ友と利用しました。 2階の掘りごたつの席に案内されましたが、狭くて暗い! 他の方も書いてるように通路の足音も気になります。 メニュー数は多いですが、味もそれなり。 アルバイトさんのミスも目立ちます。 あまりゆっくりできる感じではないです。
I used it with my mom friend. I was guided to the digging seat on the 2nd floor, but it was narrow and dark! As others have written, I'm also worried about the footsteps of the aisle. There are many menus, but the taste is also reasonable. Part-time job mistakes are also noticeable. I don't feel like I can do it very slowly.
きりきゃん on Google

ハッキリ言ってマイナス5✩✩✩✩✩ 料理やお酒が全然価格に見合わない!先ずお酒は薄い。注文時に濃くして下さいと言うと良いらしいと、他のレビューに書いてあったけど、タッチパネル式だからいちいち言うの面倒くさい。料理はサーモンカルパッチョと肉ボナーラを頼んだけど、正直残飯かと思った。カルパッチョは普通放射線状に切り身とか置くけど、ペラいサーモンが十字に4切れほど乗ってあるだけで、野菜はスライス玉ねぎと水菜?がチョロッとあるだけ。 肉ボナーラは2人前からの注文で2000円以上もするのに、これまたペラいローストビーフが数切れ。 配膳された時、『え、食いかけ?』と思うくらいの低レベルさ。 写真とは俄然違うクオリティ!アイキャッチにも程がある。 証拠の写真を撮ってやりたかったけど、あまりのガッカリさに写メる気力さえ失われた。 ホットペッパーでわざわざ予約して、ポイント貯まってるから使ったけど、会計時に反映してくれないし、¥4030の会計で¥5000払ったらお釣りが¥70!???? え、違うくない?って旦那の指摘。お釣り¥900も間違えるって、あり得なくない???? レジがないからテーブルチェックなのだろうと、会計を頼んでも、『1階で会計になります。』と言われ、レシートを渡された。入り口で待ってたけど、他の来客もあり、ワチャワチャしていて流れが悪い。 わざわざ1階の入り口で会計する意味ある? 普通にテーブルチェックで済ませた方が、俄然スムーズ。 臨時収入でたから、せっかく旦那に奢ろうと思って選んだ店だけど、外れも外れ!大ハズレ!! レビュー良いのもあるらしいけど、サクラ雇ってるんか?って思っちゃったw こんなにもお店に対してガッカリしたのは久しぶり。あからさまな私の態度に、旦那は終始大笑いしてたから、そこは良かった。 味はイイょ。味だけね。
To be clear, minus 5 ✩✩✩✩✩ Food and liquor are not worth the price at all! First of all, liquor is thin. It was written in other reviews that it would be good to make it darker when ordering, but it is troublesome to say it one by one because it is a touch panel type. I ordered salmon carpaccio and meat bonara for cooking, but honestly I thought it was leftover food. Carpaccio is usually placed in a radial pattern, but there are only about 4 slices of salmon on a cross, and the vegetables are sliced ​​onions and mizuna. Meat Bonara costs more than 2000 yen when ordered from 2 servings, but there are also a few pieces of roast beef. When it was served, it was so low that I thought, "Oh, I'm about to eat?" The quality is completely different from the one in the photo! I wanted to take a picture of the evidence, but I was so disappointed that I lost the energy to take it. I made a reservation with Hot Pepper and used it because I have accumulated points, but it does not reflect at the time of accounting, and if I pay ¥ 5000 at the accounting of ¥ 4030, the change will be ¥ 70! ??? ? Eh, isn't it different? My husband pointed out. Isn't it impossible to make a mistake in changing ¥ 900? ??? Even if I asked for accounting, I thought that it was a table check because there was no cash register, but I said, "It will be accounting on the first floor. I was given a receipt. I was waiting at the entrance, but there were other visitors, and it was messy and the flow was bad. Does it make sense to pay at the entrance on the 1st floor? It's much smoother to just check the table normally. It was a temporary income, so I chose this shop because I wanted to give it to my husband, but I missed it! There seems to be a good review, but I wondered if I was hiring Sakura? It's been a while since I was so disappointed with the store. It was good because my husband was laughing all the time at my outright attitude. The taste is good. Only the taste.
みわ on Google

I went there for the first time. Smoking was possible in a private room and the food was delicious ? The seasoning was a little strong. I'm grateful that the sake is free and can be served in a strong flavor.
水原恭亮 on Google

誕生日のお祝いに少し奮発して予約しました。外から見て綺麗な店内だったので、彼女も喜んでくれると思いました。 実際は量の少ないサラダ、薄いローストビーフ、小さなピザ、何もかもが台無しでした。サプライズ的なことをしてくれましたが、店員さんのイヤイヤ感が感じられて幻滅。ちなみにケーキはボソボソでした。 料金は料理やサービスに対して高かったです。もう二度と行きたくないです。 最後に彼女にゴメンと謝って、2件目の店に行きました。
I made a reservation for my birthday celebration. The interior was beautiful from the outside, so I thought she would be happy. In fact, a small amount of salad, thin roast beef, a small pizza, everything was ruined. He did something like a surprise, but I was disillusioned with the unpleasant feeling of the clerk. By the way, the cake was messy. The price was high for food and service. I don't want to go again. Finally, I apologized to her and went to the second store.

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