
3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ラトーナ石窯工房長津田店

住所 :

Nagatsutaminamidai, Midori Ward, Yokohama, 〒226-0018 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://www.mamanlatona.jp/shop/shop002.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Nagatsutaminamidai, Midori Ward, Yokohama, 〒226-0018 Kanagawa,Japan
TM on Google

I bought Camembert cheese bread, bread with long sausages wrapped in French bread dough, and dried fruit baguettes. All the breads were crispy outside, and the inside was fluffy and very delicious. The price was not so high, and if you could buy bread of this quality, I thought that cospa was very good.
Noel Sobukawa on Google

昼間でも フードコートほど混まないので ゆったりと 食べる事が出来ます イートインスペースは 外が見え 開放感があり 隣の席との距離 消毒など 感染対策もしっかりしています
It's not as crowded as the food court even in the daytime, so you can eat comfortably. The eat-in space has a feeling of openness where you can see the outside, and the distance to the next seat is well-equipped with infection countermeasures such as disinfection.
美雪miyuki on Google

プライスもお安くフランスパン最高に美味しい 小麦の味がグッド(^o^)
The price is cheap and the French bread is the best The taste of wheat is good (^ o ^)
がちょあべ on Google

I think that one coin will fill your stomach in the daytime if you are an ordinary person. Is it butter on the outside and potato salad, ham and cheese on the inside? The branch that is in it? Maybe it's worth a try. You can eat the bread you bought as it is, so it feels good.
金子久美 on Google

When I go to Apita, I get close to it, but although there are many items, it is narrow, and when there are many people, it seems that they will hit each other when they pass each other.
山岸洋子 on Google

毎回違うものを買いますがどのパンも美味しいです!ハズレ無し!と感動していたら ありあけのハーバーと同じ会社だったんですね、納得!! 定番は白い田舎パンにクリームチーズとラズベリーが入ったパンがもう中毒になるくらい美味しいです!
I buy different things every time, but every bread is delicious! No loss! If you were impressed It was the same company as Ariake Harbor, I'm convinced! !! The standard is white country bread with cream cheese and raspberries so delicious that you'll be addicted to it!
Ci Hi on Google

買い物中に焼きたてが出てくるのでつい余計に買ってしまいます ハード系からやさしめまでいろいろあって使い勝手の良いお店です
Freshly baked products come out during shopping, so I just buy more. It is an easy-to-use shop with various items from hardware to gentleness.
Nachiketa Bairagi on Google

I have been living in Nagatsuta House last 2.5 years. Really nice place for students and convenient as two shopping mall is very close.

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