らぱん あじーる 長吉長原店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

洋菓子のLapin agile らぱん あじーる 大阪 - Lapinagile.info


洋菓子のLapin agile らぱん あじーる 大阪 - Lapinagile.info

らぱんあじーる 〒547-0016 大阪市平野区長吉長原1-4-5 TEL:06-6704-8807営業時間:AM9:30-PM7:00定休日 : 第3火曜日

© Lapin Agile

Contact らぱん あじーる 長吉長原店

住所 :

Nagayoshi Nagahara, Hirano Ward, 〒547-0016 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87887
Webサイト : http://lapinagile.info/
街 : Osaka

Nagayoshi Nagahara, Hirano Ward, 〒547-0016 Osaka,Japan
ART NO WATAGE絵画教室 on Google

Very fashionable and cute shop ✨ The apple pie in the shape of an apple looks cute and nice ?
まーくん on Google

I have purchased it several times, but I personally think that the taste is not proportional to the price. I'm also worried that I don't have much amiability.
k. mam on Google

子供の誕生日ケーキを注文。 前日の昼過ぎの注文でしたが快く受けてくれました。 お店へ行ってキャラクターのケーキもやっている事を知り(1週間前の注文が必要)1ヶ月後に子供が大好きなアンパンマンのケーキをお願いしました⭐︎ ケーキは甘過ぎずちょうどよくとても美味しかったです!お誕生日や特別な時、お土産を持って行く時はこちらのお店を利用しようと思います!
Order a child's birthday cake. It was an order after noon the day before, but he was happy to accept it. I went to the store and learned that I was also making character cakes (ordering one week in advance is required). One month later, I asked for Anpanman's cake, which my child loves. The cake wasn't too sweet and was just right and very delicious! I will use this shop for birthdays, special occasions, and when I bring souvenirs!
猛虎!デュトロ on Google

I was refused to make a birthday cake reservation because I had only made a Christmas cake reservation. I buy it every year, but I never buy it again. The unfriendly part-time job is also angry.
やんやん on Google

初めて利用させて頂きました(*^^*) 駐車場はお店の裏にあります(2箇所) ショートケーキを頂きました! 生クリームが美味しい~♡また、利用します♡
I used it for the first time (* ^^ *) There are parking lots behind the shop (2 places) I got a shortcake! Fresh cream is delicious ~ ♡ I will use it again ♡
野田義雄 on Google

久しぶりに来店しました。 長吉長原に有る長吉総合病院の有る交差点から中央環状線方面に向かって2つ目の四つ角を左折して、50メートル位の左側にお店があります。) 本日施設のヘルパーさんのお誕生日なので誕生日ケーキ買いました。 お店から少し離れた場所に駐車場も有ってゆっくりケーキ等、購入出来ますよ。 全体的に色彩豊かなケーキが多い印象のお店です。 甘さ控え目で、是非ともお勧めのお店です。(全体に小ぶりのケーキなので、女性の方でも、ぺろっと食べれますよ。) 店内、ケーキ、お店の外観などの写真アップしておきますので、来店、購入の参考にして頂けたら幸いです。
I came to the store after a long time. From the intersection with Nagayoshi General Hospital in Nagayoshi Nagahara, turn left at the second four corners toward the Central Circular Route, and the shop is on the left side about 50 meters. ) I bought a birthday cake because it was the birthday of the helper at the facility today. There is a parking lot a little away from the shop, so you can buy cakes etc. slowly. It is a shop with an impression that there are many colorful cakes as a whole. The sweetness is modest and it is definitely recommended. (Since it is a small cake as a whole, even women can eat it.) I will upload photos of the inside of the store, cakes, and the exterior of the store, so I hope you can use it as a reference when visiting and purchasing.
Tsuzu M on Google

家族の誕生日ケーキは、毎年予約して購入します。 たまに他店のケーキを食べますが、しつこいので、ここのが甘すぎず、クリームもスポンジもふわふわなので、ぺろっと食べれます。 味は、まちがいないです。
Family birthday cakes are booked and purchased every year. I sometimes eat cakes from other stores, but because they are persistent, they are not too sweet, and the cream and sponge are fluffy, so I can eat them all. The taste is definitely.
mon jigemon on Google

子供のイベントで近くの公民館に行った帰りに発見! 店構えはとってもオシャレ、美味しそうです… いやぁ、しかしどんなケーキでも大好きっ子の子供が二人とも全然美味しくないって口揃えて言ったのには笑えました。スポンジと生クリームがなんせ美味しく無くて...スーパーで買った方がマシと言う感想に落ち着きました。まぁ、ケーキ屋巡りが趣味の一つの家族のあくまで記録用私見ですので悪しからず。
Discovered on the way home from a nearby community center at a children's event! The store is very fashionable and looks delicious ... No, but it was funny to say that both of the kids who love any cake aren't delicious at all. The sponge and whipped cream weren't delicious at all ... I felt that it was better to buy it at the supermarket. Well, going around the cake shop is just a personal opinion for the record of one of my family's hobbies, so don't be afraid.

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