ブーランジェリー ニコ

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ブーランジェリー ニコ

住所 :

Nagatsutacho, Midori Ward, Yokohama, 〒226-0026 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87988
Webサイト : http://www.boulangerie-niko.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–6PM
Sunday 8AM–6PM
Monday 8AM–6PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 8AM–6PM
Thursday 8AM–6PM
Friday 8AM–6PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Nagatsutacho, Midori Ward, Yokohama, 〒226-0026 Kanagawa,Japan
しらたまゆき子 on Google

まずパンの生地が美味しい? 外の生地に合わせた具材、 どれもこだわっていて バランスがとても良かったです。 ついついたくさん買ってしまいましたが どれも美味しかったです!
First of all, the bread dough is delicious ? Ingredients that match the outside fabric, I'm particular about everything The balance was very good. I just bought a lot They are all delicious!
玉露 on Google

かなり色んな惣菜パンがあります。あまりの多さに目移りしちゃう。 好みのパンを探す楽しみがあります。お値段は少しだけ高い印象。 店内にはカエルの置物がいっぱいありますよ。駐車場有。
There are quite a variety of side dish breads. I'm overwhelmed by too much. I have fun finding my favorite bread. Impression that the price is a little high. There are many frog figurines in the store. There is a parking lot.
yamamoto GSX1100S on Google

5月10日、青葉区のボラさん宅に向かう途中、国道246号から長津田駅に向かう裏道で見つけたパン屋さん。初めて伺いました。 何度も通ったことのある道ですが、気付かなかったのは、以前お蕎麦屋さんだったからだ。 道路に面して駐車場も6台あるね。 看板から内装品に、ふんだんにカエルが飾られております。いいねぇ?(=^ェ^=)? テレビで紹介されてたの?知らなかったです!(^_^;) 四角いカレーグラタン、風味の良いナッツたっぷりのレザン、手作りカスタードクリームが美味しいクリームパン!\(^o^)/ 鈴カステラみたいな丸いキャラメルクリーム。 またまた美味しいお店と出逢いましたぞ。 今度行ったら、クリームパン大人買いしちゃおう!\(^o^)/ お買い上げ500円毎にスタンプ1個、20個貯まると500円引きになるポイントカード貰って帰りました。(=^ェ^=)
On May 10th, on the way to Bora's house in Aoba Ward, I found a bakery on the back road from National Highway 246 to Nagatsuta Station. I visited for the first time. It's a road I've taken many times, but I didn't notice it because I used to be a soba restaurant. There are 6 parking lots facing the road. Frogs are abundantly displayed from the signboard to the interior. Good ? (= ^ e ^ =) ? Was it introduced on TV? I didn't know! (^ _ ^;) A delicious cream bun with square curry gratin, savory nutty Lezan, and handmade custard cream! \ (^ O ^) / Round caramel cream like bell castella. I met a delicious restaurant again. Next time, let's buy a cream bun adult! \ (^ O ^) / I got a point card that gives me a 500 yen discount when I collect 1 stamp and 20 for every 500 yen I purchase. (= ^ E ^ =)
Yuki M on Google

The side dish bread is very delicious. There are also natural yeast bread and British bread. I am grateful that there are few bakeries nearby. A discount coupon (20%) was issued when the app was installed. Stamps can also be stored in the app. It is convenient because you do not need to bring a card. However, it is a pity that only cash can be used. There is a parking lot so you can shop slowly.
りこるぬ on Google

食事パンには、あまり力を入れていないのが残念でしたが、力を入れてるだけあって、惣菜パンはバラエティ豊かなイメージでした。 パン生地の味には、特別なインパクトはないのですが、カタチは四角かったり、丸かったり、可愛かったかな? パンは小ぶりな割に、割高感は否めませんでしたが、見た目のインパクト狙ってがんばってる感はあったので、お店にバラエティさを求めている方向きだと思いました。
It was a pity that I didn't put much effort into the bread, but I did so much, and the side dish bread was a variety-rich image. There is no special impact on the taste of bread dough, but was the shape square, round, or cute? Although the bread is small, I couldn't deny that it was expensive, but I felt that I was trying hard to aim for the impact of the appearance, so I thought that it was for those who were looking for variety in the store.

たまたま通った道に気になるパン屋さんがあったので気軽な気持ちで入店。長津田駅からだとかなり歩きますが、駐車場も店前に3~5台分ありますので人が少ない時間帯ならクルマでも行けます。 パッと見だとお蕎麦屋さん?と思うような店構えですが店内はしっかりとパン屋さんでした。夕方の時間帯でしたので品物も売り切れ気味でしたが、それなりに美味しそうなパンを購入できました。 お店のウリでカレーグラタンパンもそれなりに美味しかったですが、個人的には鯖サンドがとても美味しかったです。 ただ… 値段が高い分ハードルが上がるのも事実な訳で気持ちもう少し価格が安いと良いと思います。
I happened to find a bakery on the road, so I entered the store with a casual feeling. You can walk a lot from Nagatsuta station, but there are 3 to 5 parking lots in front of the store, so you can go by car if there are few people. At first glance, is it a soba restaurant? The store is set up like I think, but the inside was a bakery. Since it was the evening time, the items were sold out, but I was able to buy some delicious bread. The curry gratin bread was delicious as it was at the restaurant, but personally, the mackerel sandwich was very delicious. However… It is a fact that the higher the price, the higher the hurdle, so I think it would be nice if the price was a little cheaper.
AKO SAIKI on Google

ここ唯一の蕎麦屋だったよね?パン屋になったのか。推しの看板みて入店。木曜日の11時半。先客ナシでゆっくり選べてよかった。 ほうれん草のキッシュ、キャラメルボール、ショコラフレンチ、カレーグラタンパン 美味しそうなオリジナル多くてよい。 看板になってるカレーグラタンパン、美味しいじゃないか!何個でも食べたくなる!
It was the only soba restaurant here, right? Did you become a bakery? Enter the store after seeing the signboard. Thursday at 11:30. I'm glad I could choose slowly without the previous customer. Spinach quiche, caramel balls, chocolate french, curry gratin bread There may be many originals that look delicious. The curry gratin bread that is the signboard is delicious! I want to eat as many as I want!
eri shige on Google

【趣のある店構えと名物パン】 古民家風の建物に、入口には蛙の置物。引戸を開けて中へ入ると木造家屋の香り。 パン屋さんにしては珍しい店構えが趣のあるこちらのお店。祝日夕方の訪問で品数は少なくなっていたものの、惣菜パンを中心に選ぶのに迷うくらい種類はありました! 一番のお目当てだった名物カレーグラタンパン(205円)も運良くゲット。ベースがキューブ型のシンプルなパン生地で、パンシチューのような仕上がり。上にかけられたクリーミーなベシャメルソースがカレーフィリングと絡み合い、惣菜パンというよりもはや一品料理! ビジュアルにそそられて購入したたこ焼きパン(205円)は、まさにパンでたこ焼きを再現していて、味はたこ焼きそのもの。ありそうであまりない⁉︎ユニークな商品です♪ そして、カルピスバター使用とのことで惹かれたあんバターコッペ(194円)。おいしいこと間違いなしの組み合わせですが、カルピスバターの優しい甘さと口溶けが良い仕事をしていて、ワンランク上のあんバターを堪能できました。(eri)
[A quaint storefront and specialty bread] An old folk house-style building with a frog figurine at the entrance. When you open the sliding door and go inside, you can smell the scent of a wooden house. This shop has a tasteful atmosphere that is unusual for a bakery. Although the number of items was small due to the visit on the evening of the holiday, there were so many kinds that I was at a loss to choose mainly the side dish bread! Fortunately, I also got the famous curry gratin bread (205 yen) that I was looking for most. A simple cube-shaped bread dough with a base that looks like a bread stew. The creamy bechamel sauce on top is entwined with the curry filling, making it a dish rather than a side dish! The takoyaki bread (205 yen) that I bought visually intrigued is exactly the reproduction of takoyaki with bread, and the taste is the takoyaki itself. It's unlikely ⁉︎ It's a unique product ♪ And the An butter coppe (194 yen) that I was attracted to because it used carpis butter. It's definitely a delicious combination, but the gentle sweetness of carpis butter and the good melting in the mouth did a good job, and I was able to enjoy a higher-grade bean paste. (Eri)

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