
2.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 北沢医院

住所 :

Nagisa, Matsumoto, 〒390-0841 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–12:30PM
Thursday 9AM–12:30PM
Friday 9AM–12:30PM
街 : Nagano

Nagisa, Matsumoto, 〒390-0841 Nagano,Japan
Ma on Google

湯本修 on Google

湯本修 on Google

I was consulted for the first time, but I was kind and listened to the story and was a very good teacher
にゃんこにゃあ on Google

バリアフリーの作りで靴のままで受診できる。健康診断の料金が安い❗駐車場?️完備(ただでおける)なかなかよかった‼️ 車椅子はちょっとキツイかも…
It is barrier-free, so you can consult with your shoes. The price of the medical checkup is cheap❗Parking lot?️Complete (free) ️ Wheelchairs may be a bit tough ...
tomo on Google

申し訳ありませんが、お勧めはできない医院です。 39度の熱発のため、手持ちの座薬で様子を見るのか、抗生物質など検討7日も含め、医院へ電話相談したら一度来院することを勧められて受診。 受付から診察までの時間、およそ3時間。 休日当番医でもあり待合密集につき感染リスクを考慮して車待機していたが明らかに待合で待っている患者優先に診察順が過ぎていき、やむを得ず待合待機で順番待ちとしました。(予約システムはないはずなのに後から入ってきた人が先に帰って行く現状) 終いには39度の熱発で来院したが、医師診察もハッキリせず、こちらから依頼しなければ薬の処方なし、経過観察で済まされるところでした。 また同時進行の診療録入力に時間がかかる上に有りもしない症状まで記載されそうになりました。 ご年配の医師なだけで、子供にとって悪い印象はないので星1つとさせていただきました。 医院への要望としては、このCOVID-19流行を考慮した感染リスクの軽減を加味した診察待ち対応(車待機での電話連絡)、予約システム、受付順の徹底(少なくとももう少しまともな予測待ち時間の提示)、医師業務の手伝いなど願いたい。
I'm sorry, but I can't recommend this clinic. Because of the fever of 39 degrees, I was advised to visit the clinic once after calling the clinic, including 7 days to consider whether to see the situation with my suppository or antibiotics. The time from reception to consultation is about 3 hours. He was also a doctor on duty on holidays and was waiting in the car in consideration of the risk of infection due to the crowded waiting, but apparently the order of examination passed to the patient who was waiting in the waiting, so he was forced to wait in the waiting waiting. (The current situation is that people who come in later return first even though there should be no reservation system) At the end, I came to the hospital with a fever of 39 degrees, but the doctor's examination was not clear, and if I did not request from here, I would have to follow up without prescribing medicine. In addition, it takes time to input medical records at the same time, and it is about to be described even if there are no symptoms. I'm just an elderly doctor, and I don't have a bad impression on my children, so I gave it one star. Requests to the clinic include waiting for a medical examination (telephone contact while waiting for a car), reservation system, and thorough reception order (at least a little more decent predicted waiting time), considering the reduction of infection risk in consideration of this COVID-19 epidemic. (Presentation), please help with the doctor's work.
松本市民 on Google

先生の対応悪いです。 壁には新聞の切り抜きがたくさん貼ってあり、自分の考えを主張する変わった人なのかなと言う印象でしたが、やっぱり自分の目線でしか考える事が出来ないひとでした。 行かない方がいいです。
The teacher's response is bad. There were a lot of newspaper clippings on the wall, and I had the impression that he was a strange person who asserted his thoughts, but after all he was a person who could only think from his own perspective. You had better not go.
s f on Google

発達障害の子どもと私に向かって『この子はダメだ、もう来ないでね』と言われました。 子どものインフルエンザのワクチン接種の為に来院。 ワクチンが行きつけの病院に在庫がなかった為、近所ではなかったのですが、電話で在庫を調べて行きました。 子どもには発達障害があり、ヘルプマークを付けて行ったのですが、診察室に入ると少しパニックになってしまいました。 小児科と言う事もあり、そういった子どもにも配慮がある先生だといいな、、と少し期待していたのですが、終始かなり冷たい対応。 注射の際は子どもに言い聞かせながら迷惑を掛けない様に体をガッシリ掴んでいました。 大人でも痛くて嫌な注射を頑張ったのに頑張ったね。の一言もなく 最後に先生は『この子はダメだ、もう来ないでね』と言ってきました。 この子はダメって、普通小児科の医師が言いますか? 子どもがパニックになってスムーズに行えなくて迷惑を掛けてしまったけれど、そんな事私たちに言いますか。 本当にショックでした。 この事は一生忘れません。 どの病院にもインフルエンザのワクチンの在庫がないのにこの病院には余っていた理由がわかりました。 この書き込みは真実です。
A child with developmental disabilities and I were told, "This child is no good, don't come anymore." Visited for influenza vaccination of children. I wasn't in the neighborhood because the vaccine wasn't in stock at my hospital, but I checked the stock over the phone. My child had a developmental disability, so I put a help mark on it, but when I entered the examination room, I got a little panicked. Since it is a pediatrics department, I was hoping that the teacher would be considerate of such children, but the response was quite cold from beginning to end. At the time of injection, I grabbed my body tightly so as not to bother while telling the child. Even adults did their best even though they did their best to make an unpleasant injection. Without a word Finally, the teacher said, "This child is no good, don't come anymore." Does this kid usually say no to a pediatrician? My child panicked and couldn't do it smoothly, which caused annoyance. Do you tell us that? I was really shocked. I will never forget this. I found out why there was a surplus in this hospital even though no hospital had a flu vaccine in stock. This writing is true.
やま on Google

土曜日コロナワクチンで伺いました。 受付窓口の方はこちらから、声をかけないと無言で 無愛想。冷たい印象です。 先生は優しく感じの良い先生です!! 駐車場は広く利用しやすいです。
I visited with the corona vaccine on Saturday. If you are at the reception desk, please do not speak to us. Unfriendly. It's a cold impression. The teacher is a kind and pleasant teacher! !! The parking lot is large and easy to use.

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